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There was no time for any more second-guessing. Kira had swapped dresses more times in the twenty-four hours before the ball than she had gotten dressed at all in her life.

"That red suits you."

His voice had been so gravelly. Like he was yearning for her. What an actor he had become.

Final choice: yellow and blue peony-printed silk with a thigh slit. It wasn't as floofy and dramatic in shape as the red, off-the-shoulder gown, but the colours were unique and she could still dance in it. Both dresses were heavy; her mother said it showed the high quality of the material in the way it dragged behind her.

Her mother was stood behind her now, twining her braids into a high bun, intricately pinned gold flowers decorating the ring where it met the crown of her head. Kira stood tall to keep the dress from wrinkling before their arrival at the ball and her mother stood on a stool behind her. They hadn't been the same height since she was twelve.

Next was accessories, then she could meet with Vanessa for make-up. She had to leave the Bonnet mansion for that, as non-family clan members were not allowed inside without special permissions. A rule Aiden had lorded over her friendship with Vanessa their entire childhood. Perhaps she should have noticed back then how possessive and jealous he could be. Vanessa was not allowed to be her best friend, because that title could only be held by one person at a time. And it always had to be him.

Her mother delicately wrapped a thick gold necklace around her neck twice, layering a larger loop over a smaller one. Kira stepped into her heels and her mother called her father in. The pair of them cooed and complimented her for a bit until she reminded them of the time.

They needed to dress themselves for the ball still, and she needed make-up. As a human, she didn't have perfect skin like the vampires that surrounded her. Even Vanessa was born a vampire, although she hadn't frozen yet. Being the only one with blemishes, the only one who blushed, became a much heavier burden in front of the audience of the clan. She’d studied videos online, dulled the colours used in the tutorials, made herself presentable enough when too many eyes would be on her.

The weather was mild as she hurried out of the mansion, heels clicking on the paved pathway that lead into the communal clan lands. She had a black cloak slung over her shoulders, parents' orders, to keep anyone from seeing her dress before the ball. Everyone in the clan was invited, and Aiden would speak to them publicly for the first time as the Bonnet heir.

As she hurried into Vanessa's house, she was reminded of all the times she snuck out to hang out with her only other friend. And all the times Aiden tattled on her for it.

Vanessa's parents greeted her politely, never certain if they should be pleased that their daughter had befriended a Bonnet. A powerful name that brought more attention than one would like. Vanessa threw her arms around her in a hug and told her she looked beautiful before the cloak was even off. Her own dress was an inky blue with a puffy skirt and a heart-shaped neckline. She was wearing dainty silver jewellery, pieces that Kira recognised from birthdays past.

They layered their chests with tissue paper to keep make-up from dirtying their dresses and got to work. Kira had a full face to do, while Vanessa, like most vampires, would only bother with the extras: eye shadow, mascara, brow powder, maybe highlighter.

Forty-five minutes later, both girls were primed, powdered and had pictures taken by Vanessa's father.

They had to separate once more before the ball, Kira would be expected to make a grand entrance with the other Bonnet family members. She returned her cloak, bid her goodbyes and walked back to the mansion, avoiding the staff bustling around as best she could.

The ballroom had been transformed. It was already a magnificent space, but now there were tables draped with bright white cloth and lush centrepieces, seats with bright gold gossamer ribbons tied to the backs and candles lit everywhere.

Kira entered the room at the top of the stairs that lead into the main house, her dress following her a few moments later with the satisfying sweep of heavy silk that floated behind her. She was last to be presented to the room, as the most recent addition to the family, even if it was two decades ago. That was nothing to the vampires in the room. She was the baby Bonnet.

Kira ignored the eyes that followed her descent. With great care, she took each marble step balanced on the toes of her heels and sliding her hand along the gilded bannister. Once she reached the bottom, the music rose in volume and the attention returned to conversations and dancing. Kira withheld a sigh. For the rest of the night, someone would always be watching.

“You didn’t wear the red one.” It wasn’t a question, but a disappointed statement.

Kira spun. Aiden was stood beside the last step of the stairs, watching her with those stunning sea-green eyes. His suit was artfully tailored to his fine physique, and his hair had been delicately styled into immaculate curls atop his head. The Bonnet’s prize prince, short only of a crown.

“No.” Kira stepped a little closer. An attempt at even a little privacy, “I liked this one better.” She didn’t know why she felt the need to justify her choice. It had nothing to do with him.

“I wish you’d told me that before I bought these.” He tapped his scarlet velvet bow tie and pocket square. She hadn’t noticed the pop of colour against his black suit before, too entranced by his handsome face.

Her words came out slow. “You wanted to match?”

“Yeah, the red dress looked great on you.” His eyes grazed over her body, half-lidded with what could be lust. Kira knew better, though. He was simply teasing her again. “I was sure you’d pick it.”

“You put me off it,” she admitted.

“Can I still get a dance, even if we clash?”

His hand was held out to her. And they both knew she couldn’t refuse. Not only because his touch had become an addiction, but because she couldn’t be seen turning down a dance with the clan’s next head.

“S-sure.” She laid her fingers in his outstretched palm and allowed him to lead her to the very centre of the ballroom. The crowds parted easily, more interested in watching them than joining them.

In the breath before their dance began, she silently thanked her parents, and Auntie Lucia and Uncle Elijah, for forcing her and Aiden to take dance lessons together all those years. He was the only boy she had ever danced with, familiar even though they had both grown and matured greatly since their last practice.

Now he was the first man she would dance with.

The hand on her lower back pulled her flush against him, bodice to shirt. There was no need for the tight touch, her body was utterly magnetised to him. It wasn’t the music pulling them along, Aiden was in complete control and Kira was more than happy to be lead. He could drag her around the ballroom floor if he wanted. She would let him lead her anywhere.

He spun her, and the temporary gap between their bodies chilled her. Once returned to his embrace, she shivered and allowed herself to glance up at him. He was watching her with his feline smile, no distraction to check his feet or the space around them. Anyone in his path would move for the crown prince.

When the song ended, she stepped back, despite her body’s desperation to cling to his. There were eyes everywhere, watching them and their family. She couldn’t be selfish with his touch tonight. She dipped into a curtsey, but didn’t risk looking upon his handsome face again. He stepped back, and bobbed his head in a short bow.

Kira turned away and let her dress flutter behind her as she glided between the crowd as gracefully as she could. With a pounding heart and a burning heat in her chest and between her legs, she departed the dance floor. She had been correct about the eyes she could feel on her while they danced, the entire clan had encircled them, and they followed her exit with zealous stares.

When she reached the respite of a dark corner by a stone column, she realised there was still the tickle of eyes upon her. She turned to find a man at her back.

Slightly taller than her, with dark, soothing eyes and short-cropped hair styled neatly.

“You were angelic out there,” he said, breathless.

Kira started, bumping back against the tall column, one of many upholding the platform that ringed the room and provided a little darkness to hide under.

She fought to speak, unused to interacting with anyone outside of hers or Vanessa’s families. “Thank you,” she finally croaked.

“Your dancing matches your beauty,” he continued. “Angelic.” The word seemed to fall from his mouth clumsily, but she appreciated the compliment all the same.

She was at her first ball and a boy was flirting with her. A giggle was tightly restrained in her chest as she weighed up whether or not to reciprocate, it fizzled out when she noticed storm clouds on the horizon.

A few feet away, Aiden glowered. The boy seemed to perk up, as though he could sense the menacing glare on his back. He glanced over his shoulder, jolted at the sight of Aiden, turned back to Kira, struggled for words and skulked away after a few awkward noises.

Aiden quickly replaced him, crowding over her with his big, stupid, muscular body. “What’s going on between you two?”

“Nothing.” She shoved him off irritably. The grand staircase was near enough that she could retreat up it, uninterested in bickering with Aiden publicly.

“It didn’t look like nothing, it looked like he was trying to get his flirt on.” He followed her back up the stairs. They ascended slowly and in sync, feigning normalcy for the audience behind them. No doubt watching the youngest Bonnets more than their own offspring. “Find himself a little jeva,” he hissed.

“That’s not your business,” she replied under her breath.

He was smiling intensely, no doubt for any onlookers. Through gritted teeth he added, “he’s a little too light-skinned for you, no?”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

Aiden shrugged, perverse smile remaining. “He’s not your type.”

“I don’t have a type.”

“You would date a white guy?”

“Both our dads are white,” she reminded him, her own polite smile becoming tight. “And you’re just trying to find something to antagonize me with.” They reached the top of the stairs and Kira released her skirts, lowering them back to the ground and letting them swipe at the last two steps.

Kira nodded to the staff either side of the double doors leading back into the main house. They scuttled forward and opened them just in time for the pair to pass through.

Aiden’s voice remained low, even once they were clear of the ballroom.“I didn’t know you had daddy issues, we could have some fun with that.”

Kira scoffed. “You’re the one with daddy issues if you’re threatened by a guy being lighter than you.”

“Calm down, princesa,” he cooed into her ear. The words dripped onto her like honey. “That’s just not the type of guy I pictured you with.”

“How about you stop picturing me?” Her fake public smile returned for a flash. Like an animal baring its teeth. “You probably wank too much as it is.”

“The way you squeal when I touch you tells me you don’t wank enough, darling.”

“Fuck off,” she snapped. Hiking up her skirts again, she turned to stomp away.

Aiden snatched her arm. The smile finally dropped. “What are you doing? The ball isn’t over- I have to give my speech-”

“Go and give it!” Kira laughed, almost maniacally. “I’m going to bed.” She pulled away, and this time he let her leave despite the furious heat that radiated from his body to hers. She turned, and now the only echoing footsteps were her own. She felt his heated presence lingering behind her until she broke free into the reception room of their home.

Enough was enough.

It wasn’t possible for her to grow into a real adult like this. Remaining in the clan meant remaining trapped inside the mansion as one of the Bonnet dolls encased in glass for the others to look upon and judge. And being trapped inside the mansion meant being trapped with Aiden. She couldn’t continue their uncomfortable dance any longer. Being watched, toyed with and teased.

As she stripped off her dress in her bedroom, she stared at herself in the mirror. Resolve was stony in her eyes. She would speak to her mother first thing about finally applying to university. Both she and Aiden had paused their education after finishing their A-Levels with perfect grades. With the combination of the family’s fortune and vampirism in their futures, there was no rush. For the Bonnets, a gap year could become a gap decade without concern.

Now was the time, she repeated to herself as she shrugged the skirts off her hips, to leave, even just temporarily, and grow up. No more playing prey to Aiden’s predator. No more alleviating his boredom with her body. Enough.



It’s me🥰❤️❤️❤️


It feels like Kira’s story is about to get interesting? Exciting? Dramatic? Can’t wait 😁❤️❤️❤️