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This is the highest rez copy I can find on any of my machines. It was done so long ago that it was at least three iterations of PhotoShop previous. The story is about a suit that gives the wearer the appearance of a beautiful, sexy and curvaceous waitress.

My idea for the cover was to play on the word Headlights. I found a public domain picture of a 1936 Ford, digitally sliced it up and repasted it over the figure of a girl in a bikini. :) There are some duplicated and flipped slices and I erased the license plate number in such a way as to look like mud smears.

An interesting point is that the girl was head down in the pic, so that bit of red at the bottom of the triangle of skin is her bikini top. :) I did it that way because with her head up, one of her arms would have been in the design of the window.

The lettering font was purchased online.



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