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I've made an update to the Tier 2 Rewards. Tier 2 and 3 fans now have convenient access to complete stories in PDF form.



Where can I find the "commercial work" you mention in tier 3?


I haven't made any commercial work yet because I keep giving it away for free. When I first attempted it I quickly saw that my talent and computer were not up to my vision. I really feared the work being rejected for not being good enough. I feel a lot more confident in my ability and have improved my computer. I have a sci-fi trilogy project I want to do commercially called Ronin. My goal is to finish at least the first one in 2020. I will need to wrap up some of the stories in the pipeline to free up time. The days of me doing 2 - 3 free stories at a time are coming to a close. This next period of 3 free stories will be the last.