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Chapter 6

~ Day 53 ~

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I nervously get in the car, with Momma and Sis. I’m going with them for my appointment…to get my hair colored pink…and for some makeup lessons at WG. I’m looking forward to the lessons…I’m torn on the hair.

Momma is weirdly quiet as she drives us…and just looks straight ahead.

Samantha is just sitting up front…arms crossed…huffing…and totally mad at the world. I guess she’ll be getting “the works” today…for her date with Gerome, tonight. Something she’s made no bones about notwanting to do.

I wouldn’t mind a pampering session likes she’s going to get…or a date with a hunk…like Gerome. I don’t get what her problem is.

We finally get to the WunderGirl campus and walk in together. Then Momma shows me the way to “M&M.” Of course, I had to ask what WG has to do with candy….

She just laughs and looks back at my sulking sister…slowly walking behind us. “Your sister asked the same thing…it stands for ‘Marketing and Modeling.’”

I giggle and follow her into this realm of…beauty. It’s like a beauty salon on steroids! I’ve never seen so many beauty products in one spot…not even in our big beauty supply store. And many of the ones on display here are not even available to the public…yet. Like the WunderTeen line that I’m piloting.

Momma introduces me to Joyce. “I’m going to leave you in Joyce’s capable hands, Hon. I need to go sign the papers in Greta’s office. I’ll come find you when I’m done.”

“I’ll send her over to Brea when I’m done. Samantha’s going to take longer….” Joyce smiles.

Sis frowns. She’s making a good impression of a thundercloud. “I still object to this! I don’t want to go out with Gerome!”

Momma ignores her and leaves.

Joyce just shakes her head. “Now, Samantha. None of that! Let me just take care of your sister here and we’ll pamper you, like a princess! Give tonight a fair chance. Come on, Gemma…or do you prefer ‘Gem?’”

I smile. “Either is fine…but most everybody that knows me calls me ‘Gem.’”

She smiles and nods. “Gem it is!” And she gets straight to work.

Before I know it…I have bright bubblegum pink hair…cut in a modern “pageboy” style. It’s…kind of shocking…to be honest. But I suppose I will get used to it…it’s the price I have to pay for my “special” products.

“You look cute, Hon! Now…I have some drops to put in your eyes. They will sting a bit…then I’ll do your nails, before I send you over to see Brea. She’ll have some other goodies for you to try out, in addition to all of this. You have been using your nail balm, yes?”

I nod. I’m not sure about these eyedrops. I know Sis complained about hers…and they turned her eyes green. I don’t want green eyes! “These eyedrops…they won’t turn my eyes green…right?”

She laughs. “Whatever gave you that idea! Of course not! These are a special version of a product that Lissa has been working hard on…. They only have to be used once a week…for up to three applications.”

She quickly puts three drops in each of my eyes…and I don’t really feel anything.

“It sometimes only takes one application…sometimes up to three….” She shrugs.

I scream out in pain…it starts burning like crap! I finally know what Sis was going about with her “lava scale!” I always thought that was hilarious…but this is no joke! I squeeze my eyes and blink rapidly…trying to get the burning…and the tears…to stop. “If this doesn’t turn them green…what’s it for? This hurts way more than a ‘stinging a little!’”

I hear Sis snickering behind me.

“Well…” I can barely make out Joyce as she’s talking. “It won’t turn your eyes green…that would look silly and clash with your bubblegum look. Your eyes will be pink, of course…well…likely some sort of purplish-pink. They’re still trying to get it to produce a pure pink…. The good news is that…usually, when it burns like you’re indicating…only one application does it! Two…at most.”

I gasp in pain. “And how long does this last?”

“Well…it’s permanent, of course! Why would you want to go through that multiple times?” She’s slowly coming back into focus and I think I see her shrug. She takes my hand and leads me to a chair. “Now, sit down. By the time I’m done with your nails…your eyes should be cleared up. It will take several days for the color to fully change…so don’t worry if they look the same. You’re a lucky little girl, though…if you had to pay for this eye treatment, alone…it would be at least upper-five figures…for eachapplication.”

I shake my head…that just makes it hurt. All I can do is hope that I don’t need another application…not that it costs me anything…in money. It just hurts like Hell!

* * * * *


* * * * *

I put in Gem’s eyedrops…an unexpected last second thing Lissa called on me to do…then I finish up her nails and take her over to see Brea. By the time we get over there, her eyesight has cleared back up. Her eyes will still be sore for a few more hours, but that’s the price of beauty! Her hair and nails turned out lovely—I’m not one for bright pink…but it looks gorgeous on her!

I return to my realm…to tackle my next project…Samantha! “OK, Love. Let’s take a look at you! We’re going to give you the works…then Dharma has a special outfit for you. It seems Gerome has another fun night planned for you. Dinner at Jackson’s and then dancing at the Country Club…they have a young adult dance there, tonight. So…we need to get you really dolled up…think upscale prom!”

“I don’t care!” She huffs. “This is unfair! I don’t wantto go out with Gerome!” She actually stomps her foot!

I sigh…and fight a giggle at her girly reaction. “What do you have against Gerome, Hon? He’s a really nice boy.”

“Exactly!” She almost screams. “He’s a boy! I don’t want to date another boy…it’s…weird.”

I shake my head. “After all…this….” I gesture towards her. “You still feel like a boy? Really? I think not…do you want to tell me what this is really about?”

She shakes her head…then she bites her lower lip…and hangs her head. Finally…she looks up. “It’s…well…complicated....”

I nod. “Come with me, Hon. I need a quick…break. We can talk outside….” I start walking to the Smoker’s Corner, without waiting to see if she’ll follow. I’m pretty sure she’s ready to open up…at least some. I turn and see her hesitantly following me outside. I smile and pull out my cigarettes.

She sighs. “I…I…. Oh! I don’t know!” She’s all keyed up.

I take a deep breath. “You need to calm down!” I hold out a cigarette to her. I have no idea what she’ll do with it.

She timidly shakes her head…but she keeps looking at it…. She has a blank look in her eye, as she stares at my outstretched hand.

I sigh. “Look. I know you don’t really want to smoke. I also know that you already have…in front of your mother, even. One cigarette isn’t going to hurt you! You’ve already gotten past the first one…which is always the hardest. They help…calm me down. But it’s completely up to you. I’m not pushing you! I’m just…offering.”

She bites her lower lip…then licks them both. After a few seconds…she reaches out and takes the cigarette from my hand. She holds it in front of her and looks at it, for a few more seconds…debating. Then she puts in her mouth and looks at me.

I smile and light it for her…then light my own.

She inhales…and holds it in. Then she slowly lets the smoke escape through her nose…like a pro. She repeats that twice more…then shrugs. “You’re right…. I don’t want to do…this….” She indicates the cigarette in her hand. “But…it is calming….”

I simply nod. She’s talking…and I don’t want to interrupt her.

“I…I don’t know who I am, anymore….” She drags on the cigarette again…and lets the smoke out, as she talks. “I’m…a boy…right? I mean…I never thought about being a girl…. There’s nothing wrong with being a girl…for a girl…but…I’m not one…. Even though…some of it…I like…a lot….” She shrugs. “Most of it…actually.” She sighs. “But…even if I were…TG…you know…a girl inside…no one can know that…. Especially not Gerome….” She shakes her head and inhales deeply on the cigarette.

The light comes on. She’s worried about…being found out! Or…at least…that’s a big part of it. I also know from Ginny that she’s probably pretty…needy…amorous…with what they’ve been spiking her products with. “Look, Love. Your physical defect can be dealt with. Yes! You have to be careful, until it is…and I understand that you have…needs. But all girls do…and there are still some that conquer those needs…all the way…until they get married. Sure…it’s rare…anymore…but it used to be pretty common. So…I’m sure you can, too. If it’s that much of a problem…I’m sure we can work to…help…take care of…your…defect.” I inhale deeply myself. I wasn’t really prepared for…this! Her cigarette is burned down to the filter. I offer her another.

She hesitantly takes the new one and lights it with her old one, before stabbing it out. She must have seen us doing that.

I shake my head in wonder, at how our actions can impress such young minds. I mean…I know I’m as guilty as anyone…pushing her to be…“her.” But she needed that push…. I firmly believe that!

She exhales her smoke. “Gerome is nice enough…I guess. We…. Well…we kissed a lot on the last date. I wanted more…. Reallybad! It would have been a disaster…. And it was wrong…with another boy…. But…am I? Another boy…I mean….” She inhales deeply and holds the smoke in. If she keeps this up…she’s going to be totally hooked…for sure.

“Samantha. Listen to me, Hon. If you’re not a girl, then I’m not either. It fits you…and you like it. You’ve admitted to that. I’ll talk to the group and we’ll see what the next steps need to be. But for tonight…you need to go on this date…and have fun. You just have to control your…needs…your urges…. And don’t let Gerome talk you into something you regret. Teenage boys are good at that. The fact that you don’t get that…just underscores that you’re not one!”

She looks a little shocked at that. “Well…. I mean….” She takes the last drag on her cigarette and smiles…kind of. She exhales…and her smile gets wider. “OK. I’ll…try!”

I grin. “Good. Now…let’s get you ready! And…if you ever need to talk…or ‘calm down’…you just let me know…and we’ll come back out here. I’ll also let the other girls know…besides your Momma, of course…to do the same. She’son you…to tell…” I shrug. “Or not…she won’t hear it from us.”

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* * * * *

I look at the papers in front of me, on Greta’s desk. I’m hesitant to sign them…burn me once…and all of that….

Greta sighs. “Look, Jules. I know you’ve been in contact with Roger, on this…and he’s warned you that he now has a conflict…since he’s coming to work for us. But…to be honest…I’m a little…disappointed…that you didn’t talk to me. There’s absolutely nothing nefarious in here. It’s a simple pilot liability waiver and marketing contract....”

I sigh. “Greta…. After what happened with Samantha…with Lissa…can you really blame me?”

She pauses…then licks her lips. “I guess not. But this is different.” She sighs. “Gem’s being provided with some pretty standard stuff. Yes, I was as surprised as you that she was provided with the temporary ‘internal’ hair and nail color. That is…pricey…. But it’s just several hundred a month…. The really expensive stuff…like changing eye color…isn’t ready for her yet. So…as long as she doesn’t withdraw…there’s no issue. And even if she does…you’re only out a couple of hundred…max…. But you really need to sign this…I think Joyce has already started on her. Otherwise…I’m going to have to tell her to stop.”

I shake my head and sign the documents. I’m committing Gem to unpaid advertising…at a minimum. If this goes big…she gets a new contract and a piece of the pie. She’ll just have to stay with the pilot…pink hair, and all…. At least she’s not in on anything really expensive…like those eyedrops that Greta was talking about. And…I know that…whatever is driving her…choices…she won’t want to quit. I just wish I knew what Lissa has…that’s driving her…fealty…to the pilot.

Greta smiles, as I sign. “OK, then. Joyce and Brea will finish up with her. How’s Samantha doing? Any more smoking episodes?” She giggles and winks.

I shake my head and blush. “No! Thank Goodness! I think we dodged that one!”

Greta shakes her head. “Never underestimate the power of the Dark Side. And…we both know…it does help with the…pressures…of modeling…and more. Both the bodily…and the mental ones….”

I grimace. “Yeah. But are those pressures fair? Sure…there’s…scheduling…pressures. Everyone in a real job has those…. But the…body…pressures…. Those are bogus! Just like that damned ‘uniform’ that Sam’s going to have to wear.” I unconsciously revert to “Sam.” That’s my second child’s nickname, after all. Son…or daughter.

“Who’s talking about fair, here?” Greta shakes her head. “We’re talking reality. The pressures exist…and so does the Dark Side. Just don’t be surprised…is all I’m saying!”

I sigh. “I know…I just pray. So…want to go succumb to the Dark Side…? It’s calling.” I giggle.

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I look up at the monitor that shows the feed from my hidden camera. No one knows it’s there…and you never know what interesting tidbits of information you can glean…when spying on people…especially in the Smoker’s Corner. I grin when I see Joyce…and Samantha out there…and both are smoking. Oh, yes! I can use this!

I make a note for Ginny to prepare another set of our special new lip product. The lipstick has a specially bound form of nicotine in it…that is slowly released by applying the appropriate lip gloss. The nicotine dosage is strong…and will last several hours. The lip gloss…like any…needs to be reapplied often, to get its partner application to release its “goodies.”

I had planned on testing it on Ronni, since she’s already addicted to the nicotine in her gum. I don’t feel bad about trying the lipstick out on someone already addicted. Of course, I’m the one that had Ginny give her the gum…but I needed her addicted to that…to have her get her necessary dose of pheromones and aphrodisiacs. That she doesn’t know that she’s addicted to the gum…is beside the point.

Now…if Samantha’s addicted, too…I have another guinea pig. One that can’t come back on me…in any way. Of course, I don’t know that she’s addicted…yet…. But that’s just semantics…she will be the way she’s going. I can’t be blamed for hooking her.

The beauty of this new lipstick and gloss combo is that it will not only feed the wearer’s habit…it will literally make their kisses addictive!

I’ll have to make sure Samantha starts wearing it on her dates. Maybe not tonight….but soon enough…when I know she’s hooked. Who can blame me for giving her a safer alternative to smoking…and vaping?

It will be one more thing for Luki to deal with…her truly addictive kisses. Who cares if I’m getting back at his father through him…? An Ansel is an Ansel…and a man is a man….

I go back to my work and am surprised when Joyce comes in at lunchtime. “I thought you were ‘treating’ Samantha to ‘the works’ today. Doesn’t she have an important date tonight?”

She nods. “Yes…and that’s what I want to talk to you about. She’s worried about being ‘found out.’ I’m not sure what we can do to help her out…on that…but I thought maybe you could give it some thought….” She shrugs. “I do need to get back. She should be back from lunch, in a little while…and I will have touch-ups to do, after Brea and Dharma get through with her….”

I smile when she leaves. So…Samantha wants to fully “fit in.” It was only a matter of time, before they would have been coming to me to figure out something for her modeling…but this gives me the excuse to start putting some things in motion, ahead of time…and collecting a few more favors that will be owed to me. It’s too bad we can’t do anything to drive the change…but we’re not into altering genetics…yet… It will have to be something more…conventional…. I’m sure I can dig up the appropriate contacts…and maybe let something slip to Adam Ansel…who will want the “error” corrected, ASAP!

I smile widely…it’s another lovely day at work.

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I stab out the cigarette, as I blow the smoke out of my mouth. I can’t believe I just did that…smoked again. But it iscalming…and I didn’t get nauseous at all. Just a little dizzy…but that quickly passed. I sigh. I can’t let Momma know…it’s not like I’m addicted or anything…not like her or Daddy…or the others around here. I would never let that happen to me! I can certainly do without them!

I follow Joyce inside…wondering when our next “break” will be…and go through a full beauty routine. She styles my hair and puts it up in a fancy updo. Then she redoes my nails. She finishes that up…right at lunch…with no chance to go out back again…which…sucks!

I have lunch with Momma and Gem…we go to Fred’s which is just around the corner from WG. I have a small lunch salad…I’m just not hungry. I sigh…I used to love the double-bacon cheeseburger and extra-crispy fries! I miss those days!

I look over at Gem. She certainly looks different with her pink hair. And Brea has shown her some things with her makeup that I haven’t gotten around to teaching her, yet. I look deep into her eyes at one point…and don’t see any changes…but I have no doubt they’re coming. I shake my head…but don’t mention anything to Momma.

Of course, I also make no mention of my “talk” with Joyce…or the extracurricular activity that I engaged in, while doing so. That doesn’t mean that I don’t want to go out back with her again…. Anyway, I just let them know that the pampering is going…well. But that I’m still not “into” the whole date, tonight.

After my talk with Joyce…I do realize that a lot of that does have to do with me worrying about being found out. I will have to talk to Momma about that…sometime…just not…now. I guess Gerome is kind of nice…we could have maybe been friends…as two guys…except he would have never given the “guy” me the time of day.

When we get back from lunch, Momma goes straight to the Smoker’s Corner…and I feel an odd urge to follow her, but I shake it off and hurry to find Joyce. I need to get my mind off of that line of thinking!

“It’s still too early to finish you up…and I need to get some things ready. You can either hang out here, with me…or go be with your sister and Brea for a while. Brea is actually your next stop, anyway.” She smiles at me.

Gem is already with her, and I sit back and watch Brea show her more things.

I try and relax…but am all jittery. Tonight is going to be a disaster. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. I need to walk around…and clear my head.”

Brea nods.

I’m not sure Sis even hears me…she’s so enraptured by what Brea is showing her.

I sigh and start randomly walking the halls…and quickly find myself back outside…in the Smoker’s Corner.

“Hi, Samantha. What are you doing out here?” Greta smiles at me.

I shrug. “I needed to clear my head…. I was just walking around….”

“And you found yourself out here. Right. Joyce told me about your ‘talk.’ Don’t worry, Hon…your mother doesn’t know…but you will need to tell her…sooner or later.” She smiles encouragingly.

I nod. “I know…. It wasn’t like I planned it….”

She smiles and holds out a cigarette. “Your mother is busy and won’t be out here for at least thirty minutes. But…if you keep this up…you willhave to tell her.”

I nod and she lights the cigarette for me….

Thirty minutes later…before I run into Momma…I’m back with Brea. She does my makeup for me…professionally…and in a heavy evening look. I feel like I’m getting ready for a big modeling shoot.

Then I’m whisked off to meet with Dharma, who has an evening gown all picked out for me. Before I put it on, she provides me with my new breast forms…designed to go over existing breasts. It seems my development is progressing…and I’m already at an “A-Cup.” These new forms are hollowed out at the base, and not flat…not like my old ones…to give room for my actual “developments.” They still maintain my top-heavy “DD-Cup” figure…and are much more comfortable…since they aren’t pushing as hard on my sensitive and enlarged nipples.

The dress itself is cut out of an emerald-green satin…that matches my eyes…and is covered with sparkly sequins. It’s also sleeveless, backless…and very short. And that makes me worry even more about being found out. But Dharma assures me that…with me being tucked…there won’t be an issue…unless Gerome tries to grab me…or something. That so alleviates my concern…not!

I slip on the sequined six-inch stilettos and sigh. “I don’t even know how to dance…I don’t get this whole thing!”

Dharma smiles. “Well…one thing you will learn at Oakwood…in the track you’re in…is ballroom dancing. It’s one of the few activities they allow boys and girls do together.”

I just groan and shake my head.

She then hands me a small matching clutch….also sequined. “This has what you’ll need for tonight…plus a little something extra…for later.” She then sends me back to Joyce…without giving me a chance to look.

Joyce does a final check of my hair and pronounces me “beautiful.”

After that, I go to find Momma and Gem. By then, I’ve forgotten about Dharma’s cryptic remark.

Momma and Gem are both in with Brea, and I sit down heavily in an open chair…and self-consciously tightly cross my legs. The ultra-short dress rides up my thighs and I keep trying to pull it down.

“You look lovely, Hon! I’m sure it will be OK…and Gerome will be a perfect gentleman!” Momma tries to at least sound convincing. “And stop tugging on your dress…it only draws attention to it.”

Brea nods. “You’ll have fun. Those dances at the Country Club are pretty epic!”

Momma takes a deep breath. “OK, Gem. Pack up your stuff, here. We need to get our Cinderella home, so she can go out with her Prince Charming!”

Gem giggles.

I so want to slap Momma! I get up and pull my dress down in a huff.

* * * * *


* * * * *

I grimace and pop a new piece of gum in my mouth. I chew it and loudly pop a small bubble between my molars. Somehow…I’m addicted to this stuff. I don’t mean that in a pedestrian manner…like I just want it…I get the shakes if I don’t chew it. And when I do…I want…well…what Jimmy can provide. Not that he would be the only solution….

Last night was another round of what is fast becoming my new normal. Jimmy was with me in my studio until around midnight, then he went home to avoid any…encounters…with my parents. A couple of days ago…I couldn’t wait until he did leave…now…I’m…much less in a hurry…for him to leave.

I think back to our “double date” with Chad and Alice…it was…awkward for me. Alice and I were good friends in school…and it shocked her to see me…this way. Hell! I can’t blame her! I’m shocked to see me this way. Fuck Lissa!

I furiously pop my gum…another annoying new habit of mine…and start counting down the minutes until I meet up with Jimmy….

I’m not sure what will happen next week when he has to go back in for his next “check-in.” But I’m sure it won’t be good…not with Lissa’s talons firmly secured in his flesh. I’m sure her plans for him are nothing good.

I feel sorry him…for us both!

I dig in my purse and pull out the lipstick and lip gloss that Ginny gave me earlier today. I eye it suspiciously…. It looks like a normal lipstick…in the deep red…almost black…that has become my “signature” color. I wipe off my current lipstick and add the new. Other than it being…thicker…and a little harder to smooth out…I don’t know what the difference is. Well…it does have a slightly different taste…but nothing significant. Then I put the lip gloss on over it and lightly lick my lips…and sway from the sudden onset of dizziness that hits me. It passes fairly quickly, as I hold onto the table for support…. It leaves me feeling…really good. Kind of like my gum…but without the “needs.”

I sigh and wonder what new evils I’ve gotten myself into, now…. This can’t be good…but what am I going to do? I shrug and put the gloss back in my purse. The lipstick is supposed to last all day, according to Ginny. Just the gloss will need frequent reapplication…like any other gloss out there.

* * * * *


* * * * *

I park in Samantha’s driveway and take a deep breath. I’m a few minutes early…so I know there’s no sense going to the door…yet. I’m probably going to have to wait, anyway…why prolong the misery inside there? Her mother scares the crap out of me!

At precisely 5:30, I ring the doorbell. Our reservation is for 6:00 at Jackson’s…and the dance starts at 7:30.

Mrs. Brinkley opens the door and smiles at me…it’s an actual smile…not a grimace, or anything. “Hi, Gerome. Come in. Samantha will be down in just a few minutes. She’s still getting ready.”

Her being friendly scares me more than her being…mean. “Thanks, Mrs. Brinkley. Our reservation is at six o’clock, so we still have plenty of time.”

She nods and gestures to the couch. “Have a seat. I need to go take care of our dinner. She’ll be right down.” She then disappears into the kitchen.

I sit on the couch…alone in the living room…for about five minutes…then I see her coming down the stairs and my heart stops. She’s absolutely gorgeous! She literally sparkles in the bright lights in the living room.

“Hi, Gerome. Are we ready?” She gives me something akin to a smile. But I know she’s still pissed that she’s being “forced” into the date.

I’ll just have to make it extra-special. “Sure! You look…stunning!”

She smiles at that. “Thank you, Gerome. That’s sweet…but that doesn’t change the fact that I did not agree to this ‘date.’ I’m being pressured into it…again.” She frowns.

I sigh. “I understand, Sam. Just try to enjoy it? I think you’ll have fun.”

Mrs. Brinkly pokes her head in. “Don’t forget to have her home by eleven! Have fun!”

I sigh. “Ready? We really should get going…or we’ll be late for our reservation.”

She grabs her sparkly little purse and nods.

I open the door and I catch a whiff of her aroma as she passes by me…and it’s…arousing…again…and mixed with the smell of…cigarette smoke. I’m instantly right back where I was the last time I took her out…. I fight the urge to kiss her on the spot…and more.

I open the car door for her, and she swivels in, then I hurry around to my side…gulping in fresh air to clear my head. I get in and can’t help it…I lean over and kiss her…deeply.

She gasps…but doesn’t pull back. She even responds…and kisses me back. She tastes…like cigarettes.

I break the kiss…and am quiet. I don’t know what to say…about the obvious smoking. I don’t get it. I start the car and take off for the restaurant.

As I’m driving, she opens her little purse and looks inside it. “So, that’s what Dharma meant…something extra, huh?” She pulls out a pack of cigarettes, then puts them back in and closes the purse. She doesn’t say anything else about it.

But I can’t hold it in any longer. “Sam? You’re smoking? What the Hell? Do your parents know?”

She looks at me defiantly. “Why? Are you going to tell them? For your information, Momma gave me my first cigarette. And it’s a girl model thing. You wouldn’t understand.” She gets a shit-eating grin on her face. “If you don’t like it, you can take me back home and we can put all of this behind us.”

I sigh…this is not going well…. Do I want a girlfriend that smokes? Even if she’s smoking hot? I look at her and my heart stops again.

She still has a very defiant look on her face…but I think…hopeful…that I’ll just turn around.

I can’t…I want her too much. I shake my head. “No…I don’t get it…but it’s your choice…I guess.”

She presses her lips together and finally nods. “Whatever! I don’t want to hear any crap from you…when I smoke tonight.” She crosses her arms in front of her in a further sign of defiance…all that is missing is for her to stamp her cute little foot on my floorboard.

I nod....

And smoke she does…every chance she gets.

By the time we get back to the house for me to drop her off, I’m sure she’s gone through half the pack that she brought with her. She spent more time outside smoking than we spent inside dancing.

I did go outside with her…and we kissed a lot. But she reeked of smoke and her kisses tasted like ashtrays…and I was caught the whole time between my revulsion caused by that stench and my lust caused by her…other…aroma.

She was just as…“bipolar.” She seemed to smoke just to push me away…but she also responded to my kisses…and didn’t fight them…. She even seemed to encourage them when we would get started.

I put the car in park, in her driveway, and look at the clock. I have her here ten minutes early. I lean over and kiss her…I’m even sort of getting used to the smell of the smoke, on her.

She…reluctantly…I think…breaks our kiss right at eleven o’clock. “Good night, Gerome. This wasn’t…terrible….” And she’s out of the car and hurrying up to her door.

I don’t even ask about another date. I don’t want to push my luck….

At least she didn’t storm off…or slam the door.

I’ll take the win and approach her again, in a few days. I still need to process this whole…smoking…thing. Was she just doing it to try and push me away? Something tells me that was most of it. Can I forgive myself…if I pushed her to do something so terrible?

I sigh and shake my head. I drive off after she closes the door. I can’t help but smile at the cute little wave she gave me before she did!

* * * * *


* * * * *

I actually pay attention in practice today and don’t fumble any plays. Chad and I connect one hundred percent every pass…and Coach is as happy as a lumberjack with a new chainsaw.

At least I didn’t have to shower before practice today…so the lilac smell from this morning was considerably diminished by the time practice started and I just made out like it was from being with Ronni…that it rubbed off of her. Thankfully, Lissa somehow got me an “excuse slip” that exempts me from showering in the locker room…so I don’t have to use this stuff here. But it only excuses me for two weeks…then I don’t know what will happen.

I hurry home after Coach whistles the practice closed and quickly get into the shower to wash off the sweat. I grimace at the lilac smell of the body wash…but I’m actually starting to get used to it. It’s strong when I pour it out of the bottle…but I barely notice it on me, anymore. I wash and condition my hair…and notice that it’s getting long. I normally keep it at below a quarter of an inch…and I just got it cut last week. It feels like it must be close to half-an-inch…like it just started growing faster, all of a sudden.

I step out of the shower and towel off…then put on the damned body lotion that I have to use…further strengthening the fucking floral scent that emanates from me. I can already feel my skin starting to get softer from all of this crap…like the “day” and “night” cream I have to use on my face. I wrap the towel around my waist after I finish rubbing in the body lotion and squirm a little at the tingling that consumes my body.

I step to the mirror and comb through my hair with my fingers…then gasp. I get up close to the mirror and better under the light. I can’t really tell…but it looks like my black hair is not only growing faster than normal…but the new growth looks…purple…and pink. It must be some freaky reaction to this stupid shampoo or conditioner! I have to let Lissa know! I have to quit using it! But…I was warned not to stop using it, under any circumstances! I scrounge around the stuff in the bag they gave me and find the card that Ginny gave me. It has her personal cell on it…for emergencies. This qualifies!

I dial her number and impatiently wait for her to pick up.

“Hello? Is this Jimmy Rollings? What’s wrong, Hon? I’m on my way home….” She seems curious…but not overly worried.

“My hair! It’s turning purple…or pink…or something!” I try and convey my terror with the urgency in my voice.

She’s quiet for a second.

“Hello? Ginny? Are you still there?”

“Yes, Hon. Well, obviously that’s the shampoo or conditioner…. You’re not using anything else with it? Right? Nothing that would be reacting with it?” She’s infuriatingly calm.

“No! I swear! Nothing! And it seems to be…growing faster, too. I need to go get it cut again tomorrow!” I shudder.

“No! Don’t do that! We need to see what’s going on. Under no circumstances are you to quit using the products…or change what you’ve been doing. Also, do not cut your hair…period. Come by on Monday and we’ll take a look at things. Joyce can fix the color…no problem, Hon. Everything will be normal when she’s done with it. Just relax…and take Ronni out for a nice date! She seems really smitten with you!”

I groan. “OK…I’ll be there first thing on Monday morning!”

“Bye, Hon!” She disconnects the call.

I sigh. I decide to ignore the issue. No one mentioned it at practice, so it must not be too noticeable. I mean, I had to look really hard in the mirror to see it…it’s not too far along…yet….

Then it hits me…. Why is it just the new growth? None of the old is discolored. This is just too weird!

I sigh again and put in the fucking eyedrops and nearly stub my toe on the toilet, as I hop around the bathroom in pain.

Finally, I get dressed and hurry out to my car. I’m supposed to meet Ronni at Fred’s in ten minutes!

I get there just in time and meet her on her way in. I stop her and give her a passionate kiss, before she makes it to the door. I break the kiss after a couple of minutes and take a deep breath to try and steady myself. “Wow! That was some kiss! I’m all tingly and…dizzy! Let’s go eat! I must be hypoglycemic from practice! Then we can get back to business!”

She giggles and refreshes her lip gloss, as we go inside, to order.



Sammy C

Let your muse roam where it will, Shauna. I, for one, am engrossed in the story so far and will continue to read all its twists and turns, although I do hope for a somewhat happy ending. Don't we all?


Musing away. No promises, but hope is eternal! :D HUGS! S


Apart from the icky smoking, I'm still more comfortable if I view this as a little comedic - or I would take the sadistic manipulation from the head office too hard. Now seeing Lissa irrevocably as Cruella Deville...