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The weekend was an almost constant cycle of Remi running between his mate and his charge, pandering to them both in different ways.

Quinn was receiving kisses, whispered promises of private time, soothing arm strokes, and reminders that Wes was a recovering victim of alpha abuse. It was difficult for Quinn to refrain from threatening alpha abuse of his own if the freeloader didn’t hurry up and get the hell out of his house. There was being a good person, and there was putting himself and his mate at risk; it felt like they were tiptoeing a very fine line between the two.

Wes, on the other hand, was receiving food and drinks delivered by tray, shoulder support to and from the bathroom, extra blankets, dressing changes, and assurances that Remi was just a shout away if he needed anything else.

He was healing, but not fast enough for Quinn’s liking. Partly because he wasn’t interested in adopting strays, and partly because of the way he behaved. If you’re going to rely on the good nature of others, at least be grateful and cordial about it. There was an attitude, in the way he looked at him (on the few occasions their paths crossed) and the tone he took with Remi, it all rubbed Quinn the wrong way.

He had no intention of playing the tyrannical alpha role Wes had no doubt been expecting when he arrived. Unfortunately, this meant he quickly took to thinking that Quinn was some kind of push-over.

In bed, on Sunday night, Quinn and Remi lay side-by-side in silence. Despite needing to be up early for work (albeit, from home), the bristling energy in Quinn was keeping his awake.

“He may not be ready to leave, but we need to know now what the plan is when he does,” he said into the dark. A little sigh at his side told him that Remi wasn’t asleep either. “Sanctuary? It’s not like he has a pack to go back to.” Not if he wants to live. “Or do we hand him over the the Assembly?”

Remi bolted upright. “No!” he gasped. “You can’t do that, they’ll give him back,” he pressed into Quinn’s chest, under his chin, pleading. “Please don’t.”

Surprised, Quinn drew him in closer. “Hey, it’s okay, I was just thinking out loud.” He stroked his fingers through Remi’s hair, shushing him softly. “Why won’t they find him somewhere new, like they did for you?”

“You need a long record,” Remi explained, eyes sad. “And lots of evidence.”

“He almost died on my couch. And then in my car.”

“And by the park,” Remi added.

Quinn groaned. “So why is that not enough evidence?”

“It’s not documented.”

“I’m an alpha, can’t I make a report?”

“For someone in your pack, yes.”

That’s not happening,” Quinn said quietly, almost a warning.

Remi was unperturbed, he continued, “Which would be the Assembly’s next action anyway - offering him to you.”

“Absolutely not.”

“And if you turned him down, they’ve done what they can to place him.” Remi sighed, it was delicate as a baby’s yawn. “Back to his old pack he goes.”

“Sanctuary it is, then.”

Remi pouted, silent at first. “You let them place me here,” he reminded him.

“As much as I’m happy they did.” Quinn gave him a squeeze full of love. “Let’s not pretend that I didn’t do everything I could to not let them leave you here.”

“You were nice to me,” Remi offered, as though it were a consolation prize.

“No, I wasn’t.” He kissed the top of Remi’s head. “I was trying to be gentle, and fair, but I wouldn’t say I was nice. I didn’t make you feel welcome.” His lips lingered at Remi’s hairline, brushing velvet skin. “I regret it now.”

“And why is Wes different?”

“He’s a brat,” Quinn grunted.

There was a strange look in Remi’s eyes when he raised his face. “You don’t like that he isn’t paying his proper respects to the alpha?”

Quinn scoffed. “No, I don’t give a fuck about that. It’s you he needs to be showing respect to. My being an alpha means nothing, but you’re an alpha’s mate, that means something. At least, it should to him.” His muscles clenched a little at the thought. Despite not subscribing to the ridiculous hierarchies, Quinn still wouldn’t dream of disrespecting an alpha’s mate. Like how humans claimed to treat each other equally, but there were still exceptions that were classed as ‘good manners.’ Quinn would give an elderly person the right of way if they crossed paths, he would let a child or pregnant person use a toilet first, and he wouldn’t dare take anything but a courteous tone with an alpha’s mate. And an omega alpha mate? If the roles were reversed Quinn wouldn’t even let Remi treat him, not a touch that might make him or his mate uncomfortable. “As far as I’m concerned you’re the most important person under this roof. He needs to get that through his thick skull.”

Remi hummed, uncertain, and snuggled into Quinn’s chest. Apparently, that was the conversation over.

Monday morning, Quinn was nursing a coffee at the dining table, laptop open but no work completed, when Wes made his first solo journey. He was hobbling and grappling at the furniture, but he made it all the way to the kitchen door before turning to address Quinn.

It wasn’t expected, given he’d not wanted to engage with him at all before now.

“You know people can hear that soppy shit you say to him, right?”

What was the purpose of lava, when Quinn’s blood could reach broiling levels from less than fifteen words?

“You know I could launch you halfway back to Sanctuary with one finger, right?” he snarled.

Wes’ face lifted momentarily: brows, eyelids, cheeks, mouth. All of him seemed to open in surprise as he searched for his response. “I do, but thank you for the reminder, Alpha,” he said, voice thin and uncertain.

He wasn’t the only one who could give a shock. Whatever he thought he was going to achieve by baiting Quinn, it wasn’t a threat of violence. Hopefully Remi hadn’t heard, he’d be so disappointed in Quinn…

He forced his focus to his spreadsheet while the piss-taking patient was bumbling around in his kitchen. There was nothing of value in there, so he didn’t bother to supervise him. He also had no interest in offering him any help - he’d had more than enough charity from them. Once he was fully upright, walking without a limp, he was out. And it looked like it wouldn’t be much longer…

Resolve set, Quinn was able to finally complete some reports.

As his workday was nearing its end, he was treated to the appearance of Remi, a little dishevelled, having taken himself up for a nap after lunch. He stumbled into the living room, wild-eyed and worried.

“Wes isn’t in his bed!” he bleated.

It wasn’t his bed, but Quinn kept that to himself.

“He came down and went into the kitchen,” he told him. “Walking all by himself, must be nearly at full health!”

Remi blinked, his expression softening. “Oh, that’s good.” He followed the path Wes had taken and smiled over his shoulder at Quinn as he pressed his hand to the door that connected the kitchen. As he did, Quinn glanced at the time in the corner of his screen.

Hmm. It had been a long time since Wes had come past…

A cold feeling tickled the back of his neck and Quinn crept out of his seat, pre-empting a problem like one of those colourfully-dressed TV psychics.

Remi gasped and Quinn leapt over the dining table to meet him in the kitchen. He almost smacked Remi with the door when he burst in; his mate was squatting on the floor beside an unconscious Wes.

“He must have pushed himself too hard, he’s got a fever!” Remi cried.

What was that ‘Karma’ thing that humans talked about? At least, the ones in Quinn’s yoga classes…

“Can you carry him back up to bed?”

Of course I can. I don’t particularly want to…

“I’ll get some towels and water for his fa-” Remi stood, popping up right under Quinn’s nose. “Quinn?”

“Hm? Sorry, mind was racing.”

Remi nodded, solemn. “Mine, too.”

There were good odds on a bet that they were racing through very different thought processes.

“You got the door?” Quinn asked as he dropped to a squat.

Remi nodded, holding it open.

Quinn carried Wes upstairs, but didn’t bother to tuck him in. He was pretty pink in the skin of his face, but his features were placid. No pain or suffering to be seen. Remi burst into the room right behind them, arms full of nursing supplies. Quinn left him to handle Wes’ fever, and retreated to his computer to wrap up with Jordan and their manager.



The alpha jumped out of Quinn 🤭 Reminder for those that haven't read it that there's a Remi POV story in which Quinn catches a cold! So if you want to find out all of Remi's top tips for recovery, you can find it under the 'patreon exclusives' tag 💖


I can’t tell if Wes is good or bad 🤔🤔