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Hi darlings 💕

As you're probably sick of hearing me mention, my health has been declining the last two months with a million doctors visits and tests and prescriptions.

Last weekend things took a very unexpected nosedive and I ended up in hospital for a few days. An upside to a scary situation was that we found out there's been a completely different issue hiding under the others which is probably the root of it all. I've been advised to take a break and do everything I can to de-stress while the cardiologist works out what to do with my insanely complicated medical history 😅

For this reason, I'm taking August off. Billing will be paused for the month on Patreon, and I won't be posting to any sites or social media. I will be completing this month's post schedule still, and I will no longer be taking a week off in September like I originally planned to.

Please note, this means your patronage for the month will continue into September if you are not a 1st-of-the-month patron. For example, if you joined 10th July, your month will end 10th September. 

I was really excited to finish lots of stories this year, but I think I've been overdoing it trying to put out 3-5 chapters a week, and then manage all the different sites I post to. I've been disabled for 10 years, and I still forget my limits when I'm passionate about a story. 

Apologies for the disruption, and thank you for your patience while I worked everything out 💛

L x



Take care and I hope you get lots of rest!


Please take care of your health. We all understand. We’ll be here whenever you feel you can get back to it and thank you for posting what you can.