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A Day In The Life Of Omega Remi! Episode 3 - Playing In Planters

Knelt on the hard ground, bent over the thin wooden barrier around the vegetable planter, Remi wiggled a root-scraggled potato into a pre-dug pit. His breath fogged the space between his face and the earth.

A light crunch announced the approach of his alpha, barely before the scent hit. Remi smiled over his shoulder, and Quinn returned it. He wasn’t as wrapped up against the cold as Remi, but then, he never seemed to feel the bite of the wind. An alpha was built to withstand just about anything, the weather had no sway on him. Remi’s ankles shook walking from one end of the garden to the other, the gusty weather trying to take him away without a moment’s hesitation. Quinn would catch him, so there was no reason to be scared.

His daydreams of Quinn holding his foot as he floated in the sky like a kite were interrupted when his saviour dropped to the ground behind him, knees either side of his own. The heady body heat of an alpha cocooned him. A shadow filled his gardening spot. And Quinn’s strong touch was on his body.

“You’re working so hard.” A compliment in confidence, half-drowned in the wind.

Remi smiled shyly in response. He had never worked so little in his life, but Quinn treated him like fine china. A decorative piece not meant for function. Perfectly enough without ever needing to do anything.

Squeezing between denim and skin, the end of Quinn’s fingers wriggled under his dungarees and down to Remi’s underwear. Remi pushed his butt back and kept his hands in the dirt, silently encouraging Quinn to touch him more. Maybe he didn’t feel that a reward was deserved, but he’d certainly accept one from his generous alpha. The fingers were a little cold, but warmed quickly in the crease where Remi’s tummy touched his thighs kneeling on the grass. Remi shifted his hips, opening up more space for Quinn’s fingers to explore. When they reached his crotch, they grazed over his boxer-briefs like a warning and it sent a throb through him. Remi rocked forwards into the touch, then back to connect their bodies again with a soft thump.

The fingers tickled, teasing, over the growing bulge between his legs, sending sparks of pleasure that squeezed his tummy muscles. Remi rolled his hips down, hoping for that one spot to be touched. The one Quinn would dig his tongue into when he licked him like a hungry dog. A fingertip dragged up and down…. round the tip… and-


Remi squirmed against Quinn’s chest, his gardening gloves digging deeper into the earth. A second finger joined the first to squeeze his swollen cock between them. Kisses climbed his neck, warming him. Quinn’s mouth sucked a little at the skin of his throat, marking him in shallow patches.

“A-ah.” He rocked on his alpha’s hand, keeping his shaft caught between firm fingers, massaging his entire length, until his inner thighs began to shake. “Please,” he squeaked, right on the edge of climax.

Against the shell of his ear, Quinn shushed him softly. “The neighbours will hear you,” he whispered.

If his hands weren’t wrapped in gloves and buried in dirt, Remi would cover his mouth. Instead he pressed his face into Quinn’s bicep and whined against white cotton. It felt so good he couldn’t keep his noises in without help, and he would always take an excuse to press his mouth to Quinn’s muscles. Big and juicy and-

He was there. His insides twitching around nothing as pleasure caught him in its waves. His hips shook against Quinn’s hand, unintentionally treating himself to the vibrations of his own body’s response.

“Mmm! Ah-mm!” His voice made it through t-shirt and arm but Quinn didn’t scold him, only chuckled into his ear.

“Good boy.”

The two words sent fresh shudders through Remi’s body, rubbing the fingers harder against him. “Oh-mm!” His teeth pinched Quinn’s skin and a growl ran down his neck. A grown-up warning to a puppy. For some reason, it only encouraged the arousal flooding him.

If Quinn was going to treat him like a puppy, he could act like one. Remi released his mouth from Quinn’s arm and whined into the cold air. A pair of fingers slid down and straight into him seamlessly, pushing drips of slick out into his underwear as they filled him.

Remi gasped.

“More?” So quiet he almost didn’t hear it over his own panted breaths. He nodded, desperate, and the increase in intensity between his legs lifted him a little off the ground. The fingers slammed him up into Quinn’s warmth, Quinn’s scent, Quinn’s protection from the outside world. All of his favourite things.

Everything about him offered security to Remi, physically, emotionally and in title. An alpha caring for him like he was the most precious person in the world. He could never have dreamed up something so incredible, even after he was handed over by Mister Isaac. It allowed full relaxation into his touch.

His body was clinging to Quinn’s fingers with every thrust, begging them to stay. Remi would plead and cry and demand they stay inside of him if the human neighbours couldn’t hear. Instead, he whimpered around a bit lip and squeezed fistfuls of dirt.

His voice cracked on the pleas of “More, please, more.” But Quinn understood, and the fingers curled and sped up, carving out his insides until hot wet tears shocked him. Remi dragged a ragged breath in and felt the wet lines cool on his cheeks. He was there again, hovering, just a little… more…

The half-planted vegetable patch watched him writhe in Quinn’s lap, broken sobs falling from his lips, hopefully there were no humans doing the same. He was coming again, and coming apart.

Nothing was supporting the top half of his body when the energy left him along with the orgasm, and he fell forward into the wooden planter, limp from the hips up. Quinn was slow to pull his fingers free; Remi felt every droplet of slick that came out with them, it trickled down his thighs and clung to his clothes.

“Break time?” Quinn murmured.

Remi nodded against the soil. “I can finish this later.”

“Let’s get you a hot chocolate.” Quinn lifted Remi from the ground, and the gloves remained stuck in the mud. “And some biscuits,” he added, cuddling Remi against his chest.

Hot chocolate, biscuits, and cuddles from Quinn sounded like the perfect combination to ensure Remi stayed inside for the rest of the day…



How was that both sweet and hot at the same time? These two just slay me.