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 Now you will find Katerina within the school, and not in the city at the beginning of the game. 



Temjin TJ

When does this take place? In what version I mean?


How do we get Sophie after she heals for a couple days? All she ever does is suck my dick. i even went through her side quest with the lube, but nothing ever happened...


*Sigh*...23 days of fucking the same 4 people over and over. i want Sasha before I run off to Kyo...If...I am guessing Sahsa is not fuckable yet? I tried...I really tried, but if i am not getting anywhere and going around and around then this game is not for me. I tried...I am out...


The story of Sophie has not been developed because not the public does not vote for it as a priority. The voting can be seen below. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/first-voting-8789638">https://www.patreon.com/posts/first-voting-8789638</a>


Leocid2: are you planning on making a working Mac version and, if so, what is your ETA? Today is the first statement by you that the game will not run on a Mac even though you've previously posted links for Mac users.


Course you could of waited a couple of months and checked in once in awhile


Of course I do work for Mac, the Renpy runs on Mac games, is one of the reasons why I am moving the game to Renpy.