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What? Now I've got nail polish, too?

It takes hours to reprogram and undo this and every time it happens, I feel less like it's worth trying to undo.

And that cute engineer keeps checking me out. I wonder what he's doing when we make next planetfall...

Wait! Cute engineer...?




I read a fan fiction story years ago where Captain Kirk and other bridge officers got turned into women. If I remember correctly, it was a transporter malfunction. One of the most interesting sub plots in the story was, if the problem couldn't be reversed, how would Captain Kirk lead as a woman. She hadn't spent years learning how to get people to pay attention to her as a woman.


The Procrustean Petard was a fan fiction with that as a plot but it wasn't a transporter malfunction, it was an alien planet that reversed everyone's gender. You can google the title to find discussions of the story and maybe even the text. :)


Cool. Thanks for the info. One thing I do remember (possibly even correctly) is that I read it so long ago that I have no idea how I got access to it. As in, I think it was prior to when household internet access and web browsers and web sites were common technology.


Unlike most other fanfiction, TPP was published in a volume called The New Voyages by the usual Star Trek publisher under license from Paramount. And this launched the whole sidebar publishing of Star Trek novels, and later Star Wars, Batman, Spider-Man, et al. books that continues till today. Such things had been going on for decades but really amped up after the success of TNV. BTW, if ever you can, find the six or seven Get Smart paperback novels by Walter Johnston. I still quote the dang things occasionally 50 years later. :)