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Chapter Eight

~ Day 55 ~




I can’t believe we’re actually members of the Country Club, now…and that we’re going out tonight. I look at myself in the mirror and smile. I look killer in this dress! It’s a literal “LBD.” A little black dress…well, not too  little… Daddy, or Momma either one, would go for that. But it’s nice enough and it actually goes quite well with my pink hair. I’m still getting used to that…the shock of having pink hair when I look in the mirror is lessoning, but it still is a foreign look to me. Even my lashes and eyebrows are pink, and the latter seem to mock me when they go up in surprise when I look in the mirror.

I check my makeup one final time and glance at my watch. I need to be downstairs…like ten minutes ago! I’m surprised Daddy isn’t yelling at me…something about a tee time with Mr. Ansel. But when I get downstairs,

Momma isn’t down yet, either… She’s still getting ready, which gets me off the hook. Not only that, Samantha is also still upstairs.

That doesn’t mean that Daddy’s not stewing in the living room…impatiently pacing back and forth. He’s mumbling to himself that he’s going to miss his chance to play. He’s gotten really irritable since he decided to quit smoking cigars…again. Chad’s gone to get Alice, since he’s taking her as our guest, so he’s not here to calm Daddy down.

I sigh. “So, Daddy. Did you find that golf club thingy you were looking for? What was it? Some sort of pitcher?”

He nods. “My putter. Yeah, it had fallen out of my bag and down behind that mattress it was propped up on. It’s been so long since I played, I know I’m going to embarrass myself…that’s why I can’t be late, on top of everything else! Where are  those two?”

I giggle. “You know us girls take longer, Daddy! We can’t embarrass ourselves by going to someplace like the Country Club looking like losers. Beauty takes time and effort!”

Sam comes down, at that moment. She sort of glides down the stairs…making it look effortless in the six-inch heels she has on. She looks beautiful in the short emerald-green dress she has on…the one that perfectly matches her green eyes. “Yes…getting ready as a girl certainly is a pain. I miss just being able to jump in the shower and pulling on some pants and a shirt. Do I look OK?”

I smile. “You look lovely, as always, Sis!”

Daddy sort of chokes up. “Yes, you both look beautiful…if not the way I’m used to. Sam in a dress and Gem with pink hair. I never would have expected either a few months ago!”

“And the girls finally outnumber the men in this house!” Momma smiles as she slowly walks down the stairs. “Since we now rule the roost, we get to dictate the rules!”

Daddy shakes his head. “You always have, Dear! Now, can we please get going? You look lovely, too, by the way!”

Momma giggles. “Flattery will get you everywhere, Love! Now, come along, girls! Let’s get your daddy to his tee time… We’ll just enjoy the tea!”




I get into the driver’s seat as Gary gets his clubs out of the trunk. I wave to Adam and start the car back up after Gary slams the trunk closed, then I drive us up to the main clubhouse and park. I’m still getting used to the idea that we’re actual members and not just here as guests. I look in the rearview mirror at my two girls sitting in the back seat and shake my head. I had overheard Gary’s comment about not expecting the way either of them looks a few months ago. I can’t say that I disagree with that sentiment. I smile into the mirror. “OK, girls. Let’s hobnob with St. Cloud’s high society! Don’t embarrass me, OK?” I giggle to let them know that I’m kidding…sort of!

We all get out of the car and walk up the path to the building and then up the front steps. We are all dressed to the nines and our heels click loudly on the concrete as we walk. While I never would have expected my son, Sam, to be wearing a designer dress and six-inch stilettos, my daughter, Sam, does it very well. And the more I look at her, the more I am sure that she is my daughter…even if she doesn’t admit it, just yet. Now, my other daughter’s bubblegum-pink hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows…that’s going to take some getting used to!

We enter the clubhouse and I look around. I see Chad and Alice talking to another young couple, neither of which I know. I then see Claire sitting with Faith at a table. She waves us over and I start toward them, Sam in my wake.

Gem starts to follow, but then heads off in another direction. “I’ll meet up with you later, Momma. I see Lilly and her mom. I want to talk to them more about signing up for the WunderTeen product line pilot!”

I nod and continue on to Claire’s table. She gets up and gives me a hug, while Faith and Sam hug.

I can’t help but notice that Faith’s hug…lingers. I’ve long suspected that she’s gay…but also had a thing for Sam. I’ll have to keep an eye on the situation…not that I’m for Sam getting together with Gerome, but there are certain…expectations that she’s going to have to fulfill. I grimace inwardly at the unfairness, but when they break the hug, they act completely normal, and I wonder if I just imagined the whole thing. I shake my head and resolve to just monitor the situation.

“Hi Claire! Faith! How are you two? I still can’t believe we’re members, now!” I nervously giggle a little.

Claire smiles. “We’re great! Why don’t you girls go mingle? I know you don’t want to hang around your fuddy-duddy mothers!”

“Oh, yes! Thanks, Momma!” Faith grabs Sam’s hand and drags her out onto the veranda.

“I never knew I was that much of a ‘fuddy-duddy!’” I laugh and shake my head. “I could use something to drink.

Want something? Maybe a Mimosa?”

Claire nods. “That sounds wonderful! We can take it out on the back porch and have a smoke while we drink it.”

I shake my head. “I…I…can’t… I promised Sam that I’d quit.”

Claire looks shocked. “You did? Well…did you say when you’d quit? Come out back with me and tell me all about it!”

I signal for the waiter and he comes over. “Two Mimosas, please. I guess we’ll be taking them out on the back porch.”

He nods. “Sure thing, Ms. Brinkley! Two Mimosas coming right up? Anything for you, Ms. Beaumont?”

She grins and shakes her head. “Go get us our drinks, Roger…and hurry…or no tip for you!” She smiles with a twinkle in her eye and leads me toward the back. “He’s a good kid, but such a tease!”

We go out on the back porch and she pulls out her cigarettes.

She takes one out of the pack and lights it. “Sure you don’t want one?”

I sigh. “Of course, I want  one! I desperately need one! But…I promised…” I shrug. “Well…it seems that certain individuals at WG …that I have to have a talk with…gave Samantha access to cigarettes…to ‘calm’ her down…for her date with Gerome. They even went so far as to supply her with a pack to take on the date. I caught her yesterday morning about to smoke one…I don’t think she’s fully addicted…but very close. I lost it…but know I was being hypocritical…not only because I smoke…but I started even younger than she did. So….”

“Yeah…” She nods. “I try and not smoke in front of Faith. But she knows that I do…and I think she’s curious. I don’t want her to start, either. I guess you could call my smoking more ‘occasional’ and ‘social’…but I don’t know that the semantics of that really matter…and…for some reason…the lure is getting stronger, lately. Anyway, I try and minimize Faith’s exposure…but I don’t know that it’s enough. At least…’normal’ peer pressure isn’t what it once was. You know…in school.”

I nod. It’s really a difficult issue to balance with our kids.

Roger interrupts our discussion when he brings our drinks out and hands them to us. “I put them on your tab, Ms. Brinkley. Enjoy!”

I smile and nod. “Thank you, Roger, is it? Stick close…we will be needing more!”

He nods and disappears back inside.

I clink glasses with Claire and take a deep sip of the drink. “Enough of that talk! This tastes very good. Now, what do I need to know about this place? I need a distraction!” I can’t help but be jealous of the lit cigarette in her hand.

“You know…no one could fault you for not quitting cold turkey….” She winks and smiles. “Anyway, see that lady over there? That’s Rosemary Braun. She’s the most influential member, right now, so stay on her good side...”




I slam the trunk closed and walk toward the golf cart where Adam Ansel is sitting drinking a beer. I’m surprised…it’s still early in the day, but I certainly won’t judge. I set my bag down and stick out my hand. “Hi, Adam. Thanks for the invite! I’ll have to admit that I’m very rusty…it’s been a while, since I had a chance to last play.”

He smiles and shakes my hand. “Oh, don’t worry about that, Gary! We’ll knock that rust off, in no time! How about a beer to loosen it up? It’s a nice craft ale…nothing heavy.”

I nod. “Ummm…sure. But you really don’t have to get me drunk to beat me!” I laugh and take the proffered beer. I open it and we clink the bottles. I take a slow sip and suppress a sigh. “Sorry I’m a little late…the girls were taking their time, this morning!”

Adam laughs. “I know that feeling! Gerome and I started getting ready an hour after Penny and we still finished an hour before her! But that’s normal for getting ready for the Country Club, for us…or anywhere else we go, for that matter!”

I look around. “Gerome is here?”

Adam nods. “He’s over in the clubhouse. I think he was looking forward to seeing Samantha. She is  here, right? I’m pretty sure I saw her in your car before Julia drove off.”

I nod…suddenly feeling sorry for Sam. “Yes. The whole family’s here…and I think I may have you to thank for that?”

He shrugs. “I don’t know what you mean. I just invited you to play some golf…now that you’re a member. As for being late…you’re not. Like I said, I know how it is to have to wait. We still have another ten minutes until we actually tee off. So, cheers!”

We finish our first beer and begin our first round of golf. Other than a terrible slice on my very first hit, I do decent. I’m only ten over par…which for not having played in a few years and an unfamiliar course is much better than I expected.

“Nice round, Gary! Let’s go again…We’ll get you down to par before the day’s out. Here comes Fred and Joe. We’re playing the second round with them…you’ll be my partner. Don’t worry…they suck!” He laughs with a wink.

He introduces me to the two brothers, and we take off on the round. To my surprise, Adam and I win…and I actually make it down to two over par!

“Great round! Let’s go back to the clubhouse and have a good whiskey and a fine cigar. On me!” Adam claps me on the back.

I sigh. Maybe Julia won’t notice…I mean I can’t say “No,” right? That would be rude.




I get goose bumps when I see Sam come in. I barely notice Julia as I give my BFF…and dream lover a cuddly hug. I know I hold onto her a beat too long, but I can’t help myself. Then I notice Julia noticing me…and totally recalibrate my aura. I’ve had plenty of time and practice to learn how to hide my true self…and my feelings. I can tell I throw her off the scent…but I’ll have to be careful. Unfortunately, Sam is clueless…as always. I just have to convince her to stay a girl…and to “see” me, as I want her to…not just as a BFF.

Then Momma gives us an excuse to hurry off. It’s not that I see her as a “fuddy-duddy,” as she puts it. I actually enjoy having adult conversations with her. But…I need to make sure Julia stays off my scent…and I want more of a chance to work on Sam…in an arena that she’s not yet comfortable in. I’m completely at home here…so it’s home turf advantage for me! “So, Sam…what shall we do? If you have your cigarettes…I know of a place we can sneak off to….”

She grimaces. “I…can’t…. I promised Momma….”

I slowly nod. “But you want to?”

She thinks a minute. “Well…I mean…I would like to…. But….”

“Hello, ladies!” An all-too-familiar voice assaults us from behind.

I jump and turn around to see Luki Adams coming toward us and groan. “It looks like your boyfriend has found us.”

She hisses. “He’s not my boyfriend! You know that!” She blushes, despite her denial.

He smiles as he gives Sam a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Then he looks at me thoughtfully. “Going somewhere?”

I give him a shit-eating grin. “I’m taking Sam to a special place to have a smoke. If you’re coming, you’ll have to do it, too.” It’s a bluff…but it should be interesting to see how he reacts.

He pales. “J…j…just because Sam smokes…doesn’t mean I have to….”

“No one said you do…” I shrug. “But if you want to come with…then you’ll have to participate.”

Sam is giving me an incredulous look…over Luki’s shoulder.

“Bullsh…. Wait!” He pauses. “You’re saying that you’re smoking, too? Does your mother know?”

I shrug again. “I can neither confirm, nor deny that. To find out, you’ll have to come with…and do the deed. Or…you can just let Sam and me go alone….”

Sam is biting her lip to keep from laughing.

Luki’s face is beet-red. “I…I…I…”

It’s a huge gamble. If he calls my bluff, I’m not sure what I’ll actually do. Maybe I’ll finally get a chance to try smoking…so, it could work out….

Luki blusters, “You’re crazy! Both of you. I’ll find you later, Sam…when you’re done with this idiocy!” He storms off.

Sam lets out a deep breath and laughs. “You’re crazy, Faith! What if he’d agreed?”

“Well….” I giggle. “I’d get to try out smoking…so, no loss. I’m still game…?” I give her a hopeful look.

She shakes her head. “I…would like to…I can’t deny it. But I don’t need  to…right now. I’d like to keep it that way.”

“OK.” I sigh. “Let me take you to my hideout, anyway?”

She giggles. “Who can resist a hideout!”

I lead her out back onto the patio and see Momma with Julia. Momma’s smoking and Julia’s watching lustfully. I do my best to ignore them and lead Sam further out toward the back woods on the property. We are just about to enter them when Petey Smythe comes out on the very path I want to take.

“Well, well, well. if it isn’t little Miss Beaumont…and…Sam? Sam Brinkley? So…the rumors are  true. When we heard you weren’t coming back to school, this year…word was that you’d turned into a pervert. No surprise, I guess. You always were a pathetic weakling. So…turning into a prissy little bitch suits you. I’ll be sure and let everyone in school know—especially Mark. I’m sure he’ll wonder.”

I bite my words as I glare at him. “If one word of this gets out, Petey, I’ll let that little secret from last summer out…the one with Sal…”

“You wouldn’t dare” He pales. “You little bitch! Besides…it would be your word against mine.”

I shrug. “I still have the picture I took with my phone…. Up to you.”

“You’re lying! You don’t have a picture!” He looks unsure.

I shrug again. “It’s safely stored in the cloud. Try me. Besides, I think Sal would back me up. He was certainly enjoying himself. Not that it appeared that you weren’t….”

He shoves me aside. “This isn’t over! Bitch!” He storms off.

Sam looks at me incredulously. “What was that all about? What am I going to do? If he outs me at my old school, I’m dead…it will, of course, get around to Oakwood, too. And…Gerome. Not that I care about Luki finding out…not really…but WG  will…. I think I’m ready for that cigarette, now. Do you have any?”

I shake my head. “No…. I thought you did. But…trust me. Petey won’t say anything…. I have the goods on him…and Sal…Salvadore Lopez. I…ummm…caught them red-handed…with Sal…on top.”

“Ewww! Really? That’s gross!” She shudders.

I’m not sure if she’s uncomfortable with it because she’s uncomfortable with two guys…being together…and still thinks of herself as a guy. Or, is it because she’s uncomfortable with…same-sex relationships, in general…and…thinks of herself as a girl…which means…we couldn’t ever….

“So…are you going to show me this secret place?” She fidgets. “I need a distraction…. It’s still too bad we don’t have any cigarettes.”




It’s very clear to me that Julia wants a cigarette as I point out the “players” at the club. There are several people to stay in good graces with…and several that just think they are. I light another cigarette as I point out the last of the VIPs. As I exhale, I can’t help but wonder how I got into this habit, myself. I’m clearly extremely addicted…and I don’t know how I got here…or if I could  quit. I don’t see how Julia is going to do it…but she did once before, so maybe she can again. I just wish I knew what is driving me  to smoke, as much. Something’s just not right with it.

I watch Rosemary Braun eye Gem distastefully…it’s clear that she isn’t enamored with her pink hair.

Gem is in an animated discussion with Lilly…and Lilly’s family is high in the rankings, around here, so I’m sure that Rosemary won’t cause a scene, but it’s fun to watch her struggle to hold herself back.

Roger brings another round of Mimosas and Julia and I settle into an easy conversation that takes my mind off of thinking about my bad habits making the time fly by quickly. Several hours pass by before we know it and Gary and Adam come in from the links with the Harding brothers. They don’t notice us in the corner, and I know that Gary is in deep trouble when Adam buys a round of expensive whiskey…and passes out thick cigars.

Gary smiles and lights his cigar with gusto.

Julia frowns and just sits there…seething.

Gary looks over after blowing out a large cloud of smoke and clinking glasses with Adam…and sees Julia watching him. I’m not sure, but I think he may have a mild heart attack…at the very least, he has a very bad case of acid reflux.

Adam sees us and pulls Gary in our direction. This should be fun!

“Hello, Ladies! We had a great couple of rounds of golf! Thank you, Julia, for letting me steal your husband for a few hours!” Adam smiles brightly at us and puffs on his cigar. “It seems that the cigar is not really agreeing with him, though. What’s wrong, Gary…not used to those anymore, either?” He laughs.

Gary looks even greener and is just standing there.

Rosemary Braun is looking our direction and not in a good way…she must sense that something is up.

“I’m surprised he let you talk him into it, Adam. He always gets sick when he smokes the things. He should know better!” Julia gives them a fake smile.

Adam nods gravely. “Duly noted for the future.” It seems clear that he got the message, and he quickly changes the subject. “How is Samantha? I don’t see her. Is she out somewhere with Gerome?”

I shrug. “She’s with Faith. I haven’t seen either of the girls in a while…or Gerome, for that matter.”




I give my BFF, Gem, a big hug when she comes over. It’s still a bit of a shock when I see her pink hair, brows, and lashes…but I absolutely adore them! I so want a color of my own…and Gem has assured me that I can have one…if I can convince Momma and Daddy to let me. I love her pink, but the blueberry color that she showed me is exactly what I want.

“Momma!” I smile widely. “How do you like Gem’s new look? Isn’t it adorable?”

“It’s…certainly…unique.” Momma purses her lips. “Are you sure you want to do something like this, too, Hon? It’s so…glaring….”

I nod. “Yes, I do, Momma. I know you and Daddy aren’t convinced about me doing it, yet. But, as you can see, Gem here is having no ill effects. Please let me join the pilot! Think of it as a privilege.”

“And it’s a bargain, too. Lilly gets the full treatment at no cost to you.” Gem adds that on…not that the money part will have much impact on their decision.

Momma looks at Gem and sighs. “So…you’re telling me that this has long-term effects, but is otherwise harmless? How do you know?”

Gem shrugs. “Well…I guess it is a trial and there aren’t any guarantees…any more than getting your hair colored at the beauty salon. Who’s to say that won’t give you cancer? They’ve done a lot of research and testing. I won’t lie, the eyedrops were not fun, but the rest was a piece of cake. It does still shock me a little to see myself in the mirror.” She giggles. “But I can’t say I regret it. And Lilly loves it! Please let her join me in the pilot! She would make an awesome ‘Blue!’”

“And her momma said she would be happy to talk to you about it.” I jump in. “Right, Gem?”

She nods vigorously. “Yes. Happy to!”

Momma sighs. “I will take it up with your mother, then, Gemma. I’m not saying ‘No’…but I’m not saying ‘Yes’…either.”

I hug Momma fiercely. That’s as good as a “Yes!”




I’m not sure what to make of the whole deal with the cigar…. It was pretty clear that Gary wanted one…and was enjoying it immensely, albeit hesitantly…until he saw Julia. Then, there was her comment…. There is something up there that I don’t want to get in the middle of. I mentally shrug. Gary’s loss!

I look around and don’t see Samantha…or Gerome. My hope is that my plan is working. By frequently getting the whole family here…as members…will give Gerome more time together with Samantha. I know that she isn’t convinced about dating Gerome just yet…and that she’s still young. But Gerome is infatuated with her. Not that I can blame him. She’s quite the catch…even if she was somewhat unrefined, at first. Gretta and her crew have been doing a bang-up job on getting her to act her role. I despise tomboys! Of course, Oakwood will only reinforce the seeds that Gretta’s shop has planted…and prune the wild growth into a beautiful young lady.

So, it doesn’t fit my plans, at all, when Claire informs me that Samantha is with Faith...and not with Gerome. Of course, he may be with them…and Claire just doesn’t know it. But…I think it’s time to further cement the relationship between my son and his chosen girl. It is a man’s world, after all. It’s not like Samantha has a choice in the matter…. I will have to talk to Gretta and make it clear that Samantha’s career…and WG contracts depend on it. That’s just how it works.

I puff on my cigar and take a sip of whiskey before turning back to Gary. I don’t know why he’s kowtowing to Julia. She’s just another woman…and just a simple model, at that. “Gary! Why don’t you come with me? I want to introduce you to some folks. Don’t worry…you can finish your cigar as we talk.”

He looks torn.

I grab him before Julia can say anything and pull him along. “Let me introduce you to Wolfgang Braun…. You could say he runs the Country Club….”




I wander around the grounds in a funk. I can’t believe that Sam would try to force me into smoking. I mean, Dad does…those stupid cigars…but that doesn’t mean that I want to. Then it hits me. Sam never said anything about it. It was all Faith! Sure. Sam didn’t contradict her, but she never encouraged her, either. I turn red…they just wanted some girl-time alone, I guess. I’m not sure if they ever were  going to smoke.

I wander the grounds alone, some more, then wind up in the parking lot. I see Dad’s car and quickly hatch a “fun” revenge plan to get back at Faith. I get into the car and open the glove compartment. I know that Dad keeps a stash of cigars in a special container in there…something he calls a humidinator, or something… I pull it out and open it up. I take one of the stupid things and a box of matches. I put the container back in the glove compartment, before closing everything back up.

I have a good idea where Faith was taking Sam and strike out on the path in the back woods. Several minutes later, I turn right off the path and straight into the woods. There is a clearing not far off that is a not too-well-kept secret.

I am about to break into the clearing when I see Sam and Faith through the branches.

Faith is kissing Sam!

I see red, again. Dad’s right! You can’t trust women. They have to be dealt with…with a firm hand. He would never hit a woman…and neither would I. But they have to understand that this is a man’s world…and that women are here to take care of the men of the world.

I look at the cigar in my hand. I wasn’t sure about this before. Now, I’m absolutely certain!

I enter the clearing, just as Faith breaks her kiss.

Sam seems uncertain about it, which is good.

“Hello, Ladies.”

Faith gasps.

“Am I interrupting anything?” I restrain myself from shouting.

Faith shrugs. “I was just giving Sam an alternative to consider. Sorry, Luki…but it’s her choice.”

I look at Sam. She still seems uncertain…so I haven’t lost, yet.


She shrugs. “I…I…I don’t know…. Why do I have to choose? Maybe I don’t want anyone!”

I nod. “Well…. While you think about who you want, I brought a cigar for us to share. Faith was so eager for us to all ‘participate.’ So, I brought my contribution. Why don’t you light it for us, Faith?”

I hide a smile when she’s caught in her own trap.

She hesitates and shrugs. “I don’t know anything about cigars, Luki. You light it and show us how to smoke it.”

I kick myself. That didn’t go as planned! I sigh. I’m pretty sure I can get it lit without any harm to me…and then get her to smoke it. Dad’s always threatening to make me smoke one with him…to “make a man out of me.” He says the first is always the worst. It should make her good and sick!

I’ve watched Dad do it a million times…I bite the tip off and spit it out. It tastes like crap! My lips and tongue sort of tingle where it touched them. I spit some more to try and make it stop. I light a match and hold the flame to the other end. I puff a little to get it started…being extra careful to not inhale any of the smoke. I still get kind of dizzy…and tingly. Once it’s started, I smile and hand it to Faith. “There you go…it’s nice and stoked. Now, you puff on it…. But just to make sure you’re not cheating; I want to see the smoke come out of your nose.”

I know that you aren’t supposed to inhale cigar smoke, but I highly doubt she does.

She gives me a suspicious look but takes the stoked cigar and puffs on it a couple of times, then pulls the smoke into her lungs and lets it out her nose. She coughs a little and sways. I think she may be a little green, but she defiantly repeats the process. Then she holds it out to me. “OK, I don’t want to hog it. Your turn!”

I shake my head.

She smirks. “Chicken! I thought you wanted to share! Are you going to let a girl  outdo you? I know what you and your dad think of us.”

Furious, I take the cigar and puff on it…then inhale. I’m hit with a wave of dizziness and nausea…but I don’t give into it.




I watch my BFF and my wannabe boyfriend duke it out over me in the most bizarre battle I have ever witnessed. Never mind that I don’t want to be fought over. I decide to just sit back and see what happens…not that I will simply “succumb” to the victor of this idiocy.

I lean back on a tree and watch them pass the cigar back and forth. Now, I’m a smoking neophyte…and a recently reformed one, at that. But even I know you’re not supposed to inhale cigar smoke. These two are most definitely inhaling...and getting greener with each “round.”

Since I’m not sure what the rules of this game are, I can’t for sure say who the winner is. But I would guess it’s Faith, since Luki is the first to break for the trees to violently throw up. Faith just smirks, then heaves and thrusts the half-smoked cigar into my hands before running for the trees herself.

I sit there and listen to the heaving and sigh. I shrug and look at the smoldering cigar in my hand and sigh.

I’m serenely puffing on it when first Faith, then Luki emerge from the woods. “OK, you two. I have no idea what you were trying to prove. Luki, I know your dad is a misogynist and if you go down that road, you can kiss any  kind of relationship with me goodbye. Faith, I love you, Hon. You’re my BFF…let’s leave it at that, for now. Now, I certainly want to stay friends with both of you. But I am not a prize that you are fighting for.” I look at the cigar. “And you’re both lightweights! I can see why my dad is enamored with these…although, I wish you hadn’t brought it out, Luki. I’m quitting!”

Faith wipes her mouth and shudders. “I’m not even starting! That was…not what I thought it would be like!”

Luki grimaces. “Yeah…I don’t get what Dad sees in them. And…you’re right, Sam. I know Dad is not right on a lot of things. I hope you won’t hold this against me…. I would still like you to be my girlfriend.”

I puff on the cigar and put it out in the dirt beside me. “Like I said. I want you both to be my friend. We’ll see where it goes from there. OK?”

Both look dejected.

I pull them into a hug and give them both a kiss…on the cheek. “Let’s go find something to…get rid of that…odor on your breath…. I’m not sure if you’re ready to eat, yet. But I’m starving!”




Wow Adam is a terrible person I hope it isn’t too late for Gerome to change.


Well...if he wants ANY chance with Samantha, he will have to really work on that! :) Thanks for commenting! HUGS! S


Wow, some hidden gentleman in Gerome perhaps. I nope the trio do get along.


He's on thin ice, but he may have started to redeem himself! HUGS! S