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I've finished 1080p AI upscaling two more MP4s, they are available now for download:

While these didn't turn out as good as Mayzie Grobe did, they still look much better then their original 720p counterparts.

And now, lets get into the titular topic of "Going Full George Lucas"...

When I first started making videos I had no concept really of what this whole CinErotique thing should be about, I was just making videos without any planning or care really, and it kind of shows... and after watching and re-watching the 5 remaining early videos (Tomb Raider, Pirates, X-Files Ep.1 + Ep.2 and Friends Ep.1), I have to say, I'm really not happy with how they look... They contain too many technical mistakes, not to mention all the questionable camera angles/animations I've used (like where you can see dongs poking through bellies, etc).
I think that in the case of these 5 videos, a simple upscale won't do much, it would be like slapping a sparkly Hello Kitty sticker onto a piece of turd, sure it would look marginally better, but it would still be a piece of turd. 

So instead of a simple remaster, I will go and full on REMAKE these videos. 

But don't worry, music and story wise they will still stay the same, I will just make them "prettier" and more "up-to-date". :D

I have no exact release schedule planned yet for these upcoming REMAKES... but probably will release them one (or two) per month, so it won't get into the way of brand new content.

Thanks for reading and take care,

PS: header image is only for laughs and giggles - obviously :D




Honestly spoken. The average viewer doesn't care about some glitches here and there. I know as a creator you always look for perfection (which doesn't exist) but not really sure if it is worth the hassle to completely redo the first videos. One question tho...Are the upscaled videos only MP4 or also for ingame use?


1. To answer the question first: These upscale remasters are only for the MP4 versions, the ingame files don't really benefit from being in such high resolutions/framerate, so those stayed the same. 2. Completely redoing videos are actually not as much of a hassle as you'd think, as I can use existing sets/sims/music/scripts, all of which when done from scratch can take up a lot of time to make (about 50% of the whole process I would say)

Stuart Dollar

Just as long as you don't enter gratuitous footage of Greedo shooting first.