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The bullies had no hope of catching us and probably didn’t try, not that I could even see as we made two quick turns, and they were out of sight.

“I’m Dennis, Dennis Fernandez,” my savior shouted in my ear.

I shouted back, “James Ludolph,” but he didn’t seem to hear me, just shaking his head and grinning. He wore one of those skull cap helmets like the badass bikers all seemed to prefer, so his ears weren’t really covered, but his bike was loud, and he probably couldn’t hear me.

But he surprised me by leaning forward again, and shouting,” I know who you are, Jamie Lou Rudolph.” Well, he had two things wrong, but there wasn’t much hope of correcting him. But how did he know any name for me? I hadn’t been in high school last year, and he must be at least a senior, so we probably hadn’t attended the same school for years, if ever.

Still, I sort of knew who he was, though not his name, so he might know something of me. I was pretty used to the Ludolph/Rudolph confusion, what with all the stupid jokes about reindeer games over the years.

I pushed hair out of my face, beginning to wish for a helmet of my own when we suddenly turned down the alley the school buses used to reach their parking lot. We came to a stop, and the noise dropped to just a rumble. I could easily walk to the back gate of the school from here, and I turned to tell him that.

He was smiling, and I smiled back, opening my mouth to thank him for the rescue. He leaned toward me, and I felt his left hand on the back of my head; then he was kissing me, with tongue! I twisted away from him, but his hand kept me from getting far, and the kiss went on and on.

I had never had someone else’s tongue in my mouth, and I didn’t know what to do about it! I was sitting on the gas tank of the bike, my hip against his crotch, and I felt something there, but I didn’t know what right then. I tried to push his tongue out of my mouth, but this ended up with mine in his—and…was he sucking on my tongue?!

Something else was happening, something between my own legs, and I felt two hard, almost itchy tingles on my chest. His beard and mustache were rough against my cheeks, my lips, my chin, and I seemed to like that. I was beginning to enjoy the kiss, it felt shameful and exciting! I’d never felt anything like it before, but I didn’t want it to stop!

With his one hand in my hair, pushing our faces together, he brought his other hand up to my chest, his thumb finding one throbbing nipple and his fingers the other. A feeling of electricity flamed through my body, and now, I was sucking on his tongue, which was back in my mouth!

We pulled apart a bit to catch a breath, and I found myself looking into his warm brown eyes, crinkled up with—amusement? “What the hell have you got in this pocket?” he asked, lightly squeezing my lunch.

“A hard-boiled egg?” I said, making it a question as if I weren’t actually sure myself.

And suddenly we were laughing.
