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Moose got up and left the sleeping cabin, leaving me alone for some time with the sliding door closed. Unbelievable as it sounds, I fell asleep. I had shapeless dreams full of rumbling road noise and little flashes of anxiety. There was something I had to do, and I didn’t know how to do it.

I don’t know how long I slept, an hour maybe. I woke to relative quiet, my face against the rear wall of the sleeping cabin. The truck moved slowly, tilting this way and that, making odd noises. Moving shadows outside the windows turned the inside of the camper dim then bright again. We were driving through trees, not on the highway anymore. Then we were stopping, or moving very slowly, at least. 

Moose was not lying against my back, so I turned over and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked sideways at me and smiled. I tried to smile back but probably managed only a grimace. I felt sick at my stomach at what we had done, but there was an excitement there, too. I knew that when he wanted us to, we would do it again.

He shifted his weight on the bed and reached out one of his big hands and pushed my hair off my forehead. “We’re at the cabin, Dolly,” Moose said quietly. “We’ll be staying here a few weeks.”

“W-w….” I had a lot of questions I wanted to ask.

Moose shook his head, putting a finger to his lips. “Don’t say anything unless someone asks you something.” He reached out and stroked my cheek. I trembled, but I said nothing at all, and I didn’t try to pull away from him.

With a last grinding of gears, the truck came to a stop. I heard Earl take the big engine out of gear and noises like he might be setting the brakes. Moose reached out and opened the folding door from the sleeping cabin to the rest of the camper. “Nice driving, Earl,” he said quietly to the driver who I couldn’t see from where I lay on the bed.

“I’m beat,” Earl complained, making grunts and sighs like someone stretching out the kinks.

Moose stood and went through the opening, then turned back to me. “Just stay there on the bed, Dolly. You’re fine. You’re safe. We’re safe. I love you.”

I had just raised myself up on an elbow and fell back onto my side, stunned. He loved me? Had he really said that? I heard my breath coming fast—I was going to hyperventilate from fear. Struggling to control my breathing, I just stared at him, unable to say anything.

Smiling, he moved further into the rest of the camper and closed the folding door behind him. I heard him speaking to his scary partner and Earl talking back but not what they were saying.

I lay there trembling, fear and anxiety twisting my insides. Moose had called me Dolly, told me that I was his girlfriend, and now said he loved me. I couldn’t deal with any of it.

The rear door of the camper was just beyond the sliding door on the right side, not more than eight or ten feet away. But I had only a vague idea of where we were or what might be outside. I would guess the mountains east of San Diego. We hadn’t stopped for any border crossing, so we probably weren’t in Mexico.

I debated trying to make a break for it, but decided chances were good that we were in some isolated area with no likely help nearby. I might be able to outrun my captors, but not knowing which way to run seemed to make that a losing tactic. Maybe I would have a better chance to escape later.

Then I heard another voice, a woman’s voice. Who would that be? Earl’s “squeeze?”

I heard Moose say, “She’s in the back, Bonnie. See what you can do for her.” I sat up on the edge of the bed, but the person who opened the sliding door was Moose.

“Dolly, this is Bonnie,” he said, stepping aside so a pretty twenty-something brunette could advance. “She’s going to help you with your clothes.”

“Hi there,” the woman said, smiling. “Oh, she’s lovely, Moose. Hi Dolly, I brought you some things. Your guy called ahead and told me what kind of things you needed.” She hefted a large department store bag to show me.

“H-hello,” I stammered.

“She’s a bit shy, aren’t you, Dolly?” Moose said. He stepped forward and pulled me to my feet then kissed me on the lips. I didn’t resist and hardly flinched at all. “Now you do just what Bonnie tells you, too, Doll,” he said to me. Then he produced keys from somewhere and opened the locker where he had stashed the two satchels.

He took the two bags out, leaving the cabinet unlocked. “I’ll get out of your way,” he said to Bonnie, squeezing past her in the narrow aisle and closing the door behind him. 

She called after him, “I left a deli lunch on the table for you and Earl.”

“Good,” Moose called back.

Bonnie swung her bag up on the bed beside me. “Moose has told me all about you,” she said with a wink.

“W-when?” All about me?

“On the phone, while you were asleep,” she explained. “Now get out of those clothes, we’ve got new, prettier stuff for you to wear. Hmm?”

I blinked. “Oh,” I said.

“Chop-chop,” she urged. 

I still didn’t move, so she began undressing me, yanking my t-shirt right off over my head. I didn’t resist, keeping my arms out of her way and lifting my feet when she told me to as she pulled off my pants. Leaving me standing there in my white jockey-style briefs. “Is this how you follow Moose’s instructions?” she asked, but with an almost hidden smile.

I stared at her. “I don’t know,” I said. “This all wrong.”

She nodded. “Wrongness is what we do. We’re criminals.” The smile turned into a grin. “Now, take off your panties, or I’ll tell Moose you want to be spanked.”

Panties? Spanked? “What?” I said. I stared at her.

“Moose told you to do what I said. You’re not doing that, so you are disobeying Moose. He can’t let you get away with that. He’ll have to spank you.”

“He promised not to hurt me!” I protested.

She rolled her eyes. “You’ve got to expect a spanking now and then, Dolly,” she said.

I had the thought that she was just having fun with me, but I wasn’t too sure. “I’m not a little kid,” I complained.

“Then act grown-up. Oh, never mind.” She reached into a pocket and pulled out a pair of scissors. “Stand still,” she ordered.

I was afraid not to, her having something sharp in her hand, and quick as it can be said, she had snipped the waistband of my shorts in two places and stripped them off of me. I stood there naked.

She put the scissors away and tossed the now ragged shorts on top of my shirt and pants. She hardly glanced at me, nude as I was. “This shouldn’t be too hard,” she commented.

I glanced down, wondering what she meant. I could feel myself blushing.

She laughed. “I mean, making you look more like a girl,” she said. She handed me an item of clothing from the bag. “Put this on,” she said.

I looked at it. It seemed to be a very stretchy, flesh-colored thong, kind of like the bottom of a bathing suit, but not lined and much sturdier and thicker than I would have expected.

“Go on,” she ordered. “Pull it on and snug it uptight. It’s a gaff. Push your stuff up inside you, bend your thing to point backward, and it will hold everything in place. So nothing shows in front. Get it?”

I hesitated.

“Do it,” she snapped. 



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