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Sorry this one took so long .For some reason, Photoshop was adding fireflies to the scene that weren't in the actual render. I ultimately had to remove them manually.




Glad to see these two back. I wonder when they'll become hucows. Also, I hope I can catch up before too long into this finale. I've jumped around a bit, but in terms of actually reading the captions, I just finished part 3. Wish me luck. And good luck to you and your computer too.


I'm going back through all my old stories and I'm going to try and bring back as many characters as I can, as hucows.


That. Sounds. AWESOME! There's so many to possibly include. Claire, the flight attendant, Hana, Agatha, Aimee, Harley, the original #68, maybe some from Kari's story or other series. They'd all look beautiful mooing with big fat udders, and they'd all love it. Good luck to you. Also, you can get around to it, or if you don't already have one I just can't find, I'd love a conclusion to the "To Catch a Thief" volume. Harley's journey to becoming a full hucow, and how and what Happened when Dr. Mertens finally encountered Catwoman. Yours is the best hucow smut I've ever seen.