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{CAUTION: This episode may be upsetting to some sensitive readers. I'll summarize it at the beginning of next episode, so it can be skipped.}

Dolly got me up without undoing my arms and led me to Moose’s en suite bathroom. She made me sit down to relieve myself after pulling my panties down.

“You may need to shit, too,” she noted. “But just hold that thought, I’m going to give you an enema.”

“What? W-why?”

“So you’ll be nice and clean for Moose, in case he wants to fuck you in the ass. I’ll have you all clean and lubed up.” She grinned at me, getting out some equipment she had brought in. “You wouldn’t want your first time to be painful, and Moose is pretty big.”

“N-no…no…. Bonnie, please no,” I whimpered. I may have thrashed around a bit, trying to stand up, but Bonnie pushed me back down on the stool easily.

“Don’t scream,” she warned me. “Earl will make me gag you if you scream.” She worked at the sink with the bag and tubing. “Warm salt water is best for getting everything out. Then we’ll do it again with just warm water, to be sure you’re clean.”

“N-no…no…. Please, no, please, Bonnie, no.”

“Keep it up, Dolly,” she said. “I love to hear you beg, you know.” She reached over and tweaked one of my nipples.

“Ah!” I jumped away, as much as I could.

“Remember what I said about screaming?” she warned me, then tweaked the other nipple.

When she had the water the right temperature, she filled the bag, adding salt, telling me what she was doing and why. “You’ll get used to this. I’ll be doing it twice a day for you until we can trust you to do it yourself. Moose likes his girls to be clean, and he usually fucks them night and day.” She looked me in the face and laughed.

“You should see your expression,” she commented. “Am I scaring you?”

I nodded.

“Relax,” she told me. “I’m not your enemy.” She held up the object she had prepared, the nozzle end of the hose attached to the bag which now hung from the top of the shower door. “I’m your enemist.” She laughed when I winced.

She helped me into the oversize tub and had me lie on my side.

“Scoot up more,” she ordered. “And lift your top leg.” She did so while I contemplated how helpless I felt. “Your little rosebud is tight as a fist,” she said. “Relax, and this won’t hurt at all.”

Reluctantly, I tried to relax. She gave more instructions, and something must have worked because I felt the head of the nozzle slip up inside me. I gasped. The warm liquid followed when Bonnie released the pinch valve on the hose.

“There we go,” she said. “Good girl. This will get easier each time, and we’ll leave a butt-plug in you. You’ll need it after Moose has used his prong on you once or twice.” She giggled when I made a noise.

I may have been crying for some time. Bonnie held tissue to my nose and then wiped my face and had me blow again. “You are such a pussy, Dolly,” she taunted me. “No one ever believed you were a boy.”

She pulled the nozzle out, ordering me to hold things until she could get me back on the toilet seat. Everything drained into the bowl in a rush while she readied a second bag full of clear water. “Seriously,” she said. “This could all be fun if you had the right attitude.” Then she began again.

* * *

Later, after the second enema and other ministrations, I sat on Moose’s bed in a fresh set of panties and drank via straw from a smoothie Bonnie held for me. It was my first food in more than twelve hours, but since Bonnie had also tightened my corset, I didn’t have the wind to drink it fast.

“Just sip, Dolly,” Bonnie told me. “Drink it all but take your time. You’ll fill fuller that way.”

Something about her telling me that worried me.

“Can’t you,” I asked, “undo my arms?”

She shook her head. “You don’t want to get me in trouble with Earl, do you?” She shrugged. “Moose can do what he wants when he gets back.”

I sighed. The shake-like drink did fill me up, though the glass she had it in couldn’t be more than twelve ounces. The taste was basic vanilla with some fruit and milk flavors, a typical smoothie.

“Good, huh?” Bonnie prompted me.

I shrugged as much as I could with my arms behind me. “I guess,” I admitted, and she grinned.

“Earl has at least one of these every day, and I have two or three a week. You’d better get used to them, ‘cause if Moose is out of the house, this is what you’ll be getting to eat. I ain’t going to hand feed you bacon and eggs, you know?”

I didn’t mention untying me again, knowing what she would say.

After I finished the shake, Bonnie had me stand and tied a frilly apron-like garment with bows at the waist and neck behind me. Moose’s closet door were full-length mirrors, and I could see the full effect. Just one more embarrassment, especially with Bonnie cooing over me.

“Moose is just going to eat you up, girl,” she assured me.

I know I cringed, and I could feel and see myself blush while Bonnie laughed.


She helped me place myself on the bed, head on a pillow, lying on my side, still with my arms behind me. “Do you want a cover over you?” she asked, faking solicitousness.

“Please,” I said. It wasn’t warm in the room, and I could probably kick a cover off, but with my arms still held behind me by Bonnie’s ingenious velcro tape, I wouldn’t be able to cover myself if I got cold.

She pulled a sheet up to near my neck and left a heavier blanket covering me as high as my waist. “Hold your head up a moment, Doll,” she commanded.

I did, and she worked a sleeping blindfold down over my eyes. I didn’t resist as she explained what she was doing. “Moose will be here in an hour or two, and you don’t want to spend the time watching the clock.”

I grumbled a little, but it did make some sense. “You’ve heard from Moose?” I asked.

“Yes,” she said after a moment when I imagined her nodding at my blindfolded face. “He might stop to eat or something, so we don’t know for sure when he’ll get here.”

She patted me on the cheek. “What you need to do is figure out how you’re going to act. You’re supposed to be his girlfriend.”

I made a face, and she laughed.

But she added before she walked out of the door. “He’s bringing you some presents, you know? Be good to the man, Dolly, and he’ll be good to you.”

What sort of presents, I wondered. Clothes, jewelry, cosmetics, perfume, things to reinforce my role here as Moose’s girl. Not something I’d really want, but what did I want except my freedom?

I lay there quietly on the bed, which was very much superior to lying on the floor of the closet. I flexed my legs, appreciating that Bonnie had released them from her diabolical tapes.

I yawned, realizing as I did so that Bonnie had probably put something in my smoothie to make me sleepy. I tried to relax and let sleep come. It would make the time pass faster.

I couldn’t do much anyway until Moose got there to claim me, anyway.



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