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As many of you have noticed, all DC content is gone. I have been threatened with legal action by DC comics through Patreon, which means I had to delete all the stuff. It's a complicated matter and from now on, DC content will disappear from this platform.

For the rest of this month, I will make new content and a different comic project to compensate for the prior deleted stuff, and worthy alternative content planned for the foreseeable future. This is a setback for me, but I'd like you to know that your support is essential to help me make my content, both on Patreon as elsewhere.

So let's try to be positive!

Love you all 😊



Alright, who squealed.


Oh man I'm gonna miss this. But thank you for letting us know. Would've loved to see those stories get finished though. Best wishes with everything going forward. Excited to see whats next for your platform


Do Marvel.


I understand you brother! You always have my support, you are the best of the best, we love you! 😢😢😭😭💔💔♥️♥️❤️❤️💕💕


Make your own superheroes dude, complete creative freedom and I would absolutely buy physical copies.

Finn Dixon

I second creating your own heroes.


That is truly unfortunate 😔😞 I was looking forward to the next storylines

Joe Adams

Aw man - I loved them - you are crazy talented and they were... well. Great attitude in this post though :) look forward to seeing more of whatever you do next!


wow - huge blow. Bighugs

Jader Art

Animos!!! Buenas vibras y para adelante que aquí estaremos para apoyarte! ❤️


What will happen to your unfinished Batboys and your other works. Are you gonna send us a link for all of them?


Well from my side I will keep my membership for your account. I think all your other comics are as good as your DC-Comics. I am excited about the new content. But I would like to know, what happens with the rest of the SuperSons-Comic. It didn´t end, so will you post it on twitter or did they forbid you that too? Would be a shame, but still I will stay.

Phoenix Monroe

What if you continued the stories you have to completion by publishing them to gumroad as a pack and then provide the patrons who would qualify for that tier a code to download the pack on gumroad?

Gustavo Aviles

Three words: Public Domain Characters. You can do anything r weird them. There’s a database of them online that includes ripoffs of Batman and Superman.


You got to be kidding me... i wont support this page anymore now because that is solely i came here for to support it


I work in filmproduction and sadly it is not that simple with copyright. The only way for him to keep posting these DC-comics would be, to post it on twitter or any other website for free, because then he doesn´t get paid for it. Giving us a link wouldn´t change anything, because then we would still pay to get the content.


Considering I can name drop artists employed in the company that are also breaking copyright laws but get away scott free cause they're part of the clique they're not gonna see another penny from me after this. This was personal and I got your back

David Strong

Can we purchase them privately?

Star Angel

Oh, no! They can't do that to you. It's not fair. It's not like you're owning DC comics. Your comics are just fictional & you never mean harm to anything. I'm very pissed at them for their legal shit! I'm always supporting you & I LOVE your own DC comics you can draw for me as long as I paid you in different content very privately! You're still my best favorite erotic artist & I'll protect your successful business! I'm very sorry they gave you a hard time. Sometimes things are so unfair. Be strong & hope for right to win!


They're just mad you do their own characters better


I’ll support u no matter what, I came here for your amazing art not the characters that u draw. I’m looking forward to your next projects XD 🖤🖤


That's messed up like it basically comic version of fanfic like you came up with the idea and have said its not canon and you dont own any characters

Star Angel

Please don't give up on your BatBoys & Supersons comics. Keep working continuing their chapters & updates. I will pay you for always every month. I'm your biggest fan & I won't let you down ever. I draw my own comics, too, but I don't create my Patreon cuz I'm still worrying about other people who's getting mad or jealously disturbed at us. Now they are threatening you & other artists. These fucking bastards. They can't do that & we have our rights but DC comic people are a huge company & we are just small independents, we easily get screwed over. Maybe we will have to just create our own super characters & then make sure that DC doesn't steal ours! Remember I'm always here on your side & help you anytime.


They're probably mad that he's making money, the art is on fire oh and the characters actually sound like themselves while they had to fire a third of it's stuff last year and they are still being outsold by the mutant books.


Wtf really DC or should I say Warner/ATT?? While Synder cut was a hit it didn't magically heal away the general disgruntlement STILL amongst the fanbase..do they really wanna pull this- especially NOW of all times? Doing a Disney/Nintendo/Lucasfilm move has NEVER gone well for companies🤦‍♂️...well regardless you'll still have my support Phausto. The situation for better or worse, presents you the opportunity to cut down on projects 😅👍


WOw this is rough!!! hang in there!


Maybe you could make some OC's with short dark brown hairstyles and capes?


Aw no that absolutely sucks, Batboys was one of the hottest series I've read 🙁 Well no matter what you do I'm a big fan regardless!


It's really sad, SuperSons is stopped before the climax :( Hope you will bounce of this situation!

Gustavo Aviles

As a content creator, It’s important to understand your rights, so contact CBLDF or Heroes Initiative for legal advise. Media companies are fine with fan art like this as long as the artist is not receiving compensation for it. Private Commissions by pros and amateurs are tolerated because the artist is only being compensated once. if the art makes it on the web there’s no further expectation of payment that would infringe on the companies rights.

Pirata Avarus

That’s sucks! I’m so sorry they did this to you. But don’t despair. Your massive talent is gonna shine through no matter what!


That’s super sad. Hopefully you’ll be able to bounce back from it all. I’m sorry that happened


We're with you Phausto!


Oh no! Does this mean you won't be creating any more DC content or just not on Patreon? If so where else should we go for this content?

Gustavo Aviles

Likely no one. Media Corps have whole teams of young lawyers who scourer the web and serve take down notices. Disney is a good example of this.


Move to a different platform or some other direct paying service. I love your content and will pay you directly for it. Screw patreon and Warner Brothers. I hope you at least finish your current works. Be safe and thanks for your gorgeous art. I'm going to keep on donating.


I would prefer to leave patreon and give you donations directly in some way. Can't stand it when these platforms interfere with content creators like this.


Seconded. Love all the comics and would even pay extra for a printed copy if possible


So no more Superboy content??? We’re not gonna see these comics continue?? I’m hurt


I am deeply shocked. All my support in this complicated period. I am sure you will bounce back and continue to amaze us with your work.


Would you be able to switch to marvel? Or post the rest of the Dc comics for free to avoid any legal consequences?


Bro Fuck DC. I hope we will still be able to see DC content on Twitter or somewhere else but I can't wait to see were you take us next


No! That sucks. But as others have said, make sure you're taking care of yourself and if you don't feel safe doing it, we'll follow you on your next trip. But, if at some point down the line you do feel safe sharing artwork on other platforms, please inform us here on Patreon where and how we can access what you're releasing.


i am so sorry to you. i seriously in love with your artwork. your artworks are top tier. i hope you can find other solution and we still can support you. i know this is NSFW but you're really gifted with talent. i hope atleast we can see ending of supersons with other platforms. if it is not. i hope you can get someting better. ♥️♥️♥️♥️


We got your back Phausto 💯


What's gonna happen to the current comics???👀

Kouga Kenageko

Well, it is pretty obvious that someone at DC is frightened of your art because it is at a level that can be mistaken for official. On the one hand, it is better than their story pages and consistency at the very least on the level of their cover pages and on the other hand, there are minors with their pants down.


That is sad.Your atr is so great.May be they are just afraid of your awsome atr.Anyway i will cnotinue support you.


That proved that your work is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good and they really felt like their IP being threatened. Sending you lots of love and wish you all the best! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


I mean, I can indeed produce Marvel in here. I will keep drawing DC, but in other ways outside Patreon.


This definitely can't be over here, I love my stories too much for that :)


Well I do the best I can. But definitely anything related to "minors" was the cause. I know for a fact that Patreon itself checked my full page a couple of weeks ago and they didn't report a single issue with minors. They're sensitive as heck about that, so no, that wasn't the reason.


Oh no. Hope everything goes okay.


Kinda somewhat new but loved your DC Comics !! N also u should try Marvel or maybe even sum Anime like Naruto n Boruto i think think those will hit most definitely but keep working n shining Phausto ❤️‼️


That does stink, like the others your art threatens DC because it is so good. Looking forward to the next journey. Thank you so much for the journey you have taken us on with regards to Batman and Superman what wonderful story lines.


So true what others are saying about the "threat" to DC being that your artwork is so brilliant - such an incredible quality! I think morphing the DC characters into generic superheroes of your own imagination and design - the hotness really does come from your amazing artwork and the interplay between the hypermasculine, huge older superheroes mentoring the lithe, young, ripped apprentices as they jockey for position, flirt and compete for each other's affection and lust and the interest of their daddies! Thanks so much Phausto for all your work! Please keep some version of superhero comics going - just make them your own, you certainly have incredible talent and artistry to do just that!


If I may say, isn't your work protected under parody law? Given that each of your characters are sex fiends I believe that makes them a legal parody of the original DC works which makes them protected. Keep in mind I'm not a lawyer and at most I've taken a few Business law university classes, but it might be something wroth looking into. As ever, I love your work, you are crazy talented!


Aww man, that sucks. I mean...I'm not shocked since 'gaps, monetized fanart of our characters'. Sadly the sue happy USA never learned from their Japanese counterparts that the people that pay for fanart are usually paying for the original art as well. Not to mention the entire reason I started reading DC again was accidentally stumbling across the JayTim fandom, then seeing Batboys, and subsequently deciding I needed to find out more about Tim Drake. *eyes her Red Robin Ikemen statue, then the entire run of Red Robin* I might have become a tad obsessed* Hopefully you'll be able to find another platform where you can preserve the old art and possibly continue the comics. I was really getting into Gotham Academy and looking forward to Tim meeting his 'brothers'.


Yes that is what I thought. Pretty sure that is how Robot Chicken get away with their show.


Well how about that as a variant to your forbidden fanart stories... Set you stories in San Fransisco. There is Charles Smith, a succesful artist who is into paragliding, base-jumping and martial arts. He lives with his farmboy nephews Collin and John, who lost their parents in a car accident. And there is a successful stock broker Brad Blackwater, who made a fortune after investing his family's wealth (which is rumored coming from a legacy of pirates and filibusters - I loved the Watchman detail of pirate comics instead of superhero comics, so there's a reference!). Mr. Blackwater supports an orphanage with some of his money, and is also a martial artist, with an affinity to nightly parcour activities. He has some protegees from the orphanage - Rick Gibson, who is now working as a detective in the S.F.P.D., and Jay Thompson, who is a streetworker. Dick and Jay are an open couple and meet with some friends - like some members of Dick's college triathlon team "Frisco Titans" (with Gary Adams, a great swimmer, or Walt Webster, who was the best runner on the team), or Ron Harker, an orphan buddy of Jay. Add the intelligent Tom Redwood, who is supporting Brad with stock trades, and Matt (I had the association of "Matt Damon" to the Damian name :D ), the son of Brads recently deceased sister Tina. Now, Charles and Brad met at the dojo of a martial art guru from the Far East, who goes by the moniker of Joe Johnson (you can probably guess who I mean), where you also can find some other hunks, like Andy Porter and Mitch Nightshade, a bartender and bouncer couple from a gay bar in S.F. If you like the idea, send me a message. I created these guys as supporting cast of a superhero RPG set in San Fransisco (with the intent of my players to recognise the references), but I would not mind if you use them for erotic fanart. And if you need additional characters, just write and I will gladly provide some more. Of course, you will lose some interesting ideas like kryptonian taste, but just replace that with farmboy upbringing - you know, fresh air, a healthy diet... XD


They were probably jealous your creations were so close and even better than the originals also very consistent in design. Your DC art was 🔥🔥🔥 what a shame DC couldn't appreciate a good artists selfish snobs 😑


You certainly took me on a journey, ironically enough Joe Johnson the only one I can't place, Martian Manhunter?


same. i am hurt too. i am waiting for so long to see batboys 3, superfamily orgy or the end of the damianxjon with their fathers. but this happened and we cant do anything about it.


It's a shame this happened to you, I love your DC content, but for my part I will continue to support you here on patreon, thanks to you my boyfriend is interested in the world of comics, he was disheartened when he found out that kontim is not canon. But that is another story, Your art rivals that of jorge jimenez or travis moore, It makes me more incredible that it was DC and not Disney and you can start making stories with marvel ThorxStarlord StevexBucky WadexPeter BillyxTeddy or an orgy of mutants


Is there any way you can finish super sons or is this project going to remain uncompleted?


Sorry to hear they’re being so much of a pain, they would do well to notice your talent, your work is better than many comics going around these days. I’m still glad to have joined your Patreon and look forward to all you put forward. The Witcher comic is looking amazing.


Hilarious they do this then turn a bunch of the characters Bi, me thinks they saw an opening you’d noticed first