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Monkey Business Part 6


Melanie Brown
Copyright © 2023

“Hey, Colin. What’s up?”

Standing on my front porch, Colin said in a serious tone, “I just wanted to check up on you. See how you were doing.”

I shook my head and chuckled at him. “You could have just called. We got home yesterday afternoon.”

Stepping through the front door, he said, “I wanted to see you too.”

After he’d walked past me, I smirked, “Why don’t you come in?” I sat down on our couch, and he took a seat next to me. What the hell?

He picked up my hand, and I snatched it away. “I was just so worried when you had that crash. I overheard the doctors tell your parents that if Nick hadn’t broken your fall, you could have had a serious head injury or even died!

I nodded. “I guess I owe him. I feel bad about cracking his ribs.”

Colin grimaced. “Yeah, Nick took a beating. You cracked his ribs, his bike landed on him and broke his leg, and his bike is a total loss. I think Doug wants to sell him one of his old bikes.”

“That’s cool,” I said. “Everyone thinks Doug is some jerk, but he’s actually a pretty decent guy.”

Giving me a curious look, Colin asked, “Do you like him?”

Shrugging, I said, “He’s okay. It’s not like we’re buds or anything.”

Seriously, Colin said, “You know he has a girlfriend, right?”

I nodded. “I’ve met her.” What the hell is up with this guy?

Colin placed his hand on my leg. “Well, everyone is glad you didn’t die.”

I frowned at Colin. “I’m glad I didn’t disappoint anyone by dying. And will you please stop?” I picked his hand up from my leg.

Colin looked sheepish. “Sorry.”

Wanting to change the subject, I said, “Any chance I can borrow your 250 again this coming weekend?”

Colin looked at me as if I was from Mars. “You want to race again after that horrendous accident? No. I don’t think so. I can’t risk it.”

Scowling, I asked, “Risk what? Dude, you’re not risking anything. I thought I’d try out my new leathers. I pick them up on Wednesday.”

Colin stared at the floor. “I like you too much, Randi. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

I shook my head at him. “Dude! I’m not going to get hurt!”

Anger flashed across Colin’s face. “Girl, you broke your arm racing BMX. You’re just too delicate for racing!”

I jumped up, feeling royally pissed. “That was a freak accident, and I’m not a girl! What’s wrong with you?”

Colin asked, “Are you so sure? Randi, you’re beautiful and so feminine.” Colin stood up and rubbed his chin. “You know. I’ve already been shaving a while.  You never have. Your face is just as smooth and pretty as ever.”

Growing more angry, I demanded, “Are you spying on me? How would you know if I shave or not?”

He sighed. “Well, I probably should be going. I’m so glad you’re not hurt, and I guess I’ll see you Wednesday morning.”

Feeling confused, I asked, “What happens Wednesday?”

Colin asked, “Don’t you remember? Mr. Adams wants you to come to the studio Wednesday for some modeling. He asked me to pick you up. He’s hired me to model too. Some clothing store is advertising back-to-school fashions or something. Anyway. I’ll pick you up at eight-thirty.  See ya.” He turned and left the house. This is really insane.

I turned and almost jumped out of my skin. Mom was standing in the living room and startled me. I don’t know how I didn’t notice.

Mom smiled at me. “You are very pretty.”

*  *  *

It was as if we were going on a date or something. Right at eight thirty-one and a half, Colin rings our doorbell. Mom answers the door, and he asks if I’m ready. Mom comes to my room, cracks open the door and tells me Colin is here for me.

Frowning, I said, “I heard the doorbell, Mom. It’s not going to be anyone else. I’ll be there in a second.”

Mom smiled. “Don’t keep him waiting.”

A few minutes later, I walked out into the living room. Colin stood and smiled at me. “Hey Randi. Are you ready?”

I shrugged. “As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.” Knowing I’d be modeling girls' clothes, the night before, I’d shaved everywhere, not that I really needed to. Colin was right. I’m not growing facial hair yet. My Aunt Zelda can grow a heftier beard than me.

Colin grinned as he scanned around the living room. “You sure got a lot of flowers.”

I chuckled. “Yeah. Crazy, huh? I don’t even know half the folks that sent them.”

Colin nodded. “You had a lot of people worried.”

I shook my head. “That’s crazy. You know how many flowers Nick got?” Colin shook his head. “One small vase. And that was from the hospital.”

Colin shrugged. “A lot of people are unhappy with him that he put you in danger.”

I frowned. “It wasn’t his fault.”

Colin nodded. “Maybe. But hey. Let’s go.”

As we headed for the door, Mom said, “You two kids have fun. And don’t stay out too late.”

I looked at Mom. “Did you forget to take your meds again, Mom?”

*  *  *

Opening the passenger door to Colin’s pickup, I said, “I have a license, you know. I really don’t need a lift.”

Colin chuckled. “I know. But Mr. Adams wanted us to arrive at the same time. He also thinks I’m the more responsible driver.”

The truck had that definite “old” smell. I didn’t want to say anything. I asked, “Why would he think that?”

As he started the engine, he laughed. “It’s because I’m male. That’s what he said.”

I frowned. “I’m male too.”

“He doesn’t believe you.”

“Besides. Just being male doesn’t make you a more responsible driver!” I exclaimed.

Colin laughed. “That’s what a girl would say.”

I shook my head. “That’s what a normal person would say.  Sheesh. And I’m not a girl.”

Colin just grinned the rest of the way across town to Spencer Adam’s photography studio,

I pointed out the window at a traffic light we just passed.  “Hey, Mr. Responsible. That was a red light you just sailed through.”

Colin shrugged. “It was yellow.”

“It was not!” I exclaimed.

Colin looked over at me and laughed. “I say it was. And I’m the man.”

I sucked in a deep breath. “If you weren’t driving, I’d strangle you.” He laughed.

After a few minutes of stony silence, we arrived at the studio. As we walked across the street to the studio, Colin tried to take my hand. I pulled my hand away from him.

“Hello, you two!” called out Spencer Adams as he greeted us at the door. “You’re here early. That’s good.” He shook both our hands. I couldn’t help but notice Spencer gave Colin an almost bone-crushing grip, and for me, he just gripped my fingers. Kinda weird, but at least my hand wasn’t in pain.

Suddenly animated, Mr. Adams touched my arm. He said, “First things first, my dear. He led me over to a plastic clothing bag draped over an office chair. “Here are your new racing leathers. I think you’ll find these far more comfortable than your others. They’re ventilated. And I think have a far more feminine appearance.”

I hefted the bag. It was heavier than I thought it would be. “Mr. Adams. Thank you, but honestly, you didn’t have to buy this for me. I mean seriously.”

Smiling broadly, he said, “You’re more than welcome, young lady. Since you started riding with Nick, attendance at the track has gone up.”

Feeling appalled, I said, “You’re joking, right?”

Spencer chuckled. “Oh no. People are always asking ‘Where’s that pink girl?’ So even if you’re not racing, you should come out to the track.”

Colin said dourly, “I think racing has gotten a bit too dangerous for her.”

Spencer laughed. “Nonsense! Randi’s a strong girl.” He paused a moment. He said, “Okay, Randi. You know the drill. Go down the hall and see Suzie to fix your hair and make-up. After Suzie is done with Randi, Colin you’ll need to see her as well. I know you don’t like make-up, but for the pictures, everyone needs a little at least. The client will be here shortly to see how things are going.”

Terrific. I hate having to wear make-up. At least before, it was never more than just a touch.

Suzie smiled at me as I entered her small room. “Hey there, Randi! Are you ready for another photoshoot? Today, I’m going to do your make-up more what you’re used to, along with the other girls in school. Since you’ll be modeling back-to-school fashions, you’ll need to look more like you’re in high school. You’re still in high school, right? Anyway, you’re going to love your look.”

I smiled weakly. “Great.”

And she wasn’t kidding, either. This time I got the works. Foundation, blush, lip gloss, eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow. Everything. While Suzie worked on my face, another woman came in and did my nails. She applied a dark pink shade to my nails. When Suzie finished emasculating me, she held up a mirror.

“Okay, honey. What do you think?”

Holy shit! I was beautiful! I wanted to date myself.

I lightly touched my face to verify it was me. “That’s incredible.”

Suzie grinned. “Amazing what you can do with make-up. You were already gorgeous, but now every boy is just going to love you!” Terrific.

Colin appeared at the entrance to Suzie’s make-up room. He said, “Mr. Adams said you were ready for… oh my God! Randi? Holy shit! You’re gorgeous!”

Suzie grinned at me. “See?”

“Don’t get too excited, Colin,” I said. “It’s still just me.”

With a stunned expression, Colin said, “You’ve always been beautiful, but now… now… all I can say is wow.”

Still grinning at Colin’s admiration of her handiwork, Suzie said, “Okay, Randi. Head on back to the women’s dressing room. You’ll find ten outfits. Put on the first one and then go out to the studio.”

I nodded and looked down at the floor. “Yes, ma’am.” I wondered if I could make a run for it. Crap. No good. I rode in with Colin, so I don’t have my own transportation.

Just like Suzie said, there was a rack with ten really cute outfits. Skirts and dresses. Did I call them cute? I had to admit that a girl wearing these clothes would look very cute. And this morning, that girl would be me.

Lying on a chair was a bra and panty set in a pretty pink color. I guess I’m supposed to wear these under the outfits? The bra was the correct size for my non-existent boobs. There was a note that said I could keep the underwear. Although I was the only person in the room, I was suddenly horribly embarrassed by the briefs I had on with the skid mark. I pulled them off and tossed them in the trash. I put the panties on and found they were much more comfortable anyway. I frowned at how easy it was to hide my privates.

I briefly examined the bra. There’s no point in even wearing this. Then I thought that you would be able to see the straps through the clothes, and it’d be obvious if I didn’t have it on. I struggled with it for a minute before getting it on and in place. Even though I’m ‘flatter than a fritter’ as my grandmother would say, the bra was able to make me appear I had budding boobs.

As I picked up the first outfit, the door to the dressing room opened. I actually squealed as I tried to hide behind the outfit on the hanger.

Giggling, Suzie said, “Sorry. Didn’t mean to frighten you. Spencer needs you to hurry up.”

Shaking, I said, “I’ll be out in just a minute.”

I quickly put the top on and slid the skirt up. I wasn’t sure if I liked having my legs exposed. Somehow it felt different from shorts. There was a pair of tennis shoes along with some white ankle socks with pink trim. I only saw one pair of shoes, so I guess I used these for all ten outfits? It struck me as being ungirl-like to just have one pair of shoes.

After I was dressed, I took a deep breath and stepped towards the door. This wasn’t like wearing pink leathers that everyone used to mistake me as a girl. This time it was no mistake. I was presenting as a girl wearing a feminine top, a short skirt and make-up. Not to mention my shaped, dark pink nails.

I stepped out into the studio and heard Colin gasp. A woman, who I suspected was the client said, “You’re right, Mr. Adams. She’s perfect for this clothing line. She’s not only gorgeous but has that mix of girl-next-door and sexy.”

Spencer said, “Okay. Both of you kids look great. Stand on the green mat. We’ll add the background later. Colin take her hand. I need both of you to look at each other and smile. Great!” He then pointed at a cart with various items on it.

“I need you to hold hands again, but this time also hold a few schoolbooks. Just like that, Colin. Not like that, Randi. Hold them against your chest, like you do at school. Yeah. Perfect,” said Mr. Adams as he walked around us with his camera.

“Okay,” Mr. Adams said. “One last photo before we change outfits. Colin, I need you to stand straight, but look wistful. Randi. Stand next to Colin, but get on your tiptoes and kiss his cheek.” I sighed. I really did have to get on my tiptoes to kiss him. Thankfully, kissing on the lips was not allowed.

That was mostly how the morning went. We’d have pictures shot of us holding hands, or hugging or other school-like poses. We’d run back and forth to change clothes to change up our outfits. Both Colin and I giggled a lot. Maybe for some people, modeling is work. But we were having a blast.

Finally, a little past eleven o’clock, Mr. Adams called an end to the session. He was grinning when he said, “Okay, guys. That’s it for today. You two were wonderful. The fun and energy was infectious. I wish we could go on the rest of the afternoon.”

Laughing, I said, “Thank you, Mr. Adams.  I had a blast today. This was a lot of fun.” Discounting having to kiss Colin on the cheek, of course. And to be honest, I didn’t really mind that either.

Colin grinned. “I agree, Mr. Adams. I had an awesome time modeling. I really hope we can do this again soon.”

Spencer said, “You’ll be getting your wish soon. I’m working on a deal with another client. It’ll be for formal wear.”

Colin grinned. “I really want to see Randi in a Homecoming dress!”

Spencer said, “She’ll be gorgeous for sure. Before you go, check with Suzie to make sure she has your correct bank account and routing number so you can get paid. Also, Ms. Knox, whose clothes you’ve been modeling, has something to tell you.”

Smiling, Ms. Knox said, “Guys, I want to thank you so much for modeling my clothes. The energy and fun you had today, translates right into the photos, and I’m sure it will make these clothes big sellers. To show my appreciation, all the clothes you modeled today, are yours to take home.”

Colin leaned over and whispered, “Yeah, they can’t sell them as new after we’ve worn them.”

Suzie and her assistant carried several neat bundles of clothes and set them down on the tables in the room.

Looking disgusted, Suzie placed one bag on top of the others. “I suggest you take these boy clothes you were wearing and burn them. Girl, that tomboy look just doesn’t work for you. These clothes you modeled today really bring out your femininity. I’m serious.”

“Thanks, I think.” I looked at what was essentially a trash bag with my clothes in it and pointed at it. “Shouldn’t I change back into these?”

Suzie waved her hand dismissively. “Nah. Why bother? Just wear the outfit you’re currently wearing.”

Ms. Knox pointed and said, “You can keep that cute purse too. I just need the shoes back.” Since I had no pockets, I moved my wallet, phone and house keys to my new purse. My new purse. Did I ever think I’d ever say that? And it is cute.

Colin and I both thanked Ms. Knox for the clothes and for the chance to model. It was just after eleven-thirty when we started loading our treasures into the club cab of Colin’s truck. I, of course was embarrassed to be walking around outside in a skirt. It took me a moment to figure out how to climb up into his truck while wearing a skirt.

As he started his truck, Colin turned to look at me. “I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry. How about lunch?”

“You go,” I said frowning. “I’m wearing make-up, a skirt and I don’t have any money on me. Just take me home.”

Colin grinned at me. “You look great. And I’ll get your lunch. I don’t mind.”

I frowned at my shoes. “You and Nick are always paying my way. You don’t have to do that.”

Colin shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t mind. And I know a great place that I bet you’ve never been to. My dad and I go there a lot after dirt bike riding.”

I sighed and looked over at Colin. “I suppose it’s pointless to tell you no.”

Colin backed his truck into the street and grinned at me. “That is very true.”

*  *  *

Colin drove into the parking lot. There were more cars than I would have expected, but it was lunchtime. The place did look kinda seedy. Colin assured me that looks were deceiving. I guess I have firsthand experience on that.

It wasn’t until we parked that I really noticed the name of the place.

I shook my head and exclaimed, “There’s no way in hell I’m going in there!”

Colin looked at me curiously. “Why? What’s wrong?”

I laughed and said, “It’s actually called the Dew Drop Inn. That’s a joke, right?”

Shaking his head, Colin said, “Who cares? It doesn’t affect the taste of the food. Come on. Let’s go.”

I put my knees together and rotated in my seat so I could climb out without exposing myself. Our feet crunched on the gravel as we walked across the lot. There was a shout behind us.

“Colin! Hey!” We turned to see some guy waving, beckoning us to him.

“Shit. That’s Raul. I have to go talk to him,” Colin commented with a frown. “You just go on in and get us a table. I’ll be there in about five minutes.”

“You want me to go in there by myself?” I asked.

Colin frowned. “Yeah. It’s a normal thing to do.”

I exclaimed, “I’m dressed as a girl!”

Colin grinned. “And you’re gorgeous. Five minutes.” He walked away towards Raul.” Well that’s just perfect. Walking alone into a strange place alone wearing a miniskirt just doesn’t sound like a good idea.

I shrugged and started walking towards the door. Well, Colin did say that he and his dad have been to this place many times. I stopped and looked at my reflection in the glass door. I can’t deny I saw a very pretty girl reflected back. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

Upon entering, my senses were immediately assaulted by loud country music and the smell of food being cooked. I didn’t think Colin liked country music. You learn something new every day.

The place was fairly crowded. I was surprised that they had a small dance floor and several couples were dancing to the jukebox tunes. I scanned the room, looking for someplace to sit.

A waitress walked up to me, smiled and asked, “Are you looking for a table, hon?” I nodded, and she asked, “How many?”

I smiled back at her and said, “Two.” I was extremely self-conscious. Oddly, I was more embarrassed to be carrying a purse than I was for wearing a skirt.

Smiling back at me, the waitress said, “Follow me, hon.” She looked back at me and asked, “Expecting someone else to show?” No. I just like sitting at tables for two.

I nodded and smiled. I said, “Yes. He’ll be here in a minute.” Why did I feel the need to clarify my response?

The waitress smiled at me knowingly and brought me to an empty table, set for two next to several pool tables. Terrific. I hope the pool tables aren’t going to be that noisy.  She asked, “Is this okay, hon?”

I didn’t really like it, but I said, “Yes. This is fine.” I looked around and was appalled to see almost every man in the restaurant staring at me. I fought back an urge to run.

The waitress said, “Menus are on the table. Someone will be around to take your order after your date gets here.” She turned and walked away.

My date? Date? No no no. He’s just my friend. I didn’t say anything because I knew she wouldn’t believe me anyway.

Keeping my knees primly together, I sat at the table, putting my purse on the tabletop. I folded my arms on top of the table and tried to relax. The pool table nearest me had several people hanging around it. Two were women, but they didn’t seem to be playing. Three of the men were talking kinda loud. On a table near them were stacked several empty beer bottles.

I was trying to ignore my surroundings when a man abruptly sat down in the empty chair facing me. Grinning way too much, he said, “Well, hello there, darlin’. What’s a sweet thing like you doing here all by your lonesome?” What? You can’t just sit by yourself?

I smiled at him, which I’m sure was a mistake and said, “I’m waiting for someone.” I wanted to add, “Now leave.”

Grinning broadly, he said, “Well, darlin’, your waiting is over. I’m here.” How did I wind up in a Billy Jack movie?

My smile changed to a frown. I said, “I’m waiting for a particular someone. Not you.” Thought I’d add that last part for emphasis. Where the hell is Colin?

He shook his head and leaned forward towards me. “Let me tell you something and my boys here will agree.” He pointed towards the pool table. “Anyone who’d leave a sweet thing like you to wait all by yourself, ain’t worth waitin’ for, if you know what I mean.”

I shook my head and said, “No, I don’t. Will you please leave?”

He grabbed my arm and said, “Come join us. I’ll teach you how to play pool.”

I picked up a fork from the table and growled, “Let go of me, or I’ll stick this fork in your eye!”

He laughed. “Spicy! I like that. I bet you’re a wild animal in the sack.” He let go of my arm.

Colin finally arrived at the table and saw the strange man sitting across from me with me holding a fork in the air.

“Hey, Randi,” Colin asked curiously. “What’s going on?”

The man stood, grabbing my hand and pulling me up with him. He yelled, “Get lost, boy! She’s got a man now.” I tugged but couldn’t free my arm from his grip. I was suddenly scared out of my mind.

Colin gave the drunk a shove, causing him to stumble. He shouted, “Let the girl go!” As the drunk stumbled, he grabbed at my top, causing a couple of buttons to pop open, exposing my pink bra.

A woman from the pool table whacked the drunk on the back of his head. “Gary! Quit bothering that girl! She doesn’t want you.” She grinned at Colin. “Especially when she’s got that cute little honey.”

A man from the pool table grabbed the drunk by the shoulder. “Stop being an asshole, Gary. You’re drunk. Sit down and leave these folks alone. Besides, she’s jailbait, man. You don’t want any of that.” The guy holding Gary turned to us and said, “Sorry about this, folks. He’s had one too many beers, I think.” He managed to get Gary back to the pool table.

I just stood there shaking. What would he have done to me? I’ve never been so scared. I felt shame that I showed fear while Colin put himself in harm’s way for me.

Colin came quickly over to me and put his arms around me. “Are you okay?”

I shook my head. I was trying not to cry. I felt crying was stupid. Be a man, my dad always said. Even in a skirt? Quietly, I said, “No. Take me home.”

Colin brushed the hair out of my face. “I think the drama is over if you still want lunch.”

The glare I hit Colin with should have left a greasy spot on the floor. I said, “Please take me home.”

Putting his arm around my waist, Colin said, “I’ll never leave you alone again.” He bent his head down, and his lips caressed mine. I didn’t pull away.

End of Part 6




Colin is such a royal pain in the arse, and an idiot to boot! Who takes a girl to a dump like that? And then leaves her on her own? What a moron. Next modeling job I hope she drives on her own. If Randi is going to stick around she needs to be rid of Colin. He just gives me the creeps. And I hope his macho posturing attitude is a put on, because it won’t get him very far. Well done, though! I am really into this story.


Colin doesn't deserve Randi since he left her to go into that sort of place by herself. Surely she can find someone better.