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Chapter Ten

~ Day 63 ~

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I let the steamy water cascade over me…and groan. It’s the first day of school…my first as a “girl.” It’s also my first day at my new school. All of that’s bad enough…but not why I’m groaning. I’m absolutely craving a piece of gum. I almost put a piece in my mouth before getting in the shower…but I resisted. I contemplate jumping out of the shower to grab one…but force myself to think of something else.

This past week was…hard. Last Monday…Lissa sent me in to see Ginny…and she gave me some lipstick and gloss to go with it. It’s bright red…and certainly…flashy. I wondered why Brea didn’t give it to me, but Ginny didn’t really say. Then she handed me a bag of gum…and told me that she had extra…. I didn’t try either until later that day. I put in a piece of the gum and felt all tingly after chewing it for a minute…it felt kind of like…smoking. But when I put on the lipstick…and then the gloss…I got…dizzy. It passed pretty quickly…and I didn’t think too much more about it. But over the course of the week…I seemed to…want both…more and more…and now I get all fidgety if I can’t chew my gum…or replenish my lip gloss.

Then…Friday night…was another “date” with Gerome. The thought of that makes me want a piece of gum…really bad…or even a cigarette…even though I haven’t had one since Momma caught me. Not that Momma has kept her end of the deal…she’s smoking more than ever…and so is Claire, for some reason…. Faith is beside herself…and talking about starting, herself…despite the effects of that cigar and her vow never to touch anything like it again.

Speaking of that Sunday…the kiss…. Truth be told, I lovedit! But…as long as I’m in the guise of a girl, I don’t need the extra worry of that stigma. It’s hard enough worrying about being found out that I’m nota girl…I think…. I mean…oh, you know what I mean! But…I haven’t kissed her since…and she has only pushed me harder to kiss her more…which is getting harder to resist.

Then…there was the date with Gerome. It went…well. As much as I love kissing Faith…I’m having a hard time admitting that I’m…getting more…used to…spending time with…another boy, as well. Well…at least with Gerome…I don’t know about…another boy…. And I’ve been having these really…inappropriate…dreams…. About him. But the really weird thing about that date was…when I kissed Gerome…. Yes…I kissed him…not the other way around. Anyway…he almost fell over…he got so dizzy. Similar to when I kissed Faith the other day. It got better as the evening went on…but he…like Faith…got to the point that he wouldn’t stop kissing me! They have both been calling me all weekend…wanting to get together to kiss. This could be an issue at school…I can’t spend all day kissing him…or Faith…even if I wanted to! Which I don’t…I think.

I sigh and rinse off, then get out of the shower and finally give in to my desire to chew a piece of gum, while I finish my morning beauty routine. It immediately helps calm me down…and by the time I get to my lipstick and gloss and put it on…I get even better. But I’m still nervous as crap! I try and shrug it off…and put on the rest of the ridiculous uniform…I feel so…“mauve.” The heels are no issue for me…but I am struggling just the slightest bit with the tight pencil skirt. I know it won’t take me long to adjust…but it’s so…unnecessary! Like Momma said…it’s…demeaning!

I choke down some breakfast and kiss Momma goodbye…as I do…I smell the smoke on her…and get pissed. I don’t say anything, though…I have to think about it some more. I grab my travel mug of steaming black coffee and walk next door. I’m riding to school with Faith and Claire’s driving us. I walk in without knocking…as we both do at each other’s houses, now. “Good morning! I think I’m going to throw up!” I giggle.

Claire gives me a hug. “You look cute, Hon! We’ll be ready in a sec.”

I smell the smoke on her, too…and give Faith a look…and scrunch up my nose…but so Claire can’t see.

Faith rolls her eyes…and looks…irritated. “Yes, you look…like you were born in that. I don’t get how you can even walk in that outfit!” When her mother is out of earshot, she whispers. “It’s getting worse! I’ve never seen her smoke so much! I’m…well…I don’t know!”

I sigh…but don’t get a chance to respond before she kisses me. I try and fight it for a second but give in to it.

She breaks it just in time.

Claire comes back in. “OK, girls! Let’s ride!”

Faith and I sit in the back, together…and she tries to steady my nerves. “It’ll be OK, Hon…I promise. They don’t bite…well…not toohard!” She giggles.

I roll my eyes and take out a piece of gum and pop it in my mouth. I think about how rude that is…and offer one to Faith…I have plenty with me.

She shrugs and sticks it into her mouth. After a second, she grabs onto my knee to steady herself. “Whoa! What kind of gum is this? It packs…a wallop!” She whispers, so her mom can’t hear. “Like your kisses!” She winks.

I blush and shrug. “It’s just some stuff that Ginny at work gave me. She makes it herself…I guess it’s some kind of hobby. I have plenty….”

She chews it a minute…and looks a little green…but seems to get over it…and shrugs. “It’s…different…but I like it!”

Claire pulls up to the school drop-off and we get out.

It’s completely different than the last time I was here…for registration. The place is full of students in uniform…but my variety is definitely in the minority. There are plenty of girls around…but at least eighty percent of them are in the same uniform as Faith.

I groan. “Faith…why do I get the feeling that my track is the definite minority?”

She shrugs…and giggles. “Because it is?”

I sigh and look around…aside from the girls…there are also a lot of boys…not as many as girls…but….

“Babe! There you are!”

I’m pulled around and kissed deeply. I push Gerome away and gasp. “Luki! What are you doing? We’re in public…at school!” I may have to keep up appearances with him…Greta and Lissa made that very clear. Adam made it very clear to them…and that shit rolled downhill to me. At least Faith isn’t going to make it hard on me…in public. Not that I’ve agreed to anything with either of them…other than being friends. That has still not stopped either from pursuing me.

Luki grins and pulls me into another kiss. He has the “appearance” advantage…and he knows it. Plus, he knows I can’t fight back…because of his father. He’s certainly taking advantage of it…even if he says he’s against his dad intervening.

I wish I could say the rest of the day is more exciting…that I make a hundred new friends…but…it’s just a typical first day of school…for a new kid on the block…. Of course…Luki kissing me like that…and coming after me any chance he can…to get more…does cause a bit of a stir. I’m just not sure if that’s making me more popular…or just more…hated.

And then…Faith keeps finding me, too…looking for more gum…and stealing a kiss when no one is around.

The day is just turning out to be…really weird! And I just want Faith and Luki to stop fighting over me…my life is confusing enough, as it is!

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I don’t know what to do about Mumma…and her smoking. She never used to do it much…or in front of me. But this past week…she’s gone wild with it! Like she can’t contain…or stop…herself. I had been sort of curious about it…and jealous of Sam for getting to…well…when she was. Until that encounter with the cigar. Talk about getting sick! And…I’m not sure I want something to have that kind of hold over me. Back when Mumma could control it…and do it on her terms…it was different. But…this? I just don’t understand what changed…but I’m still curious. I’m pretty sure I could control it…if I really wanted to. They say it gets better after the first….

I’m not sure about Sam on this whole front, either. She gave it up…at her mother’s request…only to have her mother break her promise to quit, too. Sam is pretty pissed…not that I think she ever really wanted to smoke…but it wouldn’t surprise me if she starts…well continues…out of spite, now. So far…she’s resisted…but she did start drinking coffee. I’m still working on Mumma on that…and I will win that one…or else!

Sam comes in…and looks really sexy in the traditional uniform. I still don’t get how she can be so…at ease…in it, though! I would kill myself in those heels…with that tight skirt. She makes it look like she’s in jeans and flats…and a few weeks ago…she had never worn heels or a skirt! I know she said they tortured her at WG…making her walk miles in heels to get used to them…and walk naturally…well…as naturally as you can in five-inch stilettos.

Mumma hugs her and is all cheery about us going to school.

Sam makes a face when she smells the smoke on Mumma…and it somehow…makes me…kind of jealous again. Sam can smoke if she wants…. I don’t know why that bothers me, so much…why it intrigues me. There’s not much time to dwell on it, however…Mumma’s ready to go. At least I get a kiss out of Sam before that! And it’s a dreamy one! It just makes me crave more!

Sam and I sit together in the back seat, and I can’t help but silently brood. She seems nervous and pops one of those ever-present pieces of gum of hers in her mouth. After a second…she offers me one. I’ve never been a big gum chewer…but…it seems like it would be kind of rude to turn her gesture down…so I take it and stick it in my mouth. After just a couple of good chomps on it…I start feeling really dizzy…and even a little nauseous! What the Hell isthis stuff? It’s almost like that cigar…in a way. And it gives me a very similar feeling to her beautiful kisses.

I steady myself by holding onto the armrest on the door with one hand…and by grabbing Sam’s knee with the other. I’m really dizzy…my head’s swimming big time. After a bit, it kind of settles down…and the more I chew…the more it settles. Finally, I ask Sam about the gum…she just acts like it’s just some normal bubblegum. But there’s more to this than meets the eye…especially with the fact that WG’s main R&D lab tech gave it to her. When she offers to share more of it with me…I decide to take her up on the offer and see where it goes. So…I decide that every chance I get…during whatever breaks I can meet up with her…I will get another piece…and a kiss when I can. I don’t just ask for a handful…that just gives me the perfect excuse to connect with her all throughout the day!

When Mumma drops us off and I get out of the car…I’m still a little dizzy on my feet…and my intestines are a little iffy…but the gum is losing its flavor…and its punch. I’m just about to ask Sam for another when she moans about the fact that the “traditionals” are in the minority. It’s true…about half the school is in the “modern” track for girls, about a third are boys, and the rest is the “traditional” track for girls. But before we can talk much about that…or I can introduce her to anyone…I see Luki sneak up behind her…and pull her around into a passionate, full-tongued kiss. I want to puke…and not because of the gum!

“Get a room, you two! Luki! You know you’re fully in public, right?” I shake my head…and it swims a bit…making my intestines churn a tad…I may have to find a bathroom before class.

As it turns out, Sam’s first class is closer to where Luki’s is going to be, so he offers to show her where to go. It was made very clear to Sam by those at WG that she would continue her “relationship” with Luki, and she begged me to not to jeopardize anything, so I’ll play nice…publicly. At least for now.

I give her a hug. “I’ll see you at one of the breaks…there are a couple of them that we have close together. Oh! Can I get a fresh piece of that gum for later? I want to give it another try.” I look at Luki and hiss, “Don’t think I’ve given up!”

She shrugs and hands me a piece from her large stash. “Sure. Do want more? And you two need to stop fighting over me! I’m not some piece of prize meat.”

I shake my head…I don’t want to waste her stash…besides…I still want that excuse to come find her. “No…if I need more…I know where to find you. Are you sure you want to go with traitor Gigolo, here? I can show you where to go and still easily get to my own class."

"Hey! Back off from my girlfriend, Lezzi! She’s mine!” I so want to bite his head off! He says it loud enough to be overheard….

“Bite me, Luki! Sam…I’ll see you later…just relax. It’ll be fine. The first week…even for the traditionals is slow.” I hiss at Luki, so that the others can’t hear. “Watch it A-Hole! You may have an outside advantage, but you haven’t won over Sam! I’ve not given up!” Sam turns beet red, and I know she’s pissed at both of us, but can’t do anything, at the moment.

I watch her walk off with Luki and sigh. I replace the used gum in my mouth with the fresh piece and have to hold on to a nearby pole. The dizziness is not quite as bad as the first time…but it still is there…along with this really cool…tingling…that quickly spreads throughout my body. I mutter to myself. “What is this fucking stuff?” Then I hurry to the bathroom…I’m not sure if I’m not going to shit in my panties! But, overall, it still feels really fucking good!

The day turns into the typical “first day of school.” At least I’m not a newbie, this year…so that helps…some. I still look forward to finding Sam on whatever breaks I can…she’s the only real friend I have here…and I’m glad she is…not just because of my crush on her. The couple of breaks that I am able to find her, have her lip-locked with Luki. That is soannoying…and would be more so…if I didn’t know that she’s on the fence about him and I still have a chance. She does give me a piece of gum each time we meet up…along with any kisses I can steal…which are so very satisfying. By the end of the day…I’m no longer getting dizzy when I chew the gum…and really looking forward to a new piece. It’s sooooo good…but kind of weird how I seem to…wantit.

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I wait in front of the school. I rode in with Chad and can’t deny I’m more than a little nervous. When I agreed to the whole WunderTeenthing…it was without the knowledge that I was going to have bubblegum pink hair, brows, and lashes. I’m still getting used to it…along with my eyes…they’re now sort of a purplish-pink mix. In a way…they’re pretty…and…in a way…they’re…scary. I’ve been to the mall twice with Lilly since our…transformation…and we did get some odd looks…but we really didn’t meet up with anyone we knew, from school.

“Hi, Pink!” Lilly startles me, as she gives me a hug from behind.

I turn around and smile. “Hi, Blue!”

Lilly’s parents wound up letting her sign up for the WunderTeenpromotion…even with the hair color change…and the eyes. I guess my pitch at the Country Club worked! I’m still not sure they believe the change is really permanent…but they didn’t feel the way that crap stung! Lilly knows…. Her hair is now blueberry colored…and she has eyes and lips to match. Her makeup palette is in the bluish-pinks. She’s very much the “blueberry” version of my “bubblegum.”

We both are fully aware of the price we paid to get here…although…we don’t really talk about that part…it sort of defeats us finding others willing to sign on…. Not everyone that signs onto the deal has to undergo the “full package.” But we get “extra credit” if we can get them to agree to it…and they get the “tingle” products to go with it.

“Are we ready for this? I’ve already been hassled some….” Lilly grimaces.

I shrug. “Ready…or not…we’re stuck like this…so…let’s make the most of it.” I pop in a piece of gum.

Lilly takes out her own gum and starts chewing it.

We’re just about to go inside when I’m stopped dead in my tracks.

“Gem? Is that you?” Mark Benedict…Sam’s…former…best friend seems bewildered.

I turn around. “Hi, Mark. Yes, it’s me. What do you think of my…our…new look?” I pull Lilly into a hug.

He shakes his head. “Whatever floats your boat, I guess. Is Sam around? Or…are the rumors true? Petey said he heard he wasn’t coming back.”

I turn red. He doesn’t respond to her emails all summer…and now just wants to act like it’s business as usual. “Well…I don’t know what rumors you heard, but Sam goes to Oakwood, now…with…Faith.” I decide not to mention Gerome…. “But what do you care, Mark? Sam has been upset all summer that you never emailed back…and you didn’t come by…or call…when you got back! If you had…you’d know what was going on!”

He hangs his head. “We just got back day before yesterday…and I’ve been busy unpacking…and stuff. And…not that it’s really any of your business…but I was…afraid to email Sam and let him know that I met…someone when we were over there. We actually stayed in Italy the majority of the time…and I spent a lot of time with him…Franco….”

I shake my head…pissed. “So…you just replaced your best friend with another…Italian guy?”

He sighs. “No…you don’t understand…. I didn’t replace Sam with another best friend…I…I…I fell in love…. Please don’t go spreading it…not many know…yet. I’m gay…and I couldn’t deny it anymore when I met Franco. I didn’t know how Sam would react. Can you tell him to call me…or let me know if he still wants to see me?”

I actually giggle. “You were scared to come out of the closet? That’s why you didn’t…?” I shake my head. “Well, Mark…I certainly will let Sam know that you want to talk…. We need to get inside. I’ll text later…although…they’re pretty strict over there at Oakwood…so….” I shrug.

I hook arms with Lilly…and wave backwards at Mark, as we take the bull by the horns and…more or less…confidently…stride up to the school entrance.

On our way in, I see Jimmy Rollings and do a double take. “Lilly…look! Do you think Jimmy Rolling signed up for WunderTeen? He looks sort of like a ‘grape!’”

She giggles and shrugs. “Or a ‘cotton candy!’ I hope he isn’t competition to us signing girls up!”

I give her a funny look. “Well…I guess they never said it has to be girls!”

We both giggle and make our way to our first class.

* * * * *


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This past week was bizarre…and the most bizarre thing is…I seem to be addicted to Ronni’s kisses. I mean…literally! I…crave them! I don’t know what it is about them…but I want them…. No…I need them! It all started a few days ago…when I kissed her and nearly fell over from getting so dizzy! That eventually got better…but the cravings just increased from there.

Then there were the things that happened at WG… Don’t get me started on my fucking hair! It’s now almost an inch long…longer than I can remember ever having it. But…it’s a mess of purple and pink…and Lissa has threatened me with exposing my…history with Ronni…if I do anything to change that. The guys in football practice have been giving me total shit about it in the locker room. At least they can’t see it when I have my helmet on…and the ribbing settles down on the field. But today is the first day of school…and…it’s going to be fucking embarrassing! I’m sure most won’t notice that my eyes are now a bright green…most people don’t really pay attention to those kind of details…but my hair is another issue!

And then there’s this fucking lipstick shit that I have to wear. Ronni explained that Lissa wants me to…and she encouraged me to do it…just to not “create any waves.” She showed me how…and thankfully it’s colorless…but that begs the question…why use it? The thing is that when I put the lip gloss crap on top of the lipstick…I got a feeling that was a lot like kissing Ronni…and we never had better sex than after we kissed when I had it on. Thinking about it just makes me pull the gloss out of my pocket and coat my lips with it. I can do it without looking, now…I do it quite frequently…it’s like I need it…like Ronni’s kisses. At least…I can sort of explain it away as for chapped lips…or something. Although…it’s summer…and it makes my lips really fucking shiny.

But the thing that’s bothering me most…is that I seem to be getting…weaker. It may just be my imagination…because of all the other shit going on…but throwing the ball in practice has been getting just a little…harder…when I want to complete those long passes.

I shake my head and try to think of something else…but it just reminds me of the other…deed…that Lissa is making me do today… There’s a dropper bottle of some…shit…in my backpack…and she wants me to put ten drops of it in three of the shower gel dispensers in the locker room showers…and randomly rotate which ones I put the shit in, on a weekly basis. I have no idea what it is…or what it does. I’m afraid I don’t want to know. All I know is that I’m glad I don’t have to use those showers….

“Hey, Bro…ready for our last year?” Chad breaks me away from my disturbing thoughts.

“Yeah…but this year can’t end fast enough! Hopefully with a full football ride somewhere!” I sigh and shake my head.

“Well…if you don’t get disqualified for trying to intimidate the other side with that hair!” He snickers and punches me on the shoulder.

“What? There’s nothing in the rule books about…purple hair…right?” I punch him back.

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I pull up to the school and park. Gem jumps out and hurries off…who knows where. Probably to find her blue-haired friend. I still can’t believe what she’s done to herself…or that her best friend agreed to doing the same thing! Who would agree to pink or blue hair? And they’re going to try to get other girls to turn “Fruity Pebbles!” I shake my head….

Then I see Jimmie. Talk about “Fruity Pebbles.” Ronni has him off his rocker. I never would have guessed her to be that…deranged. But that he would even agree to turning his hair purple…with pink sprinkled in…is just inexplicable. And I’ve never seen it as long as it is. I mean…it’s not long…but an inch of length for him…is like shoulder-length on anyone else!

I saunter up to him and pull him out of some sort of deep thought. After we give each other our normal shit, we start toward the entrance. I will have to agree with him…I’m looking forward to this year ending…I just don’t know what I’ll be doing. I don’t figure I’ll get a football scholarship…which is why I keep working at his dad’s lumberyard.

“What the Hell, Rollings? I thought you’d fix this shit before school started!” Bull, our best linebacker saunters up with a girl on each arm…both cheerleaders. They’re looking at Jimmie and giggling.

Jimmie plays it cool and shrugs. “You’re just jealous, Bull! Ronni loves it!”

The girls look confused. Brittany, one of our best cheerleaders, even seems shocked. “You’re with Ronni Brown? When did that happen?”

Jimmie shrugs and puffs up his chest. “A couple of weeks ago…we’re pretty inseparable, right now.”

She just shakes her head. “I can’t believe it…but…then again…I can’t believe that she’s gone Goth, either! I saw her at the mall the other day….”

I sigh. “We better get to class, guys….”

And the day is as boring as I fear…a typical first day of school. At least it’s a last first day of school!

Then…finally…it ends…and we get to football practice. Jimmie acts kind of weird in the locker room…and hangs back after we all take the field. He comes out a few minutes later…just before Coach blows his whistle. I give him a questioning WTF look…and he just shrugs. Then we start practice…and he keeps underthrowing his passes. It takes everything I’ve got to catch them. I have no idea what’s up with him!

The really weird thing is when practice is over, and we go to the showers. “What the fuck?” Comes out of stall three…then similar reactions out of ten and twelve. I’m waiting for stall three and have no idea what’s going on.

Bull comes out. “Dude! This shit…tingles! It’s…kind of…wild!”

I shake my head. I have no idea what he’s spouting off about. I step into the shower stall and turn on the water. It’s already warm…so I lather up…and startle. “What the fuck?” It does tingle…like crazy! But…it’s kind of…good!

* * * * *


* * * * *

I stand out in the Smoker’s Corner with Claire and light our cigarettes. I blow out my smoke and shake my head. “I don’t get it, Claire! I really intended to stop…but it’s like the harder I try…the more impossible it gets!”

“I know!” She grimaces and blows out her smoke in frustration. “I can’t call myself an occasional…or social…smoker, anymore. I’ve never had cravings like this, before. I literally can’t go more than an hour or two without smoking! I don’t get it!”

“Samantha’s so pissed at me. And I can’t blame her. I made a deal with her…and I didn’t last three days. If she starts smoking again…it’s on me…and I can’t really say a word.” I can barely stop myself from stomping my foot.

“Yeah. Faith’s pissed at me, too. I never used to smoke in front of her…and now…like I said…I can’t stop! I just don’t understand why! I used to enjoy smoking…and I could control my urges. What changed? How did it get control over me?” She puts out her cigarette and shakes her head.

“I don’t know, Claire. I just don’t know.” I put out my cigarette…and we both go back inside to work. “See you in about an hour….”

I go inside…already looking forward to my next break…and try and distract myself from those thoughts.

Joyce comes in and breaks into my thoughts. “Hi, Jules. How’s Gem doing with the campaign? Getting Lilly signed on as ‘Blueberry’ was a plus, but we still need our ‘Orange’, ‘Lemon’, ‘Lime’, and ‘Strawberry’…to start out with.”

I sigh. I’m still not totally onboard with the whole WunderTeenordeal. Not that it matters…I know Gem is fully committed now…for better…or worse. “It’s just the first day of school, Joyce. Give her…and Lilly…a chance. If anyone can do it…they can.”

She nods. “I know…there’s just a lot riding on it. There’s more pressure to make this work out than even I knew.” She pauses…and hesitates before continuing. “Umm…I hate to tell you this…but Lissa let me in a tidbit. You’re not supposed to know…but I think you need to. The treatment they did on Gem’s eyes…it was worth two hundred and fifty K. Money you’re on the hook for if she doesn’t deliver.”

I choke. “What!? I…I…I didn’t agree to that!”

She shakes her head. “Jules. You really need to learn to read the fine print…or better yet…get a lawyer to do it for you. I’m afraid you did…when you signed the contract.” She sighs. “Oh. I need you and Sam to go see Zoe this week.”

I choke again. “Zoe? Why would we need to go see her?”

Zoe is the owner/artist in a local tattoo/piercing shop that WG contracts with.

She shrugs. “You know that times are changing, Jules. The days that tattoos were taboo are gone…now it’s expected that you have ‘ink’—the more elaborate, the better! It’s time for you and Sam to get your first tats.”

I turn bright red. “And how many do you have, Joyce?”

She shakes her head. “None of your business…and it’s not about me. You don’t have to get anything elaborate…for now. But a mother-daughter matching ink set is just what Adam is looking for.” She grins. “I hear Luki picked out the design.”

I turn green. “You mean I have to get a tattoo to satisfy the ego of my daughter’s wannabe lover?”

She giggles. “Ah…young love…and business. A volatile mix! But the short answer is, yes—you know we have to keep Adam happy.”

I shudder. “I’m going out back…I need a break. Fuck this!”

* * * * *


* * * * *

I watch Julia and Claire on the monitor…and listen in on their conversation. I grin. There’s no need to worry about anyone trying to quit anymore and shut down my stream of information. As a matter of fact, I think I will slowly add more to the pool. I know Ginny had reservations about the soap, but I think it’s time….

Who says smoking is out of style? And who cares about the health issues…they’re not mine. I’m not stupid enough to smoke!

I turn back to my reports and smile.

I’m surprised when Julia comes right back out and lights up—obviously agitated. She’s alone, however, so I can’t get any information on why. I’m studying her closely, trying to get a clue as to what’s going on when Ginny comes in.

“Hi, Lissa. It looks like all is going well with the products…. Oh! I see Jules is out there, right now!” She looks at the monitor and smiles.

“Yes, although, I’m not sure why. Something’s up and I don’t know what. I’m sure I’ll find out sooner or later, though.” I hate not knowing what’s going on. I shrug and focus my attention back on Ginny. “I think we need to go through with the soap…and let’s add the hand sanitizer. We need to expand the pool. If we had a wider one, Julia would likely not be out there alone, and I would be getting more information.”

Ginny sighs, but nods…clearly not happy, but ready to comply. “You know that I’m not convinced about this, Lissa. How do we keep minors away?”

“There really shouldn’t be many in the staff bathrooms, right?” I shrug. “The odd occasion where there are won’t be sufficient exposure to addict them. If we suddenly get an influx of underaged employees, then we can revisit the practice.”

She nods. “OK. You’re the boss. Speaking of bathrooms. Have you heard anything from Jimmi? How is it going with the locker room showers?”

“He is supposed to add the compound to the first three showers today.” I smile. “We’ll know soon enough!”

Ginny nods and leaves to take care of the bathroom issue.

I turn back to see what Julia is up to. She’s just leaving, and I still have no idea what has her so upset. That’s just so frustrating! Yes…we need more people out there to stimulate conversation. Hopefully, Ginny gets that kicked into gear!

~ Day 64 ~

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I throw up in the toilet again. I hold my hair back out of my face with my right hand and brace myself with my left…while I wait for another violent heave to finish wringing out my intestinal tract. My stomach finally empties itself and I press a cold washcloth to my forehead. I try and remember what I ate that is rebelling against me.

Then it hits me. “No! Oh…no…no…no! Fuck! What day is it?” I grab my phone…and feel the acid churning in my stomach…this time from nerves. I open my app and sink down on the floor. “I’m a day late…and I’m neverlate!”

I quickly get dressed and run out to my car…and drive to Walmart to pick up an early pregnancy test. I hurry home and rush back into the bathroom…where I pee on the stick. I wait the prescribed time and…take a deep breath…and look. “Fuck! Fuck…fuck…fuck! This has to be wrong! I’m on the fucking pill!”

I feel like I’m going to throw up again…I know I have to go talk to Momma….

I violently shake my head to try and clear it of this nightmare. Of course, it doesn’t work…so, I grab my phone and call Alice. She picks up after the third ring and I don’t give her a chance to say anything before I jump in. “Alice! I need help! Do you think your Momma can see me today? I know I should just call her myself…but…” I break down and ball!

“Ronni?” She is of course confused. “What’s going on? Are you OK? Why do you need to see Momma?”

Alice’s mother is a nurse practitioner and has been my primary “female” care, in terms of birth control.

I pull myself together and take a shaky breath. “I think I’m pregnant. But I want to confirm that before I…talk…to Momma. Then there is the conversation with Daddy.”

Alice gasps. “Why do you think…?”

I tell her about the morning.

“Momma hasn’t left yet. Let me ask. Hang on!” She obviously puts down her phone.

I hear muffled talking in the background and then someone picking up the phone.

“Ronni, Hon. Alice says you need to see me? Of course. I don’t have anything for my first slot. Can you be at the office in twenty minutes?” Alice’s mom tries to calm me down with a soothing voice.

I sigh. “Yes, I can be there.”

Two hours later, I’m in the kitchen with Momma. “I don’t know how it happened, Momma! I was always very careful about taking my pills!”

“You don’t know how…?” She is paler than me, right now. “Well, it comes from having sex, young lady! How else…? I’m going to kill that little weasel, Jimmie! I knew he was trouble!”

Daddy comes in at that moment and I have to spend the next few minutes bringing him up to speed. “It’s not Jimmie’s fault. Not really….”

Then I tell them the whole sordid story of Lissa’s blackmail…and her pressuring me into pushing Jimmie. “Of course, it’s my word against hers! I have no proof of any of it!

~ To be continued in WunderTeen! ~




Keep the flammable materiel at a safe distance!


Uh-oh.. Mad chemistry AND pregnancy, not a good combination. Oh yeah, and a teen mother as well. Whoops.


Well, she'll be twenty by the time the baby comes? ;) HUGS! S