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I woke up lying flat on my back in a puddle of sticky wetness on the floor. My shorts were soaked and even my t-shirt had two large damp circles on my chest, right around my nipples. I felt numb and a bit boneless. Happy in a weird way but… needy? Needy in an even weirder way.

I wanted to do it again, soon. That’s what I needed, wanted. A deep feeling of being empty and needing to be filled ached inside me. 

But for the moment, the numbness gave me ease and relief, except for the sticky puddle I was lying in. I tried to sit up, to move away from the dampness but my muscles seemed unwilling to obey me, limp and soft.

I tried stripping off my soggy underwear but the limpness in my hands stopped me. I couldn’t get my fingers to work. This seemed funny at the time and I lay there giggling until at last, I was able to work my whole hand inside my briefs. I felt around there, finding a warm, damp slit between fleshy lips.

I am a woman, I realized again. It seemed a wonder. Had I always been a woman? I still didn’t think so but it was a question without an answer.

I no longer felt a need to pee but I didn’t want to think about that. “Eww,” I heard myself say and that was funny, too, so I giggled again.

After a time, strength seemed to return to me. I could sit up and strip off the soggy shorts and t-shirt. My hands worked again, if still a bit clumsy. Naked on the floor, I crawled out of the damp area, my breasts swaying under me, a very odd feeling. “Moo,” I said and giggled some more.

I tried to stand in the middle of the room but I could not balance well and end up having to use a chair to get upright. Standing, I stared around the room. Things seemed huge and far away, the bed wide enough for a crowd of people my size. The windows towered over me, the table top almost waist-high, even the chair too tall for me to sit in it easily.

A girl in the mirror over the bureau stared back at me. Things were a bit blurry so I moved to get a better look, staggering with my poor balance and catching the edge of the bureau to keep from falling. The girl’s face watched me from the mirror, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, as if she couldn’t quite believe what she as seeing.

With the shades pulled the light in the room was poor but I could see she had white blonde hair past her shoulders, huge blue eyes that seemed a bit slanted, a small pugged nose and full, juicy-looking lips. Her mouth was slightly open, showing very white teeth and the tip of a pink tongue caught between he very white teeth. 

Naked, her breasts looked huge on a tiny frame. Narrow shoulders, thin arms, small hands with delicate fingers. She seemed helpless and a bit startled.

She looked like she had just had sex and didn’t know what to think about it. True, in a way. I knew the image must be mine but it seemed unthinkable that I was now a girl, the girl in the mirror. I heard myself giggle and saw the girl smile. She looked sexy and… eager for more? I giggled again, squeezing my shoulders toward each other, making my breasts wiggle and bounce.

I remembered being a man but I could not call to mind an idea of what I should look like, other than this wet dream in the mirror. 

“Cute,” I heard someone say. It must be my voice because when I looked around for a source, I saw no one else. The corners of the darkened room were still blurry but I could see they were empty. The voice must have been mine.

But cute wasn’t quite the right word. “Sexy,” the voice said. I saw the lips move in the mirror, felt my mouth and tongue shape the sounds but I had not been trying to speak.

Now I did. “Who?” I asked the girl in the mirror.

“Me,” I found myself answering. “Silly,” I said and watched myself nod and giggle, feeling the acts as I did them but not quite sure I had willed myself to do so.

A sudden noise startled me, a loud ringing sound coming from the table by the bed. I searched again for the clock but when I touched it, I knew it was not making the noise. A little doll-like figure beside the clock caught my eye and I picked it up.

It was an almost perfect image of the girl in the mirror, white hair down to her waist, breasts almost bigger than her head, tiny waist, wide hips and thighs tapering down to little feet standing on tiptoe. One arm was under her breasts pushing them up, the other stretched above her head, hand making an itty-bitty fist. Her mouth was open in what looked like happy surprise.

“Me,” I said and giggled again.

But the doll was not making the noise either. A strange black object also sat on the table and it took me some time and several rings to know what it was. A phone. I wasn’t sure I had ever seen one that looked like that before but the sound was about right.

The top part sat in a sort of cradle, so I tried to pick it up and ended up just knocking it out of the cradle onto the table and then the floor. It was so heavy and I still had the little doll in one hand, I didn’t have the grip or strength in one hand to keep hold of it.

The ringing stopped and I heard a tinny voice coming from the floor. I bent over, catching myself on the table before I fell on my face from the shift in my balance. “Hello,” I squeaked.

It squeaked back at me, sounding puzzled.

“Silly,” I said to it and it made more noises. I put the doll on the bureau and leaned over more. I could make out a voice now.

“Hello? Mister mumble? You asked for a wake-up call?”

“Me?” I said.

“Is that mister scramble?” the part of the phone on the floor asked.

I looked around the room. Still no one there but me. I looked in the mirror. The person looking back at me was not a mister. “No,” I told the phone.

“No?” the voice seemed confused. “Who is this?”

“Me,” I said. “Girl.” I didn’t know why I said that so I giggled again.

“What?! Mister mushy do you have a girl in your room?”

I looked at the mirror again. The girl there looked back at me. But there was no mister, mushy or not, in the room.

I didn’t know what to say. The question didn’t have an answer I could figure out. Was it even my room. “Help?” I said.

“Miss?” said the little voice from the floor. “Put mister warble on the phone. It’s almost check-out time, I need to know if he’s going to stay another night and if you’re staying with him, he’ll have to pay for a double.”

“Sexy,” I said. No idea why, it just seemed like the thing to say.

“What? Miss? Are you okay?”

Well, I felt all right but I was getting confused. The phone had so many questions. “Help?” I said again.

“I’ll be right there,” said the voice.

“Okay,” I said and giggled. I heard a noise like a door closing and then the phone went quiet except for a hum. I tried to hum the same note but it was too low for me.

“Stupid,” I said but I wasn’t sure if I meant the phone or myself.



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