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Sooo... You might have noticed that the post layout of this Patreon page has changed a little recently...

The total number of posts were getting a bit out of hand, and it has become especially daunting for new patrons, so I decided to implement a new system, where individual video posts that are older than approx. 6-8 weeks will be moved/consolidated into single aggregator posts based on the TV channel they belong to.

So basically there will be a dedicated aggregator post for each TV channel (CE, RAW, SMASH, etc.), and all the videos that belong to that particular channel will be listed in that post.

New video content published from now on will still receive their own posts upon premiering for a limited time of 6-8 weeks, so new stuff will still be highlighted, but after that time is up, those post will be deleted, and their content will be moved to their respective channel's aggregator post.

This way I managed to cut down the number of individual post from 100+ to just around 20 or so.

To emphasize, no actual downloadable content was removed, you still have access to the exact same files as before, I was just re-arranging posts to make things more easier to digest.

Take care,



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