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“What did I say?”

“UGH. Fine.” I took my cell phone’s mic off mute and started talking to Butch again. “Mom said not until I’m seventeen. Even if AUNT JULIA LETS SANDY go on singles dates, it’s doubles or nothing.”

“Or he comes to dinner here,” Mom yelled back at me from the living room.

“Or dinner here,” I amended. “Which isn’t happening until I get my folks to promise not to embarrass me.”

Butch chuckled. “I’ve eaten at your house before.”

“Yeah, but that was when you were Sandy’s boyfriend, not mine.”

“So I’m officially your boyfriend now then?”

“I… if you want to be?” I said nervously, not even sure he’d be able to hear it over the phone.

“I do,” he said, the words sending a rush through me that left me giggling. “So, doubles for another two months?”

“June babies,” I confirmed, not that he didn’t already know.

“That’s alright. Still cheaper than when I was paying for both of you,” Butch said, laughing.

“True!” I agreed. Sandy and ‘Supes,’ as she had gotten us all calling Ted, had been a delight to watch growing in their relationship. I’d thought I’d made good headway with him, but Sandy seemed to be making leaps and bounds.

“So, mini golf and Chinese Saturday?”

“It’s a date!” I said, the tingles still hitting me thinking about our fourth date just as much as they had for the first.

Well, the first official one, anyway.


“So, what do you want me to wear?” I asked him, looking at my closet and the steadily-growing collection of Donna-clothes overtaking my Donnie-wardrobe.

“Wear whatever you want. You know you always look good.”

‘Right answer,’ I didn’t say aloud.

“Donnie, dinner time!”

I sighed again. “I gotta go, time to eat. Saturday, don’t forget.”

“I won’t,” Butch agreed, the smile I was sure he was wearing audible in his voice.


“COMING!” I yelled back, rolling my eyes. “Gottagobyeloveya!” I said into the phone before hitting the ‘call end’ button and tossing it on my bed.

I was half-way to my door before I stopped in my tracks.


“COMIINNNNNNG!” I called again, and jogged out. I could think about that later.

After all, summer was coming, and we had all the time in the world to figure things out.





I see there's already a 'Double Date Dare' in the Kindle store. Will this book have a different title?

Dallas Eden

Very much looking forward to the book Honey!


Hello, I'll keep an eye out for it. I'm guessing there will be an announcement for it either here or on the BigCloset site? Still kind of new around here. Enjoyed this version. Looking forward to the expanded story.