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There was a ghost at her back. One that was dragging its feet despite its ability to outrun most cars. She wasn’t sure if Aiden actually thought her human senses were too dull for her to notice him tailing her, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of interaction while he was skulking around like a very poor secret agent. Shuffling back from the kitchen post-breakfast, still wearing her fleecy pyjamas, she did her best to ignore him.

She crossed the line at him following her into her bedroom without explanation, though. As she approached the door, she spun on her heel to face the empty corridor behind her.

“Aiden,” she said. He could hear her from halfway across the house, there was no need to yell.

A curly head of dark hair popped out from behind one of the corners leading off from the corridor. Aiden’s grin was sheepish, but he didn’t apologise. He approached at human speed, which vampires often did in the hopes to make humans less nervous, but it had the opposite effect on Kira. If a vampire approached slowly, she knew she was about to be persuaded into something uncomfortable like a dentist appointment.

When he finally reached her, he asked, “can we talk?”

“I need the subject first.”

“You.” The word seemed to surprise him with his own abruptness. He added awkwardly, “I want to talk about you.”

Kira sighed. “When do we ever discuss anything else?”

He grinned. No answer needed.

She shook her head disapprovingly and hip-bumped her bedroom door open. “Come on, then.”

Aiden followed her in, shutting the door behind him, but stopped short of hopping onto the bed with her. In the centre of her fluffy pink rug he seemed to hit an invisible wall. Kira folded her legs under her and leant her weight onto her hands, palms dug into her duvet. She tilted her head at him expectantly, and his mouth twitched.

Kira snorted at his awkwardness and it quickly melted into scolding.

He folded his arms over his chest and huffed. “Don’t laugh! I’m nervous enough as it is!”

Despite his order, she couldn’t help but scoff. “Nervous? Since when does the Bonnets’ precious prince have anything to worry about?”

The dam burst. “Since my heart stopped and you started avoiding me even though you were supposed to be my best friend in the whole world. My only friend in the whole world. And I just wanted your attention so much, no matter what. And then the more you ran away the more I wanted to be with you and then it changed and I didn’t just want your attention anymore. And now-” He faltered, as though gasping for a breath he didn’t need. Kira hadn’t breathed throughout the rant herself, frozen in place as he rattled off words at break-neck speed.

“And now what?” Kira whispered.

“I-” His jaw was locked and his cheeks puffed a little. When they were kids, this expression was accompanied by bright red skin. In a small voice, he finally continued, “I’m trying… to use my words instead of actions, but it’s really hard to talk and look at you at the same time when you look like that-”

“Like what?” Kira snapped defensively.

“You look hot in your pyjamas and it’s making me ramble!” he accused.

“Oh my god!” She snatched up the fuzzy blanket that was folded at the foot of the bed and pulled it up to her neck, covering her tiny fleecy shorts and t-shirt. “This is just another one of your stupid games to make fun of me. I knew it!”

The invisible barrier broke, and he surged forward, grabbing the opposite end of the blanket and yanking it back off, baring her arms and legs again.

“You really have no idea how good you look?” he growled, curling over her with a fire in his eyes that felt like a threat. Kira was willing to let him make good on anything he wanted to promise to do to her. But instead of telling her, his face locked up again. His long fingers tightened in the material of the blanket and her legs jolted reflexively between them.

“Th-they’re old and tatty.” Kira didn’t know why she blurted out an insult for her own clothes, but it didn’t dull the hunger that Aiden’s eyes grazed over her with. “And… barely fit anymore.” That addition, however, she knew exactly why she said it. The heartbeat between her legs had told her to. Her brain used to make these kinds of decisions, but it got relegated the moment Aiden asked if she knew how good she looked while almost salivating. She shifted, just a little, to let him appreciate the seams that were tight and straining in… certain areas. The ones Aiden liked best.

For all of the horny glowering he was doing, he wasn’t taking the bait. He was a gloriously handsome statue carved over her like a cage.

She flushed painfully hot. “Aiden, if you’re not going to take them off-”

Like a flash of lightning, Kira only had to blink and she missed it, but the shorts were gone and now her childhood best friend was face-to-crotch with her blush-pink, frilly underwear.

“Spread ‘em and weep,” he ordered, pushing her knees apart when she hesitated and dragging a slow and hot lick over her panties.

“Oh god…” Kira gasped, a tremble ran through her thighs and she drew them up either side of his head.

He sucked at her lips mercilessly, the wet of his tongue causing the material to cling to her skin as though there was no barrier between them. It sent shock waves through her entire body, culminating in toe quivers and involuntary gripping of the duvet beneath her hard enough to tear. The tiny piece of material still covering her vulva was brushed aside and Aiden’s mouth enveloped her before she had a chance to feel the air of the room on her dripping lips.

She would have sworn in court she could feel his tongue in her stomach, it was digging so deeply into her she could barely keep her eyes from crossing. Her hips rolled against his face, completely out of her control, while she screamed bloody murder into she bedding she’d fisted in her hand.

“Um. Mm. Uuh.”

“What?” Kira gasped, throwing her head back against the bed and squeezing her bleary eyes shut.

The tongue retracted and Aiden’s lips slotted sloppily against her slit. “I love you,” he groaned against her slick skin.

Kira opened her mouth, but her brain provided no words to come out of it, so she quickly snapped it shut again.

“I love you,” Aiden repeated, nuzzling between her legs and teasing her clit with the very tip of his tongue. Tiny shocks buzzed through to punctuate each word. “I. Love. You.”

Kira wasn’t sure if she whined in response to his words or his actions, but as long as he didn’t stop, it didn’t matter.

He licked at her in deep swipes, always ending with a delicious press of that insane vampiric vibration against her clit, and repeating those three words like a mantra. Over and over. When Kira couldn’t hold back her orgasm any longer, she came against his mouth and its declarations of love. This time, she didn’t manage to cover her scream. It was so hard to care when there was a vampire eating her out like she tasted better than type-A blood.

Through pants, her limbs slowly flopped to the bed, the tension melting out of her body. The tongue retracted with a last little flick, as though he needed one last taste of her. A small, unstoppable smile spread across her face. Maybe he really did love her.

Aiden stood suddenly. His expression was strange as he looked down at her.


A blur, and he was gone.


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