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Somewhere in this we gave this monster the name Ptarro, not sure why. That's what we called him when we had to talk about him.

Word balloon trouble here, which happened a few times. Lettering is harder than it looks.



Sammy C

Was the lettering done by hand or digitally? I assumed this strip was done digitally. (Daniel was very talented--just wanted to reiterate that) Also, just curious, did you ever do a comic strip or book with Don? I recall somewhere in his blog he says he started out wanting to be a cartoonist. Lastly, I'm impressed by Daniel's depiction of callipygian beauty.


Daniel did the art on 11x17 two-ply vellum finish Bristol board. I scanned them in on my big scanner and then did the solid blacks and lettering digitally. Daniel had marked places for solid black with an X. Yes, Don and I did several comics for our company, Alternate Reality Comics in the late 70s. This was at the same time Richard and Wendy Pini and Dave Sim and Deni Loubert were doing Elfquest and Cerebus the Aarvark. We paid near-professional rates to people like Scott Shaw!, Mike Royer, Ernie Chan, and others. Alas, we had no distribution and a flood destroyed all the finished art and the project disappeared within two years.