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Their mugs of steaming dark coffee followed them as Quinn and Remi pottered about the house. Quinn usually listed his required chores in his planner on Friday nights. Last night he had completely forgotten with a guest to accompany until bedtime. Remi was expectedly eager to help, but silently baffled by the pace. They drifted from room to room, warming their hands around their cups of coffee, noting anything that needed tidying, replacing, washing. Even armed with his hefty planner, Quinn never felt the need to rush errands. There was a soothing aspect to productivity when taken at an even pace. A ritual to the resetting of his home.

It took a few reminders to keep Remi from trying to do everything himself. When Quinn suggested the window sills could do with wiping, he had to snatch Remi up by the waist to keep him from throwing himself at the task. When he hummed at the near-empty jars of sundries neatly lined at the back of his counters, he had to race Remi to the cupboards for the giant sacks to refill from. Omega enthusiasm very nearly topped natural alpha ability. When they finished, satisfied with the state of all rooms, it felt like a very low-stakes competition had ended.

The washing machine rumbled, the tangy scent of citrus cleaning sprays coated the surfaces, and crisp air breezed in through the open windows.

"Blowing the cobwebs away," Remi had announced as they threw them wide. Quinn felt the same. Something about fresh air was cleansing and purifying. A prickle of oncoming cringe ran up the back of his neck. That was probably some animal instinct he should be pretending he didn't have.

Quinn drained the last of the black coffee from his cup. The matching mug remained three-quarters full and tucked beneath Remi's chin. Post-refill, Quinn peeled open the sliding doors to the back garden and inspected his single metal lawn chair. The lawn itself was as overgrown as ever. He didn't let it get above a foot tall, hacking at it with hedge trimmers every now and again. For the first time he wondered if it might be nice to sit out here in his free time.

When did he ever have free time? He shook his head.

"There's a chair out here if you want some more air," he called over his shoulder to Remi.

Petite bare feet swung under the lawn chair as Remi took the tiniest sips in existence of his coffee. Quinn stole the peaceful opportunity to pull out his neglected planner. The holy book of his life. At the dining table he could lay out the enormous book in front of him while keeping an eye on Remi in the garden through the open glass doors.

Boxes filled with dates and check list templates stared back at him. What would usually spark inspiration and excitement, tickling his brain into action, now sat blank. Instead of the urge to plan and meticulously prepare for everything ahead of him, a smaller, deeper pull brought his attention outside… over and over.

Remi glanced back, hiding his own looks hurriedly any time their eyes accidentally met. It was sweet, and Quinn began deliberately trying to predict when he would look to catch those dark eyes in his. The flash of surprise, then fear, then uncertainty, then Remi would break the look in favour of the overgrown lawn again. Quinn wasn't fast enough most times to offer a smile.

Evening arrived, and they cooked side-by-side. While the oven was finishing their casserole, they separated to close the windows and doors against the chill of the setting sun.

At the table, as they ate, Quinn revealed the painting class was booked for Tuesday. Pouched cheeks filled with food lifted with Remi's smile. It itched the corners of Quinn's mouth to return it, like when a baby smiles at you from across a restaurant. After swallowing, Remi's chatterbox function was switched ON.

“Thank you so much, Alpha! I haven’t drawn or painted in such a long time. In my old pack we shared all the craft supplies in-

Quinn methodically cleared his plate and showed he was listening with nods and full-mouthed smiles.

"-but the paints were always dry because people never put them away properly and-"

Quinn wiped the corners of his mouth with his napkin.

"-if that was true, because lots of things never happened. Mr Mike from the patrol guards always said that Alpha was a promising postman with no deliveries made. I never told anyone he said that, though, because-"

Quinn placed his knife and fork in the centre of his plate carefully so as not to make a noise that would disrupt Remi's tangent.

"-don't know what that means but I said I did at the time because Alpha's voice gets louder when you don't understand him the first-" Remi froze. The utensils that been hovering above his plate until now clattered down. Round, pink, wobbling bottom lip. Shining black irises against watery whites. Thin fingers curled and uncurled. Guilt had him tight within its grip.

Like the smell of approaching rain, Quinn could sense waterworks on the way.

"The first time?" he coaxed Remi to finish the broken sentence.

"Y-yes, Alpha."

"And then what happened?"

"Um." Remi stuffed a heaped fork of casserole into his mouth and shrugged.

"I don't like when people shout either,” Quinn said with his own shrug, “It's not necessary unless there's something you're trying to be heard over.”

Another forkful and a nod from Remi.

"Even then," Quinn thought aloud, "we have phones to message now. Why does anyone yell?"

Remi laid his knife and fork down to mirror Quinn's, although his plate still had at least three more Remi-sized bites left.

"Full?" Quinn asked.

"Yes. Thank you, Alpha."


"Will you have dessert, Alpha?"

This battle again, Quinn thought. He replied a confident, "I will if you will."

Remi thought for a moment, then tried again to get the answer Quinn would not give. "You want to have dessert with me, Alpha?"

"I only want dessert if you want it. If you don't want dessert, then I don't." Quinn fought a grin, he had beat the system.

"You want me to want dessert so that you can want dessert?"

Quinn blanched. His brain hurt. "No. If you want dessert... it will, um, make me also want dessert."

"But right now you don't want it, Alpha?"

"How about I stick the fruit and sorbet in two bowls and leave them on the table and whatever happens, happens?"

"Yes, Alpha."

It didn't feel like a win anymore. Quinn would take a retreat for now.

Both bowls were eventually cleared, and Quinn's eyes drooped as they watched an animated movie about talking animals for their evening activity. By the halfway point, all of Quinn's concentration was battling against sleep. He never fell asleep outside of his bed, but he didn't want Remi to miss the rest of the movie, and if he retired for the night then Remi would immediately follow suit. A rainbow of colours blurred on the screen and comical voice-overs gasped and groaned and argued. The clutch of a small, warm hand in the crook of his elbow stole the last of his focus and sleep took him.

"Alpha?" A whisper. "Alpha, are you sure you want to sleep here?" A slightly louder whisper. "Alpha?" A whisper that blew hot air against Quinn's ear.

Quinn cranked his eyes open, pushing against the sore sting. The screen had gone dark.

"Remi?' he croaked.

"Yes, Alpha?"

"Did you like the movie?"

"Yes, Alpha. The cat was funny."

"Shall we go to bed?"

"Yes please, Alpha."

Unfortunately, without pause for thought, Quinn's sleepy body rose and swooped his arm under the form that had been crouched beside him. With his free hand he flicked off the lights, eyes barely open. Halfway up the stairs, the dangle of Remi bent in half over his forearm stopped him mid-step.

"Remi," he said to the stairs ahead.

"Yes, Alpha?" came the response from somewhere near his hip.

Quinn pulled him up to his chest like a child cradled a teddy bear. “I didn’t mean to- I’m sorry for manhandling you without your permission. I wasn’t- I didn’t think.”

Remi tilted his head back, soft hair mussing against Quinn's t-shirt. His mildly drowsy gaze settled on Quinn's face.“That’s okay, Alpha. It doesn’t hurt.”

Quinn hurried to the top of the stairs and placed Remi back on his feet. “Remi, if I hurt you I’d want to know immediately!” he said, breathless. Missing his workouts for a week was taking more of a toll than he could have realised.

“Yes, Alpha," Remi answered obediently. Quinn didn't like how close that exchange had sounded to an order being received and confirmed, but he didn't have the energy for any more debate. He was always tired lately. He braced his hands on his knees and sighed wearily.

“Goodnight, Remi,” he said to the carpet.

As he straightened and dragged himself to his bedroom, a soft voice called, “goodnight, Alpha,” behind him.


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