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Chapter 3

Edited by: Julia Miller

I walked into my room, kicking my shoes and throwing myself on the bed. It's not fair, I never wanted to be a girl, but it doesn't seem like I have a choice.

The gem was part of a much bigger artifact, something legendary that no one believed to exist. Only after what happened did Dad start looking into the gem and found the truth behind it in a newly discovered ancient Egyptian text.

The amulet of Isis is the symbol of Isis’s power and wisdom. A stone was found with ancient Egyptian text written on it. It explained that Isis placed all her powers in her amulet, and fearing that this power might fall into the wrong hand, she broke it into small pieces.

The pieces of the amulet will only come together when a worthy female appears to inherit the powers of Isis. It clearly mentioned a chosen female. I didn't need the power of Isis; I would gladly give it up to become a boy again. It's not my choice, though, it's that bitch Isis’s choice.

My train of thought was cut by a knock on the door. My mom opened the door and walked in. "Are you ok sweetie?” she inquired with a worried tone. I sat up, looking at her with tears filling my eyes and shook my head. I was not ok, not at all.

"Oh, honey,” Mom said, coming to my side and hugging me. "I want to say I understand your pain, but, I know I don't. I just don't want to see you sad,” Mom said, holding my hand. She looked sad at first then, her face brightened up. "I know just the right thing to cheer you up, come with me,” Mom said and pulled my hand before I could protest.

Mom pulled me into my bathroom before she left, she didn't stay long before coming back with some of her hygiene products that I knew nothing about. "A bath would definitely help you; you can just relax while I wash your hair,” Mom explained, leaving me stunned.

I haven’t had a bath since I was 8, I only take showers. And even then, Mom has never been in the bathroom with me since I was 6. It seemed that Mom could read my mind, though.

“Don’t be shy. There is nothing I haven’t seen with you being a boy or being a girl, and who do you think washed your body when you were in a coma?” Mom exclaimed.

With mom’s persistence, I finally had to give up and started undressing while mom filled the tub with warm water and then added some of the products to the water, which produced a lot of bubbles.

I got in the tub and almost immediately felt relaxed, I didn't like that the water smelled like flowers, but it was very relaxing. It got even more relaxing when Mom used her shampoo and started washing my hair. "I know you like this, but don’t get used to it,” Mom said, making me blush. "I know being a girl is not easy, I never cared if you were my son or my daughter, you are my eldest and will always have a special place in my heart.”

Mom washed my hair while I was in the tub, then when the water started getting cold, I left the tub, and with Mom’s help, I dried my body. "Don't you think Dad is acting weird?” I asked.

Mom chuckled a bit. "For a dad, his daughter is the most precious thing, you know how he treated Violet. He’s just worried about you,” Mom explained. She helped me into a pair of cotton panties and a girly pajama. I was too exhausted to complain or put up a fight.

"Have a good sleep, sweetheart. We have a busy day tomorrow,” Mom said, tucking me into the bed before leaving. I was out almost immediately.

The sun's rays peeked through the curtains, making me groan and cover my face with the pillow. I couldn't get back to sleep, though, since Mom chose the right moment to walk into my room, opening all the curtains.

"Time to wake up, sweetheart. We have a meeting with Mr. Kent in two hours,” Mom announced.

My eyes went wide with surprise as I sat up on my bed after realizing what my mom said. Mr. Kent was my school’s principal. He was a scary and creepy man, and no one liked him, especially girls. There are rumors that he’s a pervert. There was always that one girl who would be visiting his office, and some girls were heard crying in the bathroom after coming out of his office. One girl was rumored to commit suicide, but that was a couple of years ago. Most of the girls ended up moving to another school.

"I can’t meet Mr. Kent, not like this, and I can’t let anyone see me at school,” I protested. I didn't want to see this creep, definitely not as a girl.

“There is no time for argument, young lady, I won’t allow my daughter to miss school,” Mom spoke in a no-nonsense tone. I honestly felt like crying, which is exactly what I did. It seems that crying was very easy while being a girl. Mom immediately came to my side, hugging me.

"I know it's not easy on you, but you can't just stay home and stop going to school. You have a dream and a bright future. Being a girl doesn’t have to change that,” Mom explained while rubbing my back.

"I don't want to meet Mr. Kent. He's a creep,” I explained with tears still running down my eyes.

Mom held my face in her hand gently before kissing my forehead. "I will be there for you, and your dad will be there too. If he even gives you a look, I will cut off his balls,” Mom said before wiping away my tears. "Go take a shower, I will leave some clothes for you when you come out.”

I walked into the bathroom to take a shower, I hated showering or even using the toilets. It's a good reminder of the changes that happened in my body. Losing my manhood and having breasts bigger than my girlfriend’s was of no help. Guys love my new appearance, and I don't like it. I used to be a guy, so I know what guys think about when they see pretty girls.

I had a well-deserved hot shower, even though I had to use feminine hygiene products that mom had left for me. Having to wash my long hair was a pain in the ass. My hair was never this long before, but now it's very long and thick.

Walking into my room in my new bathrobe, I found that my mom had left a dark blue dress with short sleeves, a flared skirt, and a belt around the waist. Besides the dress was a pair of pantyhose and black high-heeled pumps. This would be my second day wearing a dress, but I was left with no choice. My old clothes were given to charity since none of them would fit me.

“That's good, you're out of the shower,” Mom said, walking out of my closet. She held a pair of panties and a bra in her hand as she walked over to me.

“I can get dressed on my own,” I complained.

“Is that so? Do you know how to put on your bra?” Mom challenged. I blushed and shook my head. "Do you know how to put on the hose without tearing it?” Again, I shook my head. "Then you will need my help until you learn those skills. You are too pretty to be a tomboy.”

I couldn't really argue with Mom, she had a point, and I knew she was right.

Mom handed me the panties, and I put them on under my bathrobe. I then tried to put on the bra but couldn't really do it without Mom’s help. Mom then had me sit down on the bed and started to teach me how to put on pantyhose. I had to check my toes and fingernails, I had to pull them carefully over my legs. I was finally happy when it was over, and I was able to put on the dress. After I had my dress on, I put on my hated heels. Mom then insisted on brushing my hair and doing my makeup.

Since I didn’t have my own vanity table, she promised to get me one, even though I didn't feel like having one, and I had to go to her room so she could work on my makeup and brush my hair. "I think you need a hairstyle, sweetheart,” Mom said, making me sigh.

My hair had grown much longer than I ever had in my life, all this in the two weeks I was in a coma. It went past my shoulder by a couple of good inches, it was also thicker. Brushing it was annoying. "Can’t I just have a haircut? It would save a lot of time and effort,” I protested. The last thing I wanted was a feminine hairstyle, after all.

“Are you serious? Short hair will not suit you, besides you’re too pretty to be a tomboy! I will call Mandy so we can get your hair styled tonight or something,” Mom explained. I knew she was not taking my opinion. While it annoyed me, I know I had to suck it up, or I wouldn’t hear the end of it.

After finishing my makeup, I walked with Mom downstairs. Walking into the kitchen, where we usually have breakfast. Dad, my brothers, and my sister all sat there. My brothers looked at me with open jaws while I took my seat awkwardly. "Do I look this bad?” I inquired, feeling annoyed. Getting ready as a girl takes way longer than for boys, and I was not happy that after all this effort, I didn't look good.

Harry and Phil immediately shook their heads after Mom and Violet glared at them.

“You don't look weird, not at all actually; it's just that you look much prettier than all of the girls,” Harry started to explain, but Violet raised an eyebrow making Harry gulp. "Other than Violet, though. Both of you are equally pretty,” Harry smiled as Violet gave him an approving smile.

I felt myself blush before thanking Harry. It was weird, being called pretty by my little brother. For some reason, I didn't mind though. We finished breakfast and left the house with Violet complaining about not being allowed to wear makeup to school.

I took the front seat with Mom in the driver’s seat. My siblings sat in the backseat wearing their uniforms. The Oak Tree Academy is the name of our school, a private school with expensive fees. Mom and Dad refused to get us into a public school even though when I started to go to school, they were not as financially well-off as they are now.

The school is very strict, and the rules cannot be broken. Bullying was never tolerated, which was something I was thankful for. The school maintained its reputation for high-quality education, which meant it was not an easy school. Sticking to the uniform is a sacred rule in the school. All my siblings hated wearing their uniforms, but there is nothing they could do about it.

We reached the school, and Mom parked the car; I didn't realize that I was shaking until Mom held my hand to calm me down. "Honey, it's ok, everything will be ok,” Mom said, trying to comfort me.

I wanted to believe, but my mind created thousands of scenarios on how things could go wrong.

I made sure to swing my legs out of the car before leaving, and keep my legs together, just as Gail had shown me. Walking in heels was not the easiest thing in the world, but it was much easier than yesterday.

Walking towards the school, little Phil ran to his group of friends who I never liked really, the twins said goodbye before walking to their friends. Dad joined us before we walked into the school. He seemed to sense my nervousness as he held my hand. "It will be ok sweetheart. Nothing will happen,” Dad said, trying to comfort me.

Easy for him to say,” I thought to myself.

We walked through the gate, heading directly to the principal's office. We sat down until the secretary called for us. We walked into the office, and the principal welcomed us but looked at me in confusion.

"Mr. Carter, Mrs. Carter, welcome, I read your email, and I assume this young lady is Ms. Carter,” Mr. Kent said, looking at me.

I was more nervous than before and was very self-conscious as I sat down. I made sure to sit down with my legs together, I had no reason to show Mr. Kent my underwear, after all.

“I must say it was hard to believe what happened to your child, but I can see the resemblance to Jason, and like you requested only a handful of teachers will know that Ms. Carter is intersexed,” Mr. Kent explained as I looked at my parents in shock, I didn't know about the email or anything else. "Ms. Carter will attend the school under the name Jessica Camellia Carter. Once you have her name and gender changed officially, I can start making the paperwork without anyone noticing.”

“Thank you, Mr. Kent. We appreciate your understanding,” my mom said.

As we left Mr. Kent’s office and I let out a sigh of relief. The visit to Mr. Kent’s office went well. We still had one stop left before going home, which was to get me my uniform. The girl’s uniform was made of a dark blue skirt, a white blouse, and a black necktie and blazer jacket. Girls must wear tights or pantyhose if it's not sheer pantyhose, no heels are allowed, and the shoes must be formal.

We were about to leave when I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see Gail walking toward me with her group of friends. I couldn't help but remember last night, which made me blush. "Hi, Gail,” I replied as she hugged me.

“Trust me,” Gail whispered as I raised my eyebrow. "Let me introduce you to Jessica Carter, Jason’s twin sister.” I was shocked but forced a smile toward Gail’s friends.

This was the most famous group of girls in the school, the cheerleaders. Oddly enough, not all of them were bitches. Some of them were as nice as Gail, and some of them were real bitches.

“Your boyfriend had a twin sister? Since when?” questioned a raven-haired girl named Wendy. She and I had our own story to tell. We were boyfriend and girlfriend once, but she was one of the craziest girls I ever knew.

She was a very obsessive and controlling person, I couldn't spend a second without telling her where I was and what I was doing. In the end, I had to break up with her, and that was before she became a cheerleader.

Gail was about to panic when I held her hand and smiled at her. "I am sure Jason was under no obligation to talk about everything in his life, especially to you, Wendy,” I retorted, and Wendy seemed to be taken aback.

Some of the girls decided that they didn't like me already, surprisingly not Wendy, she was nice if she stopped being so obsessed. She was still suspicious of me, but she was being nice. The rest of the girls came to greet me while my parents stayed out of it.

“You should come shopping with us today. It will be fun,” one of the girls said.

I tried to talk my way out of it, but Gail wouldn’t let me. I almost let out a moan of annoyance, but in the end, I accepted the invitation.

I followed my parents out of the school. Dad said goodbye and went to work while I took the seat beside Mom. "I am really in the mood for some coffee. What about you?” Mom suggested as she started getting the car out of the parking lot.

I shrugged and replied, "Sure, what not?”

And this was our next stop, a slightly newer coffee shop that Mom liked for some reason. I guess I can't really say no to coffee. We walked into the coffee shop and walked to the counter to place our order. The cashier was a tall, muscular guy with black hair and mesmerizing blue eyes.

He gave me a flirty smile that made me blush hard. Mom seemed to notice as she just smirked. "He’s lucky your dad isn’t here,” Mom said as we took our seats. I looked at her in confusion, and she just smiled slyly. "Dads don't like it when boys show interest in their daughters,” Mom explained, making me blush all over again.

“How do you feel?” Mom asked.

“About what?” I replied, pretending to be confused. I knew what mom was asking about, but I really didn't want to talk about it.

“You know what am talking about,” Mom said with a smirk.

“I have a girlfriend.” That was my reply. I wanted to avoid the whole topic I didn’t even want to think about it, to begin with.

“I am sure your dad and Mr. Perkins would like to keep it that way,” Mom said with a wink making me turn red again. I am sure mothers are there to embarrass their children.




Good continuation of the story there were maybe one weird wording at one place that I noticed but nothing that detracts from the storytelling. Good work!


So when dose some of isis 's powers show up healing,magic or ?


I see you have some knowledge of ancient Egypt.