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Remi let the dungarees drop, and Quinn’s lips followed them down, kissing hip, thigh, and the warm crease at the back of his knee. Even under the cover of so many layers, his skin had soaked up a perfumed note of the outdoors: grass and soil and the light scent of lingering flowers despite the chill of autumn.

Tiny fingertips ran through his hair, raising his eyes. Remi was watching him with flushed cheeks and dark irises. Quinn had sunk to the floor, and when he raised himself just a little back up, his mouth met the single piece of clothing that remained on Remi’s body. He mouthed at his underwear, moulding his lips around the bulge between Remi’s legs and feeling them shake against his shoulders. Breaths turned raspy and noisily aroused above him. The fingers in his hair curled, but didn’t release, urging him to continue without forcing him in deeper.

Quinn didn’t need to be forced, digging into the contours of Remi’s hardening cock so deeply that he hoped his tongue would break through the barrier of the boxer-briefs. They needed to be removed, the taste of Remi was so close and Quinn wouldn’t be teased any longer. He extended the bond, checking for Remi’s consent. Remi refused the connection and Quinn paused, mouth open. Hips ground down and Remi pushed himself back onto Quinn’s tongue, riding his face with the most gentle of humping motions and the quietest of whines.

Quinn could take a hint. He could also take a real face-fucking but he’d have to teach Remi later to take what he really wanted. Now, Quinn would lead by example, ripping the patchy underwear off in one swipe and throwing them aside. His hands wrapped from Remi’s hips to his round little butt and squeezed, pinning him in place for Quinn to taste. Wet tongue diluted wet tip but Remi’s sweetness couldn’t be tainted. His erection was peach-flushed at the top, twitching in anticipation of every lick, and tasted divine, Quinn could drink from him all day, grinding his tongue into his slit and tickling along the length to make him wriggle and stagger. He was soon maintaining all of Remi’s weight, balanced in the bum-clenching hands, as little legs gave out and hips shook and Remi twisted helplessly against Quinn’s mouth. His raspy breaths had turned to gasps, with one hand pressed over his mouth and the other clinging to Quinn’s hair. Not directing or demanding, only tethering.

When he came, he drew his knees up, toes off the carpet, entirely confident in Quinn’s ability to keep him held in place, and his body curled around Quinn’s face like a closing flower, shaking and moaning through his climax. Quinn swallowed around him, forcing out every last drop. He remained on his knees, he could stay there forever, servicing Remi with his tongue until the end of time. It would be a reward for everything that had ever gone wrong for him, all he had had to do by himself.

As Remi released, letting his limbs fall limp, Quinn knew that wasn’t the end. Round eyes pleaded with him, leaning in close and tasting himself on Quinn’s lips, entangling his fingers behind Quinn’s ears. Quinn kissed him back just as hungrily. If he wanted more, Quinn could give him more. Everything. He stood, bringing his precious naked Remi with him, and walked them to his own bedroom.

He lowered him to his bed and pressed his legs open. Remi laid back obediently and clutched the duvet either side of his head. With two fingers, Quinn pried his round ass apart and watched the pink clench under his gaze. A little shiver ran down to Remi’s toes. Hurry up, his body was screaming. So was Quinn’s.

One saliva-slicked finger at a time, he dipped into Remi’s insides, massaging against the spongy walls and stretching out a space for him to fill. It was tight, but after the first finger, each consecutive one had an easier time spreading him wider and wider. When he retracted his hand, pleased with his preparation, Remi’s hole was fluttering around the empty space.

It took one long calming breath to keep from filling it with his tongue and sucking Remi raw. He kissed the creases at the tops of Remi’s thighs instead and massaged them a little between his hands. Remi was already hard again, his cock flexing against his soft, scarred tummy.

“Have you done this before?” It felt wrong to break the soundtrack of skin on skin and panted breaths. His voice was too loud in the room. He needed to know, though. He stood up and turned to his dresser, on the hunt for an item he hadn’t needed in a long, long time.

Remi shook his head against the bedding, mussing his hair around him. “I only kissed before I came here,” he whispered.

Quinn attempted to hide his shock by digging through his drawer more than he actually needed to. While penetrative sex was less common for those that weren’t mates, it still happened. And there were other types of sex. Quinn may have left his pack as soon as he could, but that had still left him plenty of time to play. Never any serious relationships, and only a few times ‘all the way’ as some called it, but he thought that was pretty normal. Maybe it was for alphas…

“I’ll go really slow and gentle, okay?” He turned with lube in his hand. Other men had liked his size, but measuring it up to Remi, it seemed a bit monstrous. Remi eyed the small clear bottle with mild curiosity, but mostly arousal, in his eyes. His legs remained open in their butterfly pose. “If you want to stop at any time, you can.” He rested the lube next to Remi’s knee as he stripped off his own clothes.

Remi nodded, never taking his eyes off Quinn’s crotch. They widened a little when he let his own erection free.

Using kisses as a flurried distraction, Quinn carefully inserted the head. Inch by inch, Quinn layered his love over Remi’s face and chest with his lips. He pulled a nipple into his mouth and sucked it into a tall teat, the swollen rosy bud stayed pointed to attention when his kiss trail worked its way back up to Remi’s cheeks.

Once the entirety had been sunk inside, Quinn let loose a long, steeling breath. It was fucking tight, and everything inside of him screamed to start pounding. He watched Remi’s expression carefully for any pain or upset. Instead, he appeared deep in concentration with his velveteen thighs wide and his hands wrapped within the bedding like he was wearing white boxing gloves.

Quinn dragged a kiss from Remi’s cheekbone to his ear and asked, “Are you ready?”

“Mmm.” Remi nodded, squeezing his eyes shut and his knees together.

On the first full thrust, Remi’s eyes and mouth flew open in a confused smile. On the second, his head tilted back and a shocked moan fell out of him. By the third, Quinn realised he might not be as ready as Remi was, at least not in the way he wanted to be. His wolf was already clawing at the surface, his desire for the sweet breedable omega under him setting fire to the muscles beneath his skin. Control was everything, if he lost it, he wasn’t worthy of being Remi’s first. He wasn’t worthy of being Remi’s anything if he was dictated to by stupid hormones, pheromones, primal instincts-

Remi whined and pushed his chest up from the bed, inviting Quinn to appraise the lessons he had acquired. It triggered something deep inside of him, a fury that fuelled a need to suck and bite over every scar, cover his sweet skin anew with Quinn’s marks. Claim him and keep him and most of all, avenge him. The rock of his hips gained speed and he climbed onto the bed, bending Remi in two for a deeper angle.

For a closer view.

For covering him in the scent of his alpha.

Three orgasms deep for Quinn, uncountable for Remi, and his omega was clinging to his arm like the safety bar on a rollercoaster, bounced solely from the jump of Quinn’s hips, and his legs dangled freely either side of Quinn’s. His expression was wretched. When Quinn accidentally locked eyes with himself in the mirror, he realised his own expression was feral. Facing Remi away from him was supposed to help him keep control, and yet, he was on the verge of blackout horniness. If he fell over the line, he was too scared to think where that could lead him. The things he might do to an open omega in his lap, wet and whining and writhing…

"Remi," he groaned. "We... we need to stop. I-I'm losing control-"

"Please!" Remi cried out, kicking his feet at the air around them. "Alpha, please don't stop." The last word turned into a sob. Sweat had slicked the small black flicks of hair that usually framed Remi's face to his skin. He was so pretty and so perfect and… Quinn could only oblige the request. If anything, not stopping seemed easier than stopping, not stopping was natural, it followed his body’s instincts, it meant he got to keep Remi attached to him even just a little longer. A biological need at this point.

A round-headed bulge was pressing out from the skin of Remi's lower tummy. Quinn's mouth watered at the sight, he let one hand slip down and trace over it gently. Remi yelped and squirmed in his grip. When he applied just a little pressure, pushing back against his own dick from the outside, Remi screamed. Keeping his thumb on the bulge and two fingers teasing Remi’s slit, shudders overtook his little lover, forcing his pupils up to the ceiling, and stealing his breath. When his face was wet with tears, he’d finished coming and convulsing.

Their eyes met in the mirror, and Remi gasped, “More.”

Quinn waved goodbye to his willpower with a slick-soaked handkerchief. He didn't need control anymore, he had an omega begging to be bred in his bed. He twisted them one-eighty degrees, connected by cock, and splayed Remi across the bed. When he retracted, his dick came out sopping. He took a sweaty thigh and flipped Remi to his back, finally face-to-face with his little obsession again. The renewed hard-on between his legs had darkened to a pulsing red, the tip fat and throbbing in time with a racing heart. How could Quinn’s favourite dish look even more delicious?

He pushed back inside and Remi squirmed against being filled, eyes lolling and his lip caught between his teeth. Delirious from the feeling of being stuffed, it made Quinn want to bite every inch of him. Feel his softness between his teeth and devour him in every way possible. He leant in close, curling his body to slot against Remi’s, teeth grazing his collar bone. Almost a threat, maybe a promise. His hips thrust forward over and over, knocking Remi a few millimetres up the bed each time.

“Alpha,” Remi squeaked, his voice cracking delightfully.

“Remi, please,” Quinn strained the words against his soft and sickly sweet, sweat-coated neck. “Say my name.” The order came out as a murmur.

With fluttering inner thighs and eyelashes, Remi gasped, “Quinn.”

The wolf chained deep inside of Quinn reared up, lifting Remi too; connected at the hips he fucked Remi like it was his call to this earth, and Remi chanted his name like it was his. Until his speech became slurred and garbled. With every orgasm, ‘Quinn’ sounded more like ‘kin’ until finally Remi fell silent, his top half flopped against the sheets and his bottom half still held aloft in Quinn’s grip, rocking in sharp, short bounces. His bangs didn’t jump in time anymore, stuck to his face with sweat and tears.

Quinn came with a gritted-teeth groan and collapsed beside him, only managing to outlast Remi’s consciousness by a few primally satisfied moments.



I want so badly to share the opener of the next chapter as a mini spoiler 😩