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Allergies are kicking my butt. The beautiful weather of fall in Southern California is my bane. Something blooms this time of year that can set my nose, eyes and face on fire.

I woke up in the middle of the night Thursday morning and sneezed for two hours. It felt so much like going a few rounds with Mike Tyson that I checked to see if I still had both ears.

I slept most of Thursday after taking a BUNCH of allergy meds. Things are better today, but I am still wrung out. If you're waiting especially hard for the next episode of something, patience, please.

I've got a doctor's appointment today to get a shingles shot, but other than that I ain't promising to get anything else done.





Feel better


I’m so sorry to hear of your allergy woes. I suffered much the same thing until I went an allergist and started getting regular shots. Things have really calmed down since then. I hope you are better soon!