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At great expense, like $200 an hour, we've hired a voice artist to record Hired Girl. This is probably a sample of her work. Maybe. Okay, it's me. :)

-- Erin




There are some good audio book voices out there, but perhaps only the author really knows the personalities of their characters inside out. Well done. (I'd love to see what happened after the fish sticks some day!)


As somebody pointed out somewhere, this is a problem story, and Harold's problem, as expressed in the first chapter, getting a job has been solved. Next part would be a different book, establish a new problem. Perhaps one that Carol doesn't even know she has. She's alone. She's having fun so she doesn't realize she's lonely. Hmm.

Michael Maor

I'd say that would make a good, but not great audio book. We get the emotion and tone, and it's all quite clear which makes it a good audio book, but doesn't seem to have (at least from what I can tell in this brief sample) whatever extra makes a great one.


Hmm. Not a lot I can do with that advice. I can add some music, and maybe filter out that BG hum. But adding something that is undefined is hard to even think about.

Michael Maor

Sorry, if I could define it better I would. Some audio books do try and shift the voice to match the characters, which sometimes makes them better, but I think what you have now is okay.