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A Day In The Life Of Omega Remi! Episode 2 - Alpha Quinn Caught A Cold!


The duvet tricked Remi into thinking it was still early, bunched up over his head and blocking all the light as he dozed. One innocuous roll onto his side revealed the sun was up and yelling at him to do the same. He said a word that his alpha would be shocked by and leapt out of the covers. The clock didn't need to tell him the time, he already knew he was late. Shamefully late.

He was certain there had been no wake-up call from his alpha this morning. That was laziness talking, he thought, pulling on his clothes. Excuses, excuses, his old alpha's favourite word.

Apologies weren't good enough anymore. Excuses were an insult. Only hard work and humble punishment acceptance could right wrongs when you had made as many mistakes as Remi.


“Omega!” came a yell from upstairs.

Remi froze in place. Vacuum still roaring in his hands. Alpha was… home?

He dropped the vacuum, picked it back up, switched it off, and ran up the stairs, slipping on the carpet a few times in his hurry.

Alpha Quinn's bedroom door was shut, and a knock only got him a groan in response. Remi decided to enter, his alpha had called him, he obviously wanted him for something.

Inside the immaculate white room, in the centre of the enormous bed, was Alpha Quinn. He was curled up with his blankets all the way to his chin, the almost-white hair that seemed to grow out of his head neatly combed was sticking to his skin in ripples and flicks. Despite his bulk, he looked... almost... frail. Remi hurried to his side with his heart in his throat.

Alpha Quinn’s bleary eyes bore into him and he felt his stomach drop. Not even midday and he was in trouble already. He really was trying his best, he truly didn’t mean to do wrong. Remi felt a tremble claiming more and more territory over his body as he watched Alpha drag himself up in bed.

The question remained loud and obnoxious in Remi's brain: why was Alpha Quinn still in bed? This wasn't like him at all. It was not an omega's place to question, though, and especially not when he had clearly been called in to be scolded.

“Sorry… hate that word," Alpha Quinn mumbled, his words almost sounding slurred with sleep. "But I called y'er name and you didn't respond." He nodded Remi closer. "Come ‘ere."

Remi approached slowly, nervously, the realisation that this would not just be a verbal punishment dawning on him in a cold sweat.

Alpha Quinn rolled closer to the edge of the bed and stretched out his arm. Remi flinched, squeezing his eyes shut but holding still. A hand grabbed his sweater and yanked him forward, into the bed. Remi’s eyes snapped open in time to see the covers folding over him, trapping him in an oven-like enclosure between his alpha and the bedding. Alpha Quinn wrapped his long arms around Remi’s frame and pulled him just a little closer, resting his chin on Remi’s head.

“Too noisy. Sleep more.” Alpha Quinn’s voice was gravelly... but soft.

“Y-yes, Alpha.”

Alpha Quinn hummed above him, the vibration of it reaching his hair.

“I’m sorry, Alpha,” Remi whispered.


The heat radiating from Alpha's body, paired with the thick winter duvet, lulled Remi into drowsiness like too long in a hot bath. Occasionally, he would be roused by a cough or a sniff from above. Mostly, he slept safe in the scent of his alpha. His nightmare night came back to him, Alpha Quinn arriving to the rescue, and the strange sensation of his face being tickled as he drifted off for the second time that night...


When Remi awoke, he was alone in his alpha’s bed. The borderline unbearable heat had vacated and the duvet was cloud-like, it surrounded him in Alpha Quinn’s human scent: gardenia and sandalwood. Remi had read the words off the glass pot of cream that sat on Alpha’s white dresser when he left the morning after his nightmare. There were miniature versions of it dotted around the house and Remi had formed the naughty habit of sniffing them when he was alone. The sweet and earthy scent was addictive. But it smelled better on Alpha Quinn, mixed with his real, biological wolf scent.

With a two-footed kick, Remi managed to dislodge the duvet enough to climb free and go on the hunt for his alpha.

He found him in the kitchen, coughing and hacking into the sink with a scrunched ball of kitchen roll in one hand. He wiped mucus and snot onto it and tossed it into the garbage. The kettle was bubbling in the corner of the counters.

Remi clung to the edge of the central island. "Alpha, are you feeling okay?"

"Hmm? Yeah, just-" A harsh, scraping cough cut him off. "Just a little sniffle, I'm fine now I've had some extra sleep."

Scepticism was not appropriate for an omega to share with their alpha, but Remi's came from concern.

"Alpha, maybe more rest would make you feel even better."

"I'm okay, Remi, really. I reckon I could even get a half-day of work done from my laptop after a coffee."

Remi winced at his words.

"What about a nice herbal tea instead? Chamomile? Maybe elderberry? They're both very good for the flu."

"It's not flu. I don't get sick. It's a sniffle."

Remi nodded obediently. "Honey and ginger are very good for sniffles, Alpha."

Alpha Quinn hummed a negative tone, but didn't completely reject the idea. He was dosing out his coffee, moving much slower than usual. Remi crept behind him to the cupboards, rummaging for ingredients. If he could find any combination of honey, ginger, garlic, lemon, mint, cinnamon... he could concoct something to help his alpha. A tonic, a tea, a topical treatment.

He was left to play in the kitchen when Alpha Quinn wandered out with his coffee. He left a half-full mug out for Remi, which he topped up with milk and sugar once Alpha Quinn was out of sight. Coffee was growing on Remi, but it still wasn't as good as hot chocolate. Not that he would ever admit that to his alpha.


Back in bed, Remi found Alpha Quinn half-asleep with his coffee lukewarm on his bedside table. It was a sad victory that his alpha had given in and returned to rest, and very obvious that he was really unwell. Remi carefully lowered his tray of treatments to the duvet. Then, he began a presentation like the ladies in the TV adverts that came on in between the real shows, displaying the treatments he’d made. Alpha Quinn had told him they were not supposed to be entertainment, just convincing you to buy things, but Remi found them just as entertaining as the 'game shows.'

"I made you a honey, lemon and ginger tea." He placed his mug beside the coffee and pushed it a little closer to the edge for Alpha Quinn to grasp at.

"Thanks, Remi."

"And this is an ointment to go on your feet and chest and just a little behind your ears-"

"Remi, I don't need nursing, I'm fine."

For the sake of his alpha’s health, Remi ignored him.

“Please rest and let me help, Alpha.”

Alpha Quinn said nothing, so Remi took himself to the end of the bed. With thumb and finger pinches, Remi pried up the bottom of the duvet

“Remi.” A weak growl. “Don’t touch my feet.”

“It’s a washcloth, Alpha,” Remi reasoned. A washcloth soaked in ointment.

“Remi, don’t touch my feet with a washcloth.”

“Please, Alpha,” Remi begged. He couldn’t stand by and watch his alpha suffer. He needed to be allowed to help.

“Remi, please don’t touch my feet with a washcloth.”

“No-” Remi hopped up onto the lip of the bed, perched between his alpha’s feet, to look Alpha Quinn in the face… down into his face. It immediately felt like inappropriate omega behaviour. “That’s not what I meant. I am saying please let me take care of you.”

Alpha Quinn’s eyes were unfocused, his skin clammy, and his hair mussed. It made Remi feel sick to see.

“Please.” Remi whispered.

From the pillow ditch his alpha’s head was buried in, he gave a weak nod with an exasperated sigh.

Remi dipped the small cloth into the steaming bowl on his tray, scooping up a few of the mint leaves bobbing on the surface as he did. Gentle sweeping motions of the soggy cloth soaked Alpha Quinn’s feet in hot water, mint, lemon, and just a touch of chilli powder. He let the mint leaves remain where they stuck to Alpha Quinn’s skin. Usually he would advise rubbing them in until the skin was covered in minty grit, but he was already pushing the boundaries of good behaviour as it was.

Next, he gave the same treatment to Alpha Quinn’s hands, pulling them slowly out from under the covers. Sometimes he would glance up and Alpha Quinn was watching him, other times he seemed to have drifted off into a light sleep.

When it came time to apply the mixture to his chest, Remi wondered if he should wake him and ruin his rest.

“Alpha,” he breathed.

No response.

Well, he had tried.

Remi mounted the bed again, this time at Alpha Quinn’s side, and shimmied the duvet down to his alpha’s waist. A plain white tee was rumpled over Alpha Quinn’s top half, blocking Remi from suitably treating him. Creeping across the bed, Remi stretched one foot over Quinn’s hip until it reached the mattress on the other side, and lowered himself in tiny increments until he straddled Alpha Quinn with his bowl balanced between his palms. His alpha didn’t react to the new weight settled on him. Each deep, slow breath lifted Remi a little from below.

Remi squeezed the bowl between his knees to steady it and lifted the white tee free from Alpha Quinn’s stomach. It was deeply lined with muscles, not as prominent as they were in action… like when Alpha Quinn did yoga or his exercise routines… and sometimes things lifted or shifted just for a moment… and Remi got to see what his alpha could look like…

The steam from the bowl was overheating his face and the tee was stuck.

Underneath them both, the back half of Alpha Quinn’s top wouldn’t budge, and the body hole wouldn’t stretch further than just beneath his nipples. Remi rolled the tee to its limit and took to wetting the skin that covered Alpha Quinn’s ribs. A sudden, hard snore rocked the bowl and Remi for a few seconds, but he squeezed his knees at Alpha Quinn’s sides and gripped his treatment until it passed and regular breaths returned.

Relieved, Remi sighed to himself. When he looked up, his alpha was staring at him.


His name was pronounced like a gurgle, but he still understood it. No one had ever used his name so many times as Alpha Quinn, Remi could hear it even in a mumble if it was his alpha.

“Yes, Alpha?” he whispered.

“What’re you doin’?”

“I’m putting this remedy on your chest, it will make you feel better.”

Alpha Quinn reacted at a delay, staring at Remi for the longest time before grunting, “’kay,” and closing his eyes again.

“I’m going to p-put my hands… in here.” Remi pressed his fingers under Alpha Quinn’s t-shirt collar. “Is that okay?”



A weary groan. “Remi.”

“Oh, nevermind.” Remi slid his hands along his alpha’s collarbone. “Just checking.”

“You’m coo…”

Remi frowned down at the white tee that was quickly turning transparent, and his pink fingers beneath.

“Pardon, Alpha?”

“You,” Alpha Quinn croaked. Then a cough racked him and rocked Remi atop him. “Cute.”

“Oh.” Remi attempted to continue with his work.

Alpha Quinn’s eyes opened again for a few seconds. “Mmh.”

“I see,” Remi answered uncertainly.

Alpha Quinn’s eyes closed again. “Mmh.”

“R-rest well, Alpha.”

Alpha Quinn said nothing else. Remi finished his coating and covered his alpha back up, chin-to-toe, with his duvet. The room was steamy, and the windows would need to be opened in a bit. Not yet, though. Alpha Quinn needed to stew in the concoction that Remi had layered on him first, or it wouldn’t work.

He swapped the herbal tea for Alpha Quinn’ half-filled coffee cup, gently confiscating it from the patient completely. A finger of mint and olive oil behind each of Alpha Quinn’s ears and across his temple, and Remi retreated to wash up and prepare cool towels for his alpha’s face.


Alpha only seemed to drink his teas and tonics when Remi was in the room. Whenever he left, Alpha Quinn somehow managed to forget that his medicine was right there.

His strength was returning, though. The long sleep he’d taken during the day had been the most help. Now he needed to flush his system, if only he would drink his tea without Remi’s supervision.


A deep, painful rumble in Remi’s stomach doubled him over for a few seconds. He was so hungry his stomach might actually be eating itself. No, he’d been hungrier than this before. His body had forgotten what it was like back then, used to Alpha Quinn’s kindness.

There was no breakfast in plastic wrapping in the fridge for him in the morning. No lunch as Alpha Quinn slept through the middle of the day. And if Remi was hungry, he shuddered to think how his alpha was feeling.

A thin broth, he decided. Lots of vegetables and water would be best for an alpha on the mend.


Between chopping and checking on his suffering alpha, it took much longer than usual for Remi to prepare dinner. Once it was finally finished, he rushed it into two bowls and hurried upstairs.

Alpha Quinn ordered him to eat in bed with him, and fell asleep again with his empty bowl balanced under his chin. Remi cleared the plates and tucked him in.


The house was clean, tomorrow’s remedies prepared and refrigerated or stored in small jars, and Remi’s entire body throbbed with exhaustion. He almost fell asleep in his bath twice.

Before he could go to bed, he had to check on his alpha just one last time.

From the door, it was too dark to see anything. Remi tiptoed to the bedside and knelt to get a closer view of the fresh cool towel laid over his alpha’s head. He watched his alpha sleep easily, breathing clearly and deeply…

Remi’s face sunk into the poufy white duvet under his elbows. The burn of his knees against the carpet and the ache of his curved spine couldn’t keep sleep from taking him right there on the floor…



I loved how Remi took such good care of Quinn. I’m really hoping Quinn wakes up, sees Remi on the floor and makes him get in bed with him. Fingers crossed this special story continues.


Unfortunately there isn't a continuation of this story, but I can confirm Quinn dragged him back into the duvet cocoon in the morning 🤭