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Leo stretched out on the bed beside me and began undressing me. “Lord, I so want to play with those titties,” he said into my ear.

I giggled because it tickled, both in my ear and other places. It made me want to squirm, but he put one hand under my shirt and that tickled, too. I tried to grab his wrist but that wasn’t working at all.

With the other hand, he undid the buttons of my blouse and found the t-shirt I was wearing underneath. I did grab that hand, and sucked his fingers, one by one. It seemed like the thing to do.

“Damn, baby,” he said. “You’re making me so hard.” He pushed my shirt up and began pulling and rubbing my nipples. I gasped, I’d never felt anything like it. I forgot about anything, squirming and moaning and trying to push my breasts against his hands.

He laughed. “You like that, Sugar?” he asked. He tweaked first one then the other and went back to rubbing and pulling. He threw a leg over mine and moved so his knee pushed against my panties.

“Me!” I yelped. It didn’t make any sense but he was still doing it and I couldn’t think. All I could say was, “Me! Me!” several times. I’d heard the phrase, “Fuck me stupid,” before but I don’t think I was that good at thinking in the first place.

He lifted me up and pulled my shirts off, then used both hands on my titties. That’s what he had called them, titties. Like he meant to get to know them better than just calling them breasts.

At the same time, he kissed me, nibbled on my lips—even my nose, stuck his tongue deep into my mouth where I sucked on it again. With two tongues in my mouth, I couldn’t have thought of anything to say but Leo told me, “Don’t say anything.” I was glad I didn’t have to talk, didn’t have to think.

His knee kept pressing on my panties all this time. I felt the tickle down there turn to an aching wetness. My pussy is wet, I thought. How strange to have a pussy, let alone to know it was wet. I’m a girl, fucking a man with my pussy. I knew that without thinking it.

Leo turned wild, calling me sweet names and dirty ones, too. “You slutty little angel, if you’re a whore, you’re my sweet whore,” he said. It excited me in ways I would have never thought of. “Give me all of your nasty love!” he told me.

I wanted to. I wanted all of his nasty love, too. “Me,” I moaned. “Oh, me!” I knew what I mean, I meant, “Fuck me,” but for some reason I couldn’t say that so it just came out, “Me!” Or more like, “Me-ee-ee!”

He tore the rest of my clothes off, the buttons from the skirt went flying and he ripped my panties into shreds. I spread my legs wide. I knew I’d never fucked a man before but I felt sure that I knew how.

He was on me, in me, in a moment. I felt his hard dick go up inside me where I was so soft and wet. I tried to pull his face down to kiss him but instead he held me down and rubbed his stubbled chin against my cheeks, my lips, my titties. It burned in a good way, and I made noises that didn’t mean I was thinking at all.

“Shh,” he whispered when I started to get louder. “Don’t make a sound, Sugar.” I put my hand in my mouth and sucked on my fingers instead of screaming.

He began to pump, to move inside me. I pulled my legs up and wrapped them around him, trying to pull him further in. I gnawed on my own arm because I could not reach his.

I had my eyes closed. He held himself off of me, so I arched my back to push my soft titties against his hardness. The feeling of having him moving in me built and became all there was of the world.

I breathed in as he pushed, and out as he pulled back, but he was going faster and faster, harder and harder. He would have pushed my head against the wall, but his hands were above my shoulders, keeping me from sliding upward on the bed.

Suddenly he paused, stiff. My eyes flew open and I saw that his were closed. The look on his face could have been pain or joy. He jerked twice, moving against me, holding his breath. I held mine too, wriggling against the pressure, trying to make the movement that had been so wonderful startup again.

He pumped a few times but I could feel he had gone soft inside me. I clenched something inside, it was like making a fist with—with my pussy. I did it again and again, putting my hands above my head and pushing against his arms.

He moaned. “Oh, fuck. Shit, fuck, you little cunt, I already came,” he muttered. But he told me to give him all my nasty love so I kept at it.

My legs were behind his back so I squeezed with them, too. I arched my back, clenched my inside fist, wiggled and pushed with my arms, holding my breath and letting it go. It seemed to be hurting both of us but it felt so good.

He kissed me on the forehead and I felt him getting hard again. “Ah! Ah!” he said. He bent his head down and sucked on my neck, my shoulders, my titties. He pumped faster, harder, this time. The pleasant pain of it, the painful pleasure made an ache inside me that grew until I knew it had to burst.

The place where I felt everything happen, between my legs, I didn’t know what it was called. My pussy, yes, and how strange to have one, but this felt more like the dick I thought I may have had before. It was hot, hard, hurting every time we moved but I wanted it to, because it felt good when it started to hurt and when it stopped hurting it felt even better.

Then suddenly, I couldn’t get away from it. It chased me, it felt so wonderful, a good hurt that burst inside me and filled me with a good happy feeling that wasn’t soft or quiet or kind. I wanted to cry out but I couldn’t make a sound and that made it…. Better? Worse? More!



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