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With my eyes covered and the room dark and quiet, I soon fell asleep—whether or not Bonnie had drugged my smoothie. I had strange dreams that seemed disconnected from anything that had been happening to me. Except in one of them, I had to attend class at my high school with my hands tied behind me.

I became aware of someone lying close beside me. The weight of another body pulled me toward them and I heard breathing. I must have given some signal I wasn’t aware of because Moose’s voice asked, “Are you awake.” I couldn’t see him because I still wore the blindfold.

“Yes,” I said. I squirmed in my bonds. “Can you… can you untie me?”

He grunted. I felt the roughness of the side of his hand against my cheek. “You look so delicious,” he murmured.

I gasped as much as I could wearing a tight corset. I realized the sheet no longer covered me. I was laying there, mostly naked with the nightgown Bonnie had put me in my only covering.

“Lie still,” he said. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He stroked my cheek, then to my neck down to wear the collar of the nightgown touched my collarbone. “Just breathe,” he said.

“I can’t see,” I whispered.

“I know,” he answered, his breath sounding rough.

I shivered. I was wearing the bra padded out with the plastic falsies under the night gown. Moose’s big horny hand reached inside the filmy fabric and cupped one of the fake breasts. “These are not real,” he commented.

He must have bent down closer to me because I felt his warm breath on my cheek. Then he kissed me at the corner of my mouth and twice more as he moved his mouth toward my ear. “You need to have real breasts, Dolly.”

“I’m not a girl,” I protested. My voice sounded thin and weak.

“I think you are,” he said. “We’ve gone over this. If you’re not a girl, Earl will want to kill you when he finds out. Then I would have to kill Earl, and I don’t want to do that.” He kissed my ear. “So, can you be a girl for me, Dolly?”

“Can’t you just let me go?” I whimpered. “I don’t know where I am, you can take me somewhere and… and turn me loose. I won’t tell anyone anything?”

“I think you would,” he said. “No shame, but they would have ways of making you talk. And while you don’t know exactly where you are, you have a good idea. You’re not stupid.”

I sighed. He was right. I felt pretty certain we were in east San Diego County, probably only a few miles from the Mexican border.

“You’d tell your parents, wouldn’t you? They’re probably looking for you, now. I used the info you gave me to send them a message in a roundabout way that you are okay. Not harmed.” He touched my cheek again. “I wouldn’t hurt you.”

“B-b-bonnie,” I stammered.

“Did she hurt you?” he asked.

“S-some,” I said. “The corset hurts and she stuck stuff, uh, up my… my….”

“Shh,” he said. “I’ll have a word with her. But some of those things are necessary. Did she spank you?”

I nodded, remembering. “A little,” I admitted. It hadn’t hurt much because of me wearing padded panties. “We…. She did it to show Earl that….” I swallowed.

“That you were willing to be a good girl?”

“I guess,” I admitted.

He chuckled. It sounded enormously good-natured, as if he were really amused at the thought of my play-acting in front of a homicidal maniac. I couldn’t see him but I imagined him grinning.

“Not funny,” I protested. “I was scared.”

He kissed me again, this time on the forehead. It made me shiver. “Are you feeling anxious?” he asked.

I sniffed. “What do you think?” I wanted to say that he seemed like the only one here that cared about me and he had been gone for more than a day, I didn’t really know how long, and of course I had been anxious. But I didn’t say that because I would have cried.

“I’ve got something for anxiety,” he said. From the shift of weight on the mattress, he must have sat up. I heard his feet hit the floor and he stood, causing the springs of the bed to abruptly toss me sideways.

I yelped. “Oh!” I wondered if it were going to fling me completely off the bed, but after a bounce, it subsided.

“You okay?” he asked from somewhere in the room.

“I guess so,” I responded, a little pissed that he had done something like that without warning, with me tired up and blindfolded. I used my legs to scoot myself closer to the middle of the bed, flopping a bit like a fish.

I heard him chuckle again in the darkness beyond my blindfold. “You’re fine, Dolly,” he said. Then he must have put some weight on the bed and I felt him touch my face. “Open your mouth, honey,” he told me. “Put this under your tongue.”

I opened my mouth reluctantly, what else could I do? He slipped some small pill under my tongue, it felt about the size of a baby aspirin but did not start dissolving right away. “Whass thiss?” I asked.

“Anti-anxiety pill,” he said. He must have stood again and moved away from the bed.

“Like Xanax?”

“More or less,” he said. I could hear him moving around. It sounded like he might be getting undressed.

I shifted nervously on the bed. The pill under my tongue tasted bitter at first but seemed to grow sweeter then more or less disappeared, as far as taste went. I felt a certain numbness in my mouth but it wasn’t unpleasant.

“It should keep you from freaking out from the situation,” Moose murmured as he climbed back into bed. His weight on the springs (I remembered just how large he was) caused me to roll against him. He put an arm across me and pulled me against him.

I realized I could feel skin against skin everywhere I wasn’t covered by nightgown or corset. “Maybe I should be freaking out,” I commented. He laughed softly and I realized that I had actually meant that to be funny.

Was the pill working already?

My hands were still tied behind my back by Bonnie’s clever little Velcro harness and I was still wearing the blackout mask. My middle was compressed by a corset and my own sex concealed in a padded panty.

But something was touching my leg.

I remembered again his size. I shivered.

“Moose,” I whispered. “Don’t hurt me.”

“I won’t,” he promised. “We’re just going to lie here and I’m going to take a nap. I’ve been driving for hours.” He yawned and I felt him, or that part of him, move against my leg.

“You’ve got a hard-on,” I said.

“I do,” he agreed. “You’re very sexy, all helpless like this. And you smell good too.” He chuckled.

“Bonnie sprayed me with stinkum.” I didn’t smell it myself anymore but it had been a mix of floral and musky.

He said something that sounded like, “Fluorzettwa.” Then he added, “My favorite. And it suits you, Dolly.” He moved against me, one leg over both of mine and something hot and hard and stiff lay against my thigh.

The pill under my tongue had completely disappeared. It must be working because I definitely should have felt afraid and anxious about what was happening.

But I didn’t.
