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Last page for the prologue!



Sam Kaiser

All these pages within a few days? You spoil us! (Not that I'm complaining...) these have all looked amazing and I can't wait to see what the fate holds for our dear prince

Finn Dixon

Twist! Charming and Flynn?!?!? <3<3<3


It couldn't be helped, Patreon left me with just a few days to redo all the monthly stuff that everyone has already paid, and everything already done and in the process was invalidated so... It's being a busy end of month, not gonna lie lol.


And that is only the prologue :3 I remember I met your work with an orgy of Disney princes


So Charming is literally his name lol ( I never watched the sequels). I admire you bouncing back given the circustances but aren't you bit worried getting hit with copyright strike from Disney down the line as well?