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We arrived at Gail’s house, and she stopped in front of the iron gate before the gate opened automatically. Gail then pulled the car through the gate and stopped. We both left the car, and Gail handed the keys to the security guard.

I was always amazed by how rich Gail’s family is. Living in a mansion having a brand-new sports car. My family is not poor, it's the opposite but compared to Gail’s family wealth would put our moderate wealth to shame.

We walked into the mansion, and I simply walked behind Gail afraid that some of the workers here at the mansion would recognize me.

Before I knew it, we were standing in front of Gail’s father’s office. Gail knocked on the door before her dad’s voice told her to come in. She walked into the office while I nervously followed her. Her dad was a pleasant man but can be scary sometimes, getting close to his daughter was not easy with him around.

He has a degree in chemical engineering and inherited his father's corporation which had its name in the metal industry. He had spoiled both his son and daughter to no end, but it doesn't seem to corrupt them. I mean Malcolm was a bully and an asshole a lot of times, but he never committed any crimes. On the other hand, Gail was an angel, and no one can deny that.

“Hello, Princess,” Mr. Perkins (Gail’s dad). He stood up, gave Gail a hug and kissed her forehead, and she in exchange kissed his cheek. "How was your shopping trip?” he asked with a soft smile on his face.

“Thank you, daddy, it was a good trip. It was the best,” Gail bragged to her dad before glancing at me with a grin.

“Is that so, so who’s your pretty friend? And where’s Jason? Good kids like him are very rare those days,” Mr. Perkins said glancing at me with a smile while I shifted nervously in my place.

“Oh, dad,” Gail said giggling. "THIS IS Jason, but it's Jessica now,” Gail explained making me blush. I stood there shaking in my place fidgeting with the skirt of the dress. I was already scared of her dad when I was a guy, but not that I have lost a lot of weight and a couple of inches in height and with me wearing a dress, stockings, and heels. I was terrified of him.

“Jason?” he asked in surprise plinking a couple of times before letting out a sigh. "Even though I knew your parents were always honest, I didn’t want to believe it. I guess there is no denying it then, you would have made a great man if this didn't happen,” Mr. Perkins said regretfully. "Anyway, I see you like one of my children and this didn't change.”

“Daddy, you’re making her nervous,” Gail scolded as her dad shook his head. "I will get ready for dinner,” Gail announced before turning to me. "Come on Jessica.”


I followed Gail into her room feeling a bit unsure whether I should be there or not. Usually, her dad will never allow us to stay alone in her room and if he does the door must be open all the time. "Is your dad really ok with both of us in the same room, alone?” I wondered making Gail giggle a bit.

“Relax, he won’t say anything. We’re both girls after all,” Gail explained making me groan. Having to face reality is hard, and I have no idea how to deal with it.

I sat down on Gail’s bed kicking off the high heels and rubbing my aching feet. "I don't get it; how do you walk in those heels?” I complained as Gail approached me. She pushed me on the bed and climbed on top of me. Gail then kissed me a long breathtaking kiss.

“You make one hot girl, so get used to it,” Gail said winking. I felt her hand reach under my dress making me squeal in surprise. "It's ok, trust me. You will love this feeling, it's something only we girls can feel,” Gail assured me before giving me a quick kiss on the lips.

I had to bite my lips as I felt her hand reach under my dress and pull down the panties. What followed next was something I couldn't describe. As Gail stuck one finger inside me, I felt electricity running through my whole body. This didn't stop her as one finger became two, she moved her fingers around as if she was looking for something while I couldn't stop moaning.

Things did stop there, once Gail found what she was looking for I felt my whole-body shudder. It felt like I was going to explode, but that's when Gail stopped making me groan. "We will finish what we started later, right now I need to get ready,” Gail explained sharing a quick kiss with me before starting to walk away. Just as she was about to get into her walk-in closet, she turned to me. "Keep your knees together, you don't want anyone to see your panties,” Gail scolded.

“I am trying, besides who cares. It's not like people are waiting to look at my underwear,” I complained.

Gail sighed and walked back to me; she pushed me down on the bed again. Gail started pulling my panties down and over my legs. Before I knew it, she had my panties removed and in her hand. "I will be taking these, then.”

“Hi, give them back,” I said trying to grab the panties but she held them just out of my reach. Why did I have to get shorter after becoming a girl, this was not fair. Not Gail was using her height to her advantage against me.

“No, that way you get something to hide and will keep your knees together, while sitting down,” Gail explained.

I didn't know why but that's when I started to cry. I sat down on the bed and pulled my knees to my chest. I just wanted things to go back to normal. I didn’t want to be a girl, and I don't want to learn how. "This is not fair, even in this body, I am not Jessica. I am still Jason on the inside.” I sniffled and cried for how long I don't know, but I felt Gail’s arms around me.

“It's ok, I am sorry. I pushed you too hard. I should have considered your feelings,” Gail apologized while I cried. We didn't know that someone was listening to us, though.


Gail walked out of her closet wearing an outfit similar to mine, only in a dark blue dress and pumps instead of red. She cleaned my face from the now-ruined makeup look and worked on my makeup again all the while explaining every step, even though I didn't understand a thing.

Once she was done with my makeup, she worked on her makeup. I put on my horrid high-heeled shoes, and we walked downstairs together. "Oh, before we go, mom wants to see you. I just forgot about it with all of daddy’s drama,” Gail explained.

I had to let out a sigh after learning this. Gail’s mom was a Gynecologist. She did confirm that I became a girl while in the coma. A Gynecologist wants to see me means she wants to check how things are going. I wasn’t looking forward to this at all.

Gail led me to her mom’s office where she would usually spend most of her free time. She was preparing for her Ph.D. after all. The door was open, so we walked in after Gail knocked on the door. Dr. Perkins was reading something on her laptop when she looked up and saw us. "Gail, Jessica, come in,” she assured us in.

“Well, it's nice to see you finally, out of your room, young ladies like yourself shouldn't lock themselves inside their rooms,” Dr. Perkins scolded making me gulp. "Well, I know this isn't easy for you, but you can always come to me for help. Gail and your mom will also be there, and you must come to my clinic after school tomorrow.”

After getting scolded for a couple more minutes, we finally left the office. Unfortunately, the moment we stepped outside, we met Malcolm. He was an asshole, but a handsome one. Thankfully, he didn't say anything, although it was uncomfortable having him stare at me like I am a piece of meat, it was a relief that left me alone.

“You’re making my friend, uncomfortable, idiot,” Gail scolded making me blush but snapping Malcolm out of his daze.

“Malcolm, leave the poor girl alone,” Dr. Perkins scolded as I was getting into the car. "Go sit beside your dad, the poor girl has gone through a lot and doesn’t need your stares,” Dr. Perkins ordered.

Malcolm looked a bit shocked, but he did exactly as his mom said. Throughout the drive, Malcolm kept glancing at me through the mirror until his dad nudged him to stop it.

We arrived at the restaurant and Mr. Perkins handed the key to the valet. Then we walked into the restaurant. I must say, I can never get used to coming here. It's a fancy, flashy restaurant, it's not like my family lacked wealth, quite the opposite. The Perkins, however, was on another level.

We walked over to the host, who was dressed in a fine tux. "A private table for the Perkins,” Mr. Perkins announced.

The host looked up smiling at Mr. Perkins but then his eyes settled on me. He seems to check every inch of my body with his eyes, it felt like he was undergoing me with his eyes. I tried to hide behind Gail, and she noticed it. Before she could say anything, Malcolm nudged his dad nodding at the host.

Me. Perkins cleared his throat. "Young man, I suggest you take your eyes off my daughters, this instant, or I would have to have a word with your supervisor.” The guy blushed and looked back at the screen in front of him.

I was surprised that Malcolm was the one who got his dad’s attention, I was also surprised that Mr. Perkins said, "my daughters.”

“S-sorry, sir. A private table for the Perkins, please follow me,” the host replied stammering. It was nice seeing these macho guys being put in their place, not once but twice. Something like this would never happen as a boy.

We followed the host to a nicely decorated room with a big round table in the middle. I took a seat and found myself between Malcolm and Gail. It was an awkward position, sitting beside Gail was a favorable position but sitting beside Malcolm was scary.

We all looked through the menu, and I was just about to choose one of the cheapest dishes, but Mr. Perkins decided to place the order for me. He wasn’t going to let me choose anything cheap. Our drinks came almost immediately while we waited for the food.

Once the host waiter left to bring our food, Mr. Perkins got a phone call. He looked at his phone and groaned. "If it's Mr. Lee ask him, where did he get his private jet from,” I said. The words come out of my mouth before I can even realize what I am saying. Mr. Perkins gave me a weird look, but then shrugged and walked away from the table to answer the phone call.

A while later, as we sat in awkward silence, the urge to run to the toilets hit me. I left my seat and walked to the bathroom as fast as my heels would allow it. I stood there in front of the bathroom feeling indecisive.

"You're not thinking of going in there are you?” Malcolm said startling me and making me let out a scream and jump from my place. "Calm down,” Malcolm said with his hand covering my mouth. He took his hands off my mouth once he was sure I had calmed down. "Anyway, you can’t go in there,” he repeated.

I looked at Malcolm annoyed, for some reason I didn't feel scared of him anymore. I don't know where the courage came from, when I was a guy, I was always scared of him. Now, I am standing up to him while he’s towering over me. "Why can’t I?” I asked, narrowing my eyes while looking at him.

"Hi, I am not trying to bully you or something, but you're not a guy anymore, you're a girl now,” Malcom explained. I looked at Malcolm with a shocked expression and it seemed my face said everything because Malcolm started talking almost immediately. "Gail may be good at keeping secrets but my parents suck at it.” Malcolm then held my face with his hand. "I will keep your secret we can talk later about the price you have to pay for it.” With that, he kissed me on my lips and walked away.

I just stood there in front of the bathroom still absorbing the shock. After finally coming to my senses, I walked into the women’s washing room. Thankfully, no one gave me a weird look even though I didn't like it. It just proved that everyone just saw a girl and not a boy in a dress.

Once our food was over, we walked out of the restaurant and got back into the car. We arrived at Gail’s house not long after, and almost immediately Gail pulled me into her room, closing the door behind her and locking it. "Now, let's continue what we started, shall we?”


Gail drove me home before kissing me on the lips. "I still love you, Jessica, I hope you being a girl won’t change anything,” Gail explained.

I smiled at her and kissed her back. "I hope so too,” I replied before walking out of the car and walking into the house.

When I opened the house’s door dad was standing there behind the door with his arms crossed over his chest. "Your late young lady,” dad scolded.

I looked at him in shock, since did I have a curfew? Besides, it's only 11 PM. Also, the use of the term young lady. It seems everyone is so keen about remaining me that I am a girl. "Sorry, daddy.” What the hell, did I just say? Did I just call dad daddy?

Dad let out a sigh before walking over to me, he kissed my forehead and hugged me. "It's alright sweetheart, I was just worried about you. It's dangerous for a pretty girl like you to be out this late,” Dad explained gently.

I felt my eyes tear up for a reason I didn't even understand. Being a girl is weird and I can’t get used to it. "Daddy, I don't want to stay being a girl, I want to be a boy again,” I complained as dad started rubbing my back gently.

“I don't think that’s an option, honey,” dad announced. I looked up at him in confusion, how can he be so sure about this? "I am still doing my research, but if there is a way to go back, I would have found it by now,” he explained making me burst into tears again.



lisa charlenne

i love your writing ive been visiting big closet for years and i havent found a singe one of your stories i didnt like

lisa charlenne

as far as this story it is kinda fast paced but thats ok i saw the comments your refering to dont let others comments affect you my dad used to say everyone has an openion they are just like rear ends and they all stink (cleaned it up for posting)lol