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A friend made an attempt at illustrating Juice dancing at the mall, using DAZ3d. Pretty cute, huh? :)

Thanks to 3DFantasy. :)



John Chu

Not quite the way I pictured her myself but rather cromulent I have to say. Where will you find the time/energy to continue all these narratives? You need to clone yourself. I myself have found another answer. I’ve filled a spare room in my house with a hundred monkeys strapped to laptops. No worries. I feed them bananas and play AMSR tapes for them. So far middling results.


Monkeys? Maybe that's my problem, I've been using pug dogs. :) And the drool keeps making the keyboards sloppy. As to finding the time, I don't always seem able to find the time to read all the webcomics I follow. Sigh.


That story needs another chapter