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Pain was radiating through Kira’s lower back and stomach, filling her with a bubbling nausea and curling her torso inwards. The second day of her period was always the worst one for pain and sickness, regular like clockwork.

She groaned into the pillow she had her face stuffed into and clutched the hot water bottle to her tummy tighter. It was cooling down too quickly and she was already dreading having to get up and refill it from the kettle, which was two floors down, on the other side of the house, where she would have to pass multiple people in her grotty stained pyjamas.

Her duvet was bundled over her along with two fluffy throw blankets and she was still shivering. The feverish trembles and cold were relatively new to her long list of shitty symptoms but Tia Lucia said that was normal, that her periods changed when she reached adulthood too and all of a sudden she started getting loads of gross side effects.

A gentle knock drew another groan from her.

The knocker took that as an invitation to come in and she rolled over to peek out from her covers at the figure that entered.


She made a disgruntled sound and covered her face again, she didn’t have the energy for his nonsense.

“Hey, you okay?”

The softness in his voice drew her eyes out again, the logical side of her brain reminded her that he was most likely messing with her, he was a frustratingly good actor.

“Hurts,” she said pathetically.

He watched her for a moment with a strange expression, then he approached the bed and dropped down to sit by her side. She ignored him and squeezed the final ebbs of warmth from the rubber bottle in her arms. When she felt him feeling beneath the covers, anger flashed through her like lightning.

“Let me bleed in peace, you pig!” she hissed, her eyes brimming with tears of hurt and humiliation. How could he stoop this low as to try and touch her up when she could barely move for the nausea and cramping crippling her stomach and back?

When his fingers crawled under her pyjama top she felt sick for an entirely different reason than her period. The hands settled on her lower back and she sniffed back her tears. Fuck him. Fuck his perverted ways.

He croaked, “Does it hurt here?”

“What do you think?” she spat.

His hands began to move, rubbing circles into the pulsating muscles.

Kira bit back a moan of relief, the feeling was heavenly. The angry and throbbing sensation was almost instantly soothed by his firm touch. If she didn’t still have a sliver of self-control and respect she would have cried out ‘harder!’ Instead, she rolled the remainder of the way onto her front, resting her bloated tummy onto the hot water bottle and burying her head back into one of many plump pillows that littered her bed.

Aiden shifted his weight to follow her movements without a break in the kneading of her skin.

His breath tickled her ear as he whispered, “Am I hurting you?”

“No, it feels nice,” she mumbled into the pillowcase.

“You’d tell me, wouldn’t you?”

His fingers were hard like a marble statue’s, unrelenting as they pushed deeper into the flesh of her back. Stretching her hips wider. Relieving the slow pain.

“Hmm?” It was half-answer and half-moan, how he had managed to turn her tight and straining pain into a warm and rolling pleasure was beyond her comprehension in that moment.

“If I was hurting you, you’d tell me honestly, right?” he asked, louder this time.


Her hands curled around the pillow softly and she pressed her head deeper in the plush material.

“When we were kids you would tell me off if I upset you…” he mused. “Then we could make up and be friends again.” His voice had become a whisper again. A secret shared between them. “Now you’re always mad at me but you don’t tell me off…”


The murmur of his next words barely reached her ears. “You just run away…”

Don’t make me mad then, she thought, but didn’t have the energy to say it. And dear god she could cry if he stopped.

“How far away are you going to go?” It sounded like he was talking more to himself than Kira, so she let him babble as long as her sore hips were getting attended. “If they opened the gates, how far would you run? And would you let me visit? I always thought we’d be together forever…”

Kira wriggled on the hot water bottle, straining to pull it out from under her.

“Are you uncomfortable?” Aiden asked, pulling back.

Kira groaned at the absence of his hands against her back and sat up, letting the covers fall around her hips like a giant fluffy swimming ring. The air of the room chilled her exposed arms and slip of stomach. A shiver passed over her - old house with old insulation methods and only one inhabitant that needed it left a young human lady shivering through half the year.


Kira nodded although her back was still to him, facing her headboard through drowsy eyes. “I need to refill this.” She lifted the hot water bottle and plopped it over her shoulder. Before she could slide halfway out the bed, it was lifted back off.

“Get back under the covers, I think I can handle this.”

Kira scoffed but let him take over. Snuggled back under all her blankets, she smiled to herself awaiting his return. Just for a bit, it was nice to pretend they were best friends again.

She yawned into her pyjama sleeve. Things would go back to normal as soon as she was well again, but she tried not to think about that. There was no reason to ruin a good day with an approaching bridge.


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