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Hi everyone, the links for the respective comic tiers have been sent. You will find them in your inbox, please check and download before July 10. Any problem you may have just contact me 😃

This July 2, pledgers of 10 and 20$ tiers will receive linearts/full color pages for:

-Dimensional soldiers G chapter 2 last four pages (end of the chapter).

-Extra comic page five.

-New mini comic page one.

-Previous June pages.

I hope you enjoy them!




Oh Suyin was pissed!!! But at the same time he went into problem solving mode which I guess could be considered a stage of denial but IdC I love his loyalty to his friend & it makes me ship them even more. Also I love his relationship with Daniel I ship them too so I’m all over the place good thing we know they’ll all fuck eventually so whatever. I got the impression he (Suyin) does not care for or trust Taylor which is gonna be intriguing to see how that’s navigated, so excited for Kyle & Brandon to have more of a role in the next chapter I love that they all seem to have rapport with one another! This is gonna be fun that’s my main takeaway I also do not trust Taylor I don’t think he’s evil or anything but I do think he’s hiding something.


I had the same reading of Suyin’s reaction as well lol him being there to immediately uplift Jason and put his goals back on track is so great, they banter, but are there for each other. Their platonic camaraderie is everything.


Anyone got the link? Normally I get it, but can’t find it on my messages.