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Things progressed quickly, and pretty soon, everyone was trying on things from Joanna’s big closet. Well, nearly everyone.

Joanna, Megan, Katalina, and a girl named Daphne concentrated on me. Before I knew what was happening, the top part of Joanna’s cheerleader uniform had gone over my head while Megan pulled the skirt bottom up my legs.

Joanna laughed. “Been a long time since you wore a skirt, huh, Gayle?”

I had to agree. “Forever,” I said.

She winked at me. It communicated somehow that she was in on the joke we were playing on the other girls. That Gayle had always been the real me. I think. I mean, I didn’t think that. Thinking about it made my head hurt.

“Petey, Pete, Pete!” Megan crowed, stepping back to get a better look. “You’re adorable!”

“And those legs!” Joanna added. “Gayle, have you been shaving your legs?”

Had I? I shook my head. “I’m just, I’m just not very hairy…” I tried to explain it away.

“Bitch!” said Joanna, smiling, and several other girls laughed.

“But what are we going to do for her makeup?” Daphne suddenly wailed. “Joanna is so blond, and Megan is too dark. Did anybody bring makeup that will work for Gayle?”

Had I agreed to wear makeup? I didn’t think so, but the inevitable tide of sentiment was against me. Everyone ran off to look for makeup that would suit me: a fair-skinned, blue-eyed brunette.

I got a glimpse in the full-length mirror on the back of Joanna’s closet door, and it startled me. The slightly rumpled-looking cheerleader in Friendly blue-and-gold was me? Holy shit!

“This is, uh, this is just for Halloween. You know, in a couple of weeks?” I searched Megan’s face for confirmation that we were just playing around.

She beamed at me. “Sure, Petey! If you say so!”

I groaned.

In the giggling chaos, someone had found makeup in the right shades for my coloring. Well, what they considered the right shades. My skill at broken-field running and dodging did not help me avoid it, especially after Daphne let out another of her howls.

“Her eyebrows! We’ve got to do her eyebrows!” she wailed, causing me to flinch and going a longer way to breaking my nerve than some of the snarled insults I’d heard from opposing linemen.

“Leave my eyebrows alone!” I protested.

“But you’ve got black hairs on the bridge of your nose! It’s almost a unibrow!”

“A what?”

“We’ll just clean them up a little,” Joanna put in, supplying the tweezers. “You can draw them back on when you need your game face on.”

“What? Draw them back on? You want me to wear makeup on the football field? Ow!”

Catalina had a go at my hair, too, brushing and combing it this way and that. I was sure that I heard the snipping of scissors, and Megan almost confirmed it, remarking that she’d never realized how shaggy I’d gotten.

I’d last had a haircut in August, so it was probably true, but I didn’t need some homemade hairstyle. What if they cut it in bangs?

“Great idea!” one of the girls squealed.

I was pretty sure I hadn’t said the part about bangs out loud, but she made me flinch again.

Just then, one of the younger girls from the junior squad burst in. “Guys!” she shouted. “Guys! There are guys downstairs!”

Everyone looked at her. “I mean guy-type guys. Men!”




Oh oh. Sigh. Then again, with the mysterious memory problems going on, the cheerleader uniform will probably signal the end of Pete, the football player, and the start of Gayle, the cheerleader.


Well I think having a vagina does make him one of the girls now, doesn't it?