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I've learned a lot while developing the last version of the TV mod, and I finally decided to start working on something that has been on my mind for quite some time, but I never felt confident in my modding abilities to do it... Collectibles.

First of all... all this is an incredibly WORK-IN-PROGRESS, like an alpha release... But I'm desperate for some feedback to decide which way to steer the whole thing, so let's dive in...

Okay, the collectible figurine concept is basically like Gachapon from Snowy Escape.
You buy a box from the online shop, that contains a random figurine of varying rarity.

At present there are only one "kind" of figurines are available - the "Green Series" - which are just normal "vanilla" figurines; but I want to expand to more sets, like a "Red Series" - which would contain lewd figurines (in their lingerie/topless), and a "Gold Series" - which would be full on nudes/explicit poses.

What is done so far: 

  • The shop interface (accessible from the computer) is operational, you can buy boxes there, which get transferred into your sim's inventory, where you can open them.
  • The figurines are split up to three rarities (Common/Uncommon/Rare) with different drop rates - sims with a "collector" trait are more likely to find rarer figurines at an increased rate.
  • There's also a minor "playful" buff for opening boxes.
  • Apart from selling them straight from your inventory, you can also get rid of unwanted duplicate figurines by listing them on the Plopsy auction site (requires Nifty Knitting Stuff DLC)
  • There's an improved shop front-end for retail store owners, where you can straight up buy all the figurines, then you can sell them in your shop. (This menu only shows up on-site, you can not use it from home)

What feedback I'm looking for:

  • How the gameplay loop could be improved?...
    At present it's pretty bare-bones, as you can just buy a bunch of boxes, open them, and have everything fairly quickly and easily, so I feel it's kinda lacking. Maybe the acquirement of boxes could be made harder or tied to some kind of progression.
  • Rewards for collecting...
    What reward should you receive for collecting some/all the figurines from a given set?
    A trait? Skill Improvment? Some unlockable item/clothes?
  • Other possible kind of collectibles...
    I think trading cards would be also cool to have - especially if I can even make them playable. But I'm open to other kinds of suggestions as well.
  • Anything else in general...
    If you have any other improvement ideas, please let me know. :D

There's one thing you shouldn't ask for :D ...
Integration with the in-game "Household collection" manager... I've looked into it, and as per the usual "modder friendly" practice, Maxis decided to hardcode the whole thing,.. like, properly! No easy injections are possible.
I could maybe (and it's a big maybe) hack into it, and it would be a nice feature, but it would get broken constantly every time there's a new update + would probably introduce some compatibility issues as well, so I think I'll pass on that.

This is very WORK IN PROGRESS! While it shouldn't cause any problems, try it at your own risk.
(Maybe make a copy of one of your saves, and give it a try there).

And while I'm waiting for you guys to chime in I go and make a new video...
after all that's what you're here for :D

Take care,

PS: If you have a favourite CE character that you'd like to see in a figurine form, let me know. (who & at what pose)


  • 2022-FEB-12: Fixed missing Livedrag functionality on all objects.



The store is already a great thing. Besides more characters from your movies and the SimPlay magazines, you could offer posters or the cookbook of Steph the Chef. It would also be nice to have sexy costumes from the movies that you could buy and wear there. (From the inventory to wear, which are not visible in CAS on normal way). Oh, and Steph the Chef, Wonder Lady and Jessica Wilde are still missing :D -- Maybe you could also make compatibility with AEP (Ksuihuh)? There you often get presents from fans and it would be great if you then get one of these boxes sometimes ;)


Have two more suggestions: - Higher resolution of the box, otherwise looks a bit unsightly when it stands unboxed on the shelf. - There are these "Household Collections" in Sims 4. Maybe you could add the figures there? With a sexy badge when you have a collection complete?