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Hello My Lovelies,

Just a quick update. I got back home from "purgatory" yesterday, and I'm currently working on a new Casting Couch episode, so you can expect that in a day or so.

Thanks for sticking around,


True AI

I'm not going anywhere! Welcome back! 🤗


Your return is beneficial. I have a bug on the TV, I don't know if it's from the last update of the sims or a link with the Cinerotique mod but I have the same movie which is broadcast on all the TV channels, and that also counts for Cinerotique, Cineraw and Cine ... er ... the third ... Reality?


Yay...welcome back.


Could you please describe your problem in as much detail as possible. Like: what is the "same" video that is playing on all 3 channels? is it one of mine? or something else? what game version are you on? (I've tested the mod with base game ver.1.68.154, and everything seems to be working fine). Also, do you have any other tv mods installed? if yes, which one(s)?