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Quillian isn't a hero, so it's okay for her to run away.

We made the choice to go light on vulgarity despite several scenes of near nudity. Besides, this style of dialog interruptus always makes me smile.

I have no idea what viewpoint the monster's mouth and tongue in the lower panel is being drawn from. :)



Sammy C

I really like Daniel's artwork. I see a lot of Neal Adams and Jack Kirby in it (of course, everyone's influenced by them). I always thought Kirby was the first to break comic book panels as a regular practice until I read Steranko's book and discovered Kirby was a big fan of Lou Fine's work in the 40s and that's where he got the inspiration for that. Fine was also the first to draw a line of saliva running between the upper and lower teeth in a character's open mouth (another Kirby signature). Love the in media res start to the strip...


Daniel was a good artist and a well loved friend. I miss him a lot.