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Chapter Five

~ Day 52 ~

* * * * *

Dr. Henderson

* * * * *

I pick up the brass nameplate from my desk and spin it in my hands. I watch the “Dr. Penelope Henderson” float by, with every turn. I grimace. “Penelope.” I still hate my mother forgiving me that name…. But I couldn’t get them to put “Penny” on the nameplate. Supposedly…it’s not “sophisticated” enough for this “fine establishment.”

I know I’m just spending nervous energy. My newest Adams Award recipient is on her way…and she’s not anything close to a “normal” one. She’s a hand-picked candidate of Ansel, himself. And she’s a closet transgender girl…and it seems even Adam doesn’t know that.

I sigh. She’s not our first TG student…not even our first closet TG student…but Adam has taken a personal interest in this…Samantha…and has made it known. I guess his son…has an interest, too…. And from what Claire tells me…neither knows about her…status….

I fight throwing my nameplate at the wall! This is a disaster in the making!

I jump as there is a timid knock on the door. Damn! She’s here….

“Come in!” I quickly put my nameplate back where it belongs…and sit with a straight back…but feign relaxation…to portray a sense of calm. One that I certainly don’t have!

A cute young girl comes in with her parents. I have to say that she certainly leaves no doubt that she is a girl, from the way she presents herself. And she is very well dressed and made up. Of course, that’s no surprise for a full-fledged WunderGirl. Her mother is equally well made up…but neither parent is dressed in the same quality clothing as Samantha. The dress she has on is high-end and definitely designer…several hundred dollars’ worth!

I stand up and come around the desk as I extend my hand to the girl, first. “Hello, I’m Dr. Henderson. Welcome to Oakwood. You must be Samantha!”

We quickly get all of the introductions out of the way, and I get right down to business. After going through all the paperwork, I cover the expectations. “Well, as you know, you’re here on scholarship, and that scholarship prescribes your track...the ‘traditional’ one. So, that choice is an easy one for you…you don’t have one. From the way you look and present yourself, Samantha, I don’t think that will be any issue for you. You will therefor need to procure the appropriate uniforms at the school store. You will be provided with five…as part of the scholarship. They are made of silk…so they must be professionally dry-cleaned. Having enough for the week makes it easier to stay in compliance with the dress code…which requires that you be clean and neat, at all times. Wearing a uniform more than once between cleanings is not acceptable. As for makeup…you will get the handbook that outlines what the expected look is…but as a WunderGirl, I doubt you will have any issues with that. Do you have any questions?”

We finish up that portion, then I get to the more…sensitive matter. “So…as for your status…as transgender. I suppose you want to maintain that as close hold?”

Julia, the mother, nods.

Samantha nods, as well. “Yes, Ma’am. I don’t see any reason for anyone to know…about…that.”

She seems conflicted…odd. “OK. I, the school nurse, and the school counselor will have to be in the loop. There might be one or two other faculty that will have to be brought in…if there are…incidents. Those are extremely rare, however. Otherwise, you will be treated as any other girl on campus.”

Julia seems relieved.

The father…Gary…is strangely quiet, the whole time. I guess he’s just overwhelmed with all the femininity that goes with this track…but you’d think that having two WunderGirl models in the house would have him used to that!

I stand up and reach out my hand again. “OK, then. That’s everything. Once again, welcome to Oakwood, Samantha. We’ll see you in a few short days. Lynn, my secretary…you met her coming in…can point you to the school store to pick out your uniforms. Like I said, the cost is included in the scholarship.” I usher them out of the room. “Lynn, please show the Brinkleys to the school store…for uniforms…the ‘traditional’ track.

I go back into my office and sigh. I’m still not sure how this is going to work…when Adam finds out about her being transgender…. No secret around here is ever really safe.

* * * * *


* * * * *

I groan as I wake up and smack my mouth in frustration. It tastes like an ashtray. And my intestines are a little…iffy…rolling and upset…like I might have diarrhea…or something. I didn’t have to throw up last night, when I had my…fit of…rebellion. But I really felt like I was going to. It was even worse after the second cigarette, than the first. I shake my head…I still have no idea what made me do it. I have no interest in smoking…zip! Nada! It was just to get back at Momma…. And that’s something I seem to…want to do more…recently. I have no idea why…lately she just makes me so…mad...no she makes me flat-out furious!

I get up and rinse my mouth out again…it doesn’t really help. Daddy threatened to make me smoke a cigar if I kept it up. I know it was stupid…but it did get the point across…I think. They have to know that I’m not happy with this whole Oakwood thing…or being “forced” into a role that I didn’t agree to. Momma should have told me what was going on…and she should have asked if I was OK with it. I’m not…but it seems like it’s too late now….

I sigh and take a shower before slowly getting ready for the meeting with this Dr. Henderson…until Momma yells at me to hurry up.

After the short drive to the school, we all walk into the headmistress’s office…and the meeting goes as predicted. I’m stuck in the stupid “traditional” track that Faith has already told me about. Of course, neither of us had any clue how much of a foreshadowing that conversation would be.

When the meeting is finally over, we go to the school store and I get my new uniforms…well three of the five. They have to order two more, since they didn’t have enough in my size. They don’t usually keep many that small in stock.

After that, Daddy drops Momma and me off at home…then he goes on in to work.

Momma then quickly drives off in her own car…to go to WG.

As for me…I get the rest of the day off….

I’m about to go over to Faith’s when Gem stops me. “Sis! I…need help!” She’s really distraught. “I wanted to talk to you yesterday…but Lilly invited me to the mall…and then you went with Faith… Anyway…what isthis stuff that they’ve given me…? What have I done?”

“What do you mean? It’s what you asked for…products that will give you your ‘tingle.’” I shrug. “That tingle comes at a price, I’m sure. It certainly did for me….”

She rushes over to me and is really scared. “Look at my hair…really close.”

I don’t have to look to know that it’s probably changing color. I am surprised to see that it’s growing bright pink! It totally coordinates with the color of her lipstick and her nails. I wonder if she’s figured out that her nails are likely growing in a different color yet. Probably not…. “Like I said, Gem…that tingle…the one that you got yourselfhooked on…comes at a price. This new WunderTeen line that you’re ‘piloting’…the specific palette…does it have a name?”

She nods. “Bubblegum.”

I giggle.

She gives me a dark look.

“Well…it seems that comes with pink hair. It’s temporary…for now. At least they haven’t changed your eye color! You may as well talk with Momma…she can take you with us to see Joyce…and get your hair colored.”

“You mean bleached? To turn it back blond?” She seems nervous.

I shake my head. “As long as you’re on that line…your hair is going to be pink…they will expect you to go along with it.”

She shudders. “How am I going to explain this to Momma?”

I shrug. “Momma is the least of your worries…wait until Daddysees it! Are there other options in the lineup?”

She nods. “Blueberry, Orange Sherbert, Mint, and Grape…but they wanted me to pilot ‘Bubblegum.’” Suddenly she grins…albeit wanly. “I guess it could have been worse….”

I giggle. “Yeah…mint green hair! Ewwww! I’m going over to see Faith. Talk to Momma…. Call her…right now.”

She shudders and pulls out phone.

I leave her to make the call and walk over to Faith’s.

* * * * *


* * * * *

“You did what? You smoked? In front of your parents? What the Hell, Sam?” I’m shocked. I never would have guessed that Sam would even contemplate smoking…not like me…. The pressures at school are…overwhelming. Lots of girls there vape…if not smoke. At least vaping is safer. And with being in the closet…I have a lot of other stress.

She shakes her head. “I don’t know what came over me, Faith! I just saw red…Momma’s been doing that to me…a lot…lately.”

I sigh. “Yeah. Mothers have a way of doing that to their teenage daughters…. Your hormones are really kicking in. Welcome to puberty, Hon! It does more than just give you curves…it will turn you into a bitch, if you’re not careful!” I giggle at the look on her face.

“I didn’t even think about that! I mean…they just said they would give me products to make me ‘develop’… Of course, they must contain hormones! Oh, Faith! What am I doing? How could I let them…?”

I go over and hug her. “It’s OK, Hon. From what I understand from watching different shows on TV, the effects are reversible for quite some time…not that I expect you to want to reverse them. You’re a girl…I have no doubt.”

“Shows?” She looks confused.

I nod. “Well…you know…there are a lot shows about TG individuals. I’m sure you can find a lot of info online. But that’s what’s so confusing to me…that you’re not seeing a real doctor about any of this stuff!”

“Supposedly…I am….” She shrugs…but unhappily. “I guess…it’s ‘remote’…. They’re using my blood values from the trial to monitor things…. Not that that makes me feel any better. That makes you my shrink! I don’t know what I would do…if I didn’t have you to talk to!”

I smile wanly. “Well…you can always talk to me, Hon. But you really should see an actual shrink….”

She makes a sour face. “I brought that up at work one day…with Lissa. She warned me to not talk about this stuff outside of work…that I would be breaking a ‘confidentiality clause’ in the contract. I guess I’m breaking the contract just talking to you. But I trust you not to say anything…even to your momma.”

I sigh. “I won’t…but…still….” I shake my head. “So…tell me more about the smoking. What was it like?”

She gives me an odd look, but then just shrugs. “Well…other than a little nauseating…well…it was at first…. Anyway…it was…oddly…calming…. But the aftertaste leaves much to be desired!”

* * * * *


* * * * *

Sis just abandons me to go over to Faith’s…but I can’t deny that she’s right. I’m into this neck-deep, now…and I need to talk to Momma. If Sis is right…this is intentional…and I may as well get used to it. So…I reluctantly place the call. I have no idea how to convince Momma to let me keep using the products…and with that…having pink hair.

“Gem? Is everything alright? I was just there…and I just got here. Do I need to come back home?” She’s obviously worried.

I sigh. “No…everything’s not alright, Momma. But there’s no need to come home…I just don’t know what to do. My…my…my hair is turning pink! Sis says it’s because of the WunderTeen products…and that I should just get it colored to match the roots….”

Pink!Are you sure? Hang on…” She obviously puts her hand over the phone…she’s talking to someone there…but it’s too muffled to understand. Finally, she comes back on. “Joyce just confirmed that’s an expected part of the product line. I’m going to get you off it, right now!” She seems exasperated.

“No, Momma! Please don’t! I don’t…mind…. I want to keep going on the pilot. Isn’t that what you agreed to…with Dr. Greene? So that I can keep my…special products….” I feel tears starting to well in my eyes.

I hear her let out a deep breath. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s smoking. “You would put up with pink hair to continue having access to those ‘special’ products? Why? I mean…I know you did that whole pink thing at Halloween…but this is at a whole other level! I think I may need to have a talk with Lissa…putting you on this experimental line was her idea…and she seems to have this…obsession with changing people’s hair color....”

I can’t help but shrug…not that she can see it. “Pink’s kind of in…I will be ‘cool’ at school…. And…yes…I like the product. So…yes…it’s worth having pink hair. I was just…surprised. But…if it’s supposed to be that way…and not some…weird reaction…then…it’s OK.” It’s not really…but I’m not going there! I can’t lose access to the products.

“You’re telling your father.” She sighs. “If you’re sure this is what you want…. Are you sure?”

I giggle. “Well…I could go with the mint green….” I may as well make the best of it…and this is going so much better than I expected…after I got over my own shock…and resigned myself to it. Well…it’s going well…except for the Daddy part. I know Momma is more…exposed…to things at WG…and in her modeling. So, I suppose it shouldn’t be a surprise that she’s just more…accepting…. Daddy’s going to be more of a…challenge. But I do have him wrapped around my little finger….

“Ummm…” She gurgles. “I’m not really sure which would be worse…. I’ll talk to Joyce and set you up an appointment…maybe for in the morning…you’ll just have to come in with Samantha and me for the day….”

“Thanks, Momma! You’re the best!” I quickly hang up before she can change her mind! Now…I just have to figure out how to best play this with Daddy.

* * * * *


* * * * *

I look at Samantha sitting across the desk from Dr. Henderson. She looks so poised…but I can tell she’s still pissed. I guess I can’t blame her. She was kind of shanghaied into this….

I’m just not sure how much Lissa was involved…this time.

Claire said that Adam instigated the whole thing…I suppose for Gerome.

But Lissa went along with the whole scheme and somehow got the papers…and she went along with it much too easily. There hasto be something in it for her. She doesn’t do anything that’s not in her favor.

Samantha is intently listening to the whole spiel of what she’s going to have to do here…at Oakwood. She’ll be in the “traditional” track…one that’s as demeaning to women…as it is old-fashioned. Of course, it will set her up for life as a model with WG…if she chooses to go that route.

I think back to her reaction last night and feel my face burn. She really got under my skin with that whole smoking thing. The first cigarette was a calculated risk…my mother did it to me…and it worked. It kept me from smoking for weeks…until peer pressure finally got to me. If you didn’t smoke…you weren’t “cool.” Samantha doesn’t have that level of peer pressure. None of her friends smoke…. Well…I guess she really only has two…maybe one…. I still don’t know where Mark will stand…but neither of them do. And smoking is no longer “in.” So…her only real exposure is at work…and she’s made it clear she has no interest in it…. So, why that reaction last night?

Deep down, I know the answer. Whatever they have her on…hormones and more…to make her “develop” is pushing her hard and fast into puberty. I remember the fights I had with Momma. This is going to be “fun”…for a while…. I shake my head…and Gem will be fast on Samantha’s heels.

The meeting finally ends and we go to pick up Samantha’s “uniforms.” I can’t believe what they’re making these girls wear…it’s utterly demeaning. They’re totally sexist…things women wore to “work” decades ago…meant to stroke men’s egos.

Samantha is right to be mad at what I’ve done! This is a mistake. Unfortunately, one that cannot easily be undone. I will have to apologize to her…later.

I finally get to work after the whole morning ordeal. Gary dropped Samantha and me off at home…for me to get my car…and I’m just catching up with Greta, Joyce, and Dharma. My phone rings and interrupts my uncomplimentary description of Samantha’s “uniform.”

I look at the caller ID and immediately worry. It’s Gem…she wouldn’t call me at work if it wasn’t important. Then I find out what her issue is…and I don’t know whether to laugh or scream!

I look at Joyce after I hang up. “Do you have time to color Gem’s hair…to match her new roots? I assume that’s part of the ‘pilot?’” I shake my head. “I’m still not sure how I feel about this…no one indicated to me…or her…that her hair was going to turn pink. Why do I get the feeling that Lissa was involved in that?”

Greta giggles.

Joyce nods. “Well…yes…it’s one of Lissa’s products…as you well know…with Samantha’s color change…. And we’re trying to appeal to the more…adventurous teens. But it is an intentional part of the lineup….”

I nearly choke. “How many teens Gem’s age do you think you’ll be able to pull into this? Especially since you have to convince their parents?”

Greta shrugs. “That’s what the pilot’s for…we’re hoping Gem can pull in a few of her friends. Then we’ll sign them up for an aggressive marketing campaign. We think we can make this a fairly mainstream thing. I’m sorry it caught you and Gem off guard…it wasn’t our intent. Lissa did provide the formulation…in part based on the results from the very trial that Samantha’s in.”

Joyce is looking at the calendar on her phone. “Yes. Why don’t you bring Gem in with you, tomorrow? I’ll be working on Samantha for her date with Gerome then, anyway. I can just work her in….”

I shudder. “Don’t remind me. Samantha’s already furious with me about this Oakwood deal. She rebelled last night and actually smoked…two cigarettes. If I hadn’t been so furious with her…it would have been funny!”

Dharma giggles. “So…what’s the big deal? She smoked a couple of cigarettes….” She shrugs. “We all do it…and we all started way younger than she did.”

I sigh. “Well…I think we all kind of regret it, too. I know I do…. Anyway…she only did it to piss me off…which worked, by the way! She doesn’t seem to have any desire to really start…which is good.”

“Well…we all know about the model’s curse, Jules.” Greta smiles. “It’s likely going to happen…sooner or later….”

I shake my head. “Not if I can help it! Anyway…I’ll bring Gem with us, in the morning.”

Joyce nods. “OK. I have her down. Do you want me to set up some time with Brea for makeup?”

I shrug. “Samantha’s been teaching her. But sure. Why not? If she has time….”

* * * * *


* * * * *

I’m lacing up my shoulder pads and wondering where Jimmy is…thistime. He’s cutting it close…again!

I shake my head as I think about last night. It was fun…no…great! Alice, Ronni, Jimmy, and me out on a double date.

Well…it was mostly great. Ronni was…well…weird. And not just her looks…. I never would have pegged her as someone to go Goth. She was always so prim and proper, in school…a real girly-girl cheerleader. Now…she looks so much like a vampire that I had to actually “accidentally” touch her to make sure she wasn’t…cold. Her skin is so realistically pale that it’s fucking freaky!

Plus…she never wanted anything to do with Jimmy, last year. He chased her and chased her…and then he chased her some more. She wouldn’t give him the time of day. And now…they’re…in bed with each other? And I’m still not convinced that she’s totally into him…but there’s got to be better guys to use for sex than him…so maybe she is. I just don’t get it.

“Chad! My man! Last night was a fuckin’ blast! We need to do it again…maybe this weekend?” Jimmy finally waltzes in with ten minutes to spare.

I nod and finish tying my shoes. I pause as his…scent…hits me. It’s the same…flowery…smell…like lilacs…or something…that Samantha had, when she first started on that stuff that turned her into a girl. I start to say something but hold my tongue. I figure he must have just showered at Ronni’s and maybe used her body wash…or something….

He starts getting ready. “Of course, ‘dessert’ at her place was the best part of the night!”

I just shake my head as another waft of femininity assaults my nose. “Hurry up, Dude! I’ll see you out there!” I wonder what will be next…makeup?

* * * * *


* * * * *

I grimace, as I pour the bodywash onto the scrubby, and scour my body with it. I know I’m about to be late for football practice, but I have to get the sawdust off…and Ginny made it very clear that I’m not to use anythingbut the trial products. She said they would know…and Ronni has assured me that they will…. She says they have ways…and she was very convincing in her tone and facial expression….

Anyway…the reason that I’m grimacing is not that I’m about to be late. Sure…that’s bad enough…but this stuff smells like a fucking flower shop! And the shampoo and conditioner are just as bad! I’m going to smell like a French whore at practice…and all because of Dad making me finish sawing that order.

I shudder and pour out some shampoo. The first time I used any of this crap, I about slipped in the shower. I jumped really hard in surprise, when the tingling first kicked in. I know what to expect now…so I don’t let it bother me. Actually…it’s kind of nice. What’s not nice, are those fucking eye drops! They hurt like Hell!

Ronni asked Ginny about them…. Supposedly…“it will get better” as my “dry eye” improves. I didn’t even know I had dry eye!

I get out of the shower and quickly towel my crewcut hair dry…then get dressed and hurry to practice. I drive like crazy and almost have a heart attack trying to get there on time…. I barely make it…with just ten minutes to spare…and just narrowly miss getting a ticket!

Of course, I play it cool with Chad when I enter the locker room…. I can’t help but rub in last night’s post-date activities with Ronni. I know he’s not sexually active with Alice…at least not that he’s admitted to. Of course, I can’t believe that I am, with Ronni! I just can’t resist her…and she seems to want me, just as bad.

I sigh and shake my head as I pull my jersey over my pads. I can’t wait until after practice…. I’m meeting her for a quick dinner…then “dessert.” But first…I have to get through the next couple of hours….

“Rollings! Dammit! Get your head in the game!” Coach slams his clipboard down against his hip and blows his whistle.

We’re nearing the end of practice and I was daydreaming about Ronni…and screwed up another pass. I sigh and force myself to concentrate.

“You better get your head out of that lilac cloud that Ronni has you in, Bro! You smell like a girl…and you’re fucking throwing like one right now, too!” Chad gives me shit…and I know I deserve it.

“Yeah…go wide…let’s connect this time!” I float him one and he plucks it out of the air like it’s a balloon just hanging there, right front of him.

“That’s better! OK…hit the showers!” Coach blows his whistle to end the practice…and I let out a big sigh of relief.

* * * * *


* * * * *

“Hi, Momma. I won’t be down for dinner.” I sigh…knowing what’s coming.

“You’ve not been down for breakfast…or dinner the last couple of days…and you still look…awful! You need to get your life together!” She grimaces. “Your father and I miss our family time with you!”

I grimace back. “My life is just fine, Momma. I see you mostmornings…and I’ll see Daddy at work…often enough…now that he took that position at WG. And I’m not going to be here for dinner…because I have a date.”

“A date? Really? Is it someone who…looks like…you?” She gets a sour look on her face.

I fight a sigh. My life is not just fine…it’s a fucking disaster! I hate what I’m doing…what Lissa is making me do…but I can’t deny my…urges, either. I need Jimmy…. And now he’s going to buy some…different…relief. “No, Momma. He’s your and Daddy’s kind of boy…a football jock…the quarterback….”

“You’re dating Jimmy Rollings? Since when? He tried so hard…last year…and you wouldn’t give him the time of day. I never could understand that. But why now? Not that I’m not pleased! And why would he want to go out with you…now?” It’s clear what she means…why would he want me…with my “Gothness.”

I shrug. “He’s into me…like I am.” I don’t elaborate on the literal truth of that. “He wouldn’t want things to be any different!”

“You’re not taking him up to your apartment, right?” She has a concerned look on her face.

“Momma…when you started making me pay rent…because of my looks…even over Daddy’s objections…you lost the right to ask me that question. I have to go. I have a work meeting…then my date. Goodbye, Momma!”

I hurry out and almost slam the door behind me. I can’t stop the tears, though…I fucking hate what Lissa is doing to me!

* * * * *


* * * * *

I sit back in my recliner and light my cigar. It’s been a Hell of a day. First that weird-ass meeting at Oakwood…then I lost a really lucrative sale on a car. But I might still pull that one out…with a little more work. I’m pouring my first glass of whiskey when Jules and Gem come outside.

Jules has an…amused…look on her face.

Gem looks…worried….

Crap! What now? I have a bad feeling about this!

“Daddy.” She sighs and shrugs. “I’m going to get my hair dyed pink on Friday. I just thought you should know.”

I choke on my smoke. “Wait! What? Over my dead body!” I look at Jules for support.

She’s close to cracking up.

“Oh! I get it! It’s a joke. Good one….” I sigh and prepare to try and relax.

“No, Daddy! No joke. Momma already has the appointment set up, for in the morning. I…kind of…sort of…have a contractual obligation to do it….”

This time I do choke. I cough for a good minute and finally get my breath back. “What do you mean?”

“She struck a deal with Lissa, it seems.” Jules shrugs. “It’s not in writing…but it’s binding enough…at least, to get what she wants. I can’t argue the benefits…so I’m OK with it. Pink hair is not that bad…it could be worse…all things considered.” Her eyes move up to where Sam…antha’s room is…the message is clear.

“Ummmm…pink, huh…? Well…whatever…at least it’s just a phase….” I hope!

Julia sighs. “I’ll have to sign some papers tomorrow…in order for her to continue on in the pilot…. They’ll likely want to use her for some marketing…but it’s nothing like what we signed for Samantha. Don’t worry. It’s just standard stuff…and a liability release. I actually ran it by Roger…and he said it’s OK to sign. I know he has a potential conflict…with him going to work for WG. But I still trust him.”

I shake my head. I’m not sure I trust our lawyer anymore…if he even is. But I can tell that there’s no sense arguing this with Jules. She has that “look.” I sigh. “As long as it doesn’t have penalties associated with it!”

She smiles wanly. “Don’t worry…nothing significant. The worst that can happen is that we have to pay for some product…if Gem backs out. And if she’s willing to get pink hair….” She shrugs.

I pour more whiskey…a double…then I double it again.



Sammy C

So I keep hearing about this Mark guy. Sounds like Gerome might be getting some competition soon. (And Faith as well, hee hee) This is a really imaginative story. An enjoyable read. Looking forward to more...