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There are so many stories I would like to write, and will not get the time to do so.

Time on two scales. I'm 74. I've been writing since I was 10. It's unlikely I will get another 64 years to write all the stories I have in me. That's a  macro-scale time.

On the scale of immediate time, I have 8 to 10 hours in a day, so 50 to 60 hours a week. Of that, I generally manage to spend 5 to 10 hours a week writing. That doesn't always mean productive hours, though. Sometimes I delete what I have written before showing it to anyone. Sometimes I putter around with an old idea or a new one, poking and prodding it to see if it has any inspiration in it.

I can write about 500 words an hour. On occasion, 1000 or more. That's before editing and weeding. So effectively, 200 or 300 words an hour.

Two to three thousand a week in a good week.

Where should I spend this time and these words?

Below are listed the three stories I've been actively working on for the last couple of months. Below those are some alternatives. Tell me what you would prefer my priorities be by making some choices. You can click only click one, so include your alternates in the comments.



I would choose the top 3 stories, Pete's Vagina, Sixteen the Hard way, and Special FX.


I'm "only" 63 now, but my parents are still alive, with my dad nearing 100 and my mum in her mid-nineties. It seems unless I really mess things up, I'm going to be around for a while.