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Some of you guys know that my NSFW account on twitter has been suspended...

And I was thinking of reposting everything here on Patreon, and the censored versions on my new Twitter... BUT the non-censored versions were already around on my previous account and Everybody have already seen it... which makes no sens...

After a few days of thinking, I decided to change the way I'll deal with it. I'll be reposting my OLD art on here, twitter(AND furaffinity), so I have different back ups.

But all the new art incoming will have exclusive content for Patreon. (maybe a comics incoming :3)



I support this. I'm glad to be a patreon as back owed pay for the goods in the past as well as future work


I can't wait to see what you have coming. I loved your A&A comics you posted on DeviantArt. Really looking forward to the future!


So, I don't think you necessarily need to keep new content completely exclusive to Patreon. like it's a certainly a perk you can pursue, but to me I think 'early access' works better and draws more eyeballs than exclusivity. So that is, everything gets posted here first and then after like 4 weeks (or up to a year? lot of folks do it differently) you post them elsewhere (FA, Twitter, etc) Though since you're doing multiple versions, you could do both too, everything gets posted here, early, then after a month you post the dicks out version, while the cummy versions stay exclusive. There's a few different ways to do it, but to me early access is a happy medium, fans can support you and see everything while the folks that can't pay still get to see the content eventually -and- posting stuff regularly to your other sites is still advertising for Patreon and encourages newer folks to come here to see everything early.

P Ros

This is very exciting news 🥰


Def would love to refind the old stuff if you brought it back to patreon too 👏🏽👏🏽


Coucou. Je te découvre avec ce Patreon et ton histoire de compte ferme sur Twitter. J’ai trouvé quelques artwork sur insta et j’adore ton style. Je pense que le contenu exclusif Patreon est une bonne chose et ne pas tout mettre sur Twitter ou autres plateformes. Peut être que le contenu NSFW devrait rester exclusif ici et le reste SFW. Je serai ravi de retrouver tes anciennes créations sur Patreon pour te découvrir encore plus 😁👍🥰


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