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Hi There. So yes, this took me a while.

I've done a lot of dev work to make things more dynamic but that's probably nothing you'll notice - it'll help me to add new content and it's also the base for a new story.

So anyway, things you'll notice are:

* some minor image changes

*  you can now activate some hints in the setup, that will guide you through all the pitfalls

* achievements with new images added

* a new lock code (sorry for that)

* a new story path (unready)

Personally, I like how the achievements came out. The game hints are really just some small text notifications that could have been better but I don't want to waste too much time for that.

The new story path was an idea I got some weeks ago. It'll extend the game a bit, maybe like a chapter for itself with some new TF pics too. I had to add this cos I felt the "good" path would have been too short.

Also please expect bugs in this version and tell me about it - I'll fix things ASAP. It's late already and I promised to publish this version today, so please try to be patient.

The game is about 300MB, so the web version will take some time to load.

Offline versions can be found here:


Lock code @Discord: https://discord.com/channels/347845199067611149/1177160070954483722


The Donk Date


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