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A Day In The Life Of Omega Remi!

Small note: Technically, this is a day in the life of Omega Remi post-chapter 9, but this needed to be uploaded within March and chapter 9 comes out April 2nd. This will still make sense with only having read up to chapter 8, but you will understand what I mean after 9 comes out.


Knocking and announcement of the time from Alpha Quinn woke Remi just enough to call back in thanks and promise to be downstairs in ten minutes. Her alpha was so tolerant, Remi thought with a smile as she stretched against the thick, fluffy white duvet. As soon as Remi had a phone of her own, she would be up first to wake her alpha. An omega should always rise first, they should be preparing their alpha’s day before their eyes even op…


The goodbye that carried up the stairs, and subsequent front door clunk, roused Remi into a sleepy seated position in the centre of her bed.

She had overslept again.


Remi flopped back down with a sigh.

Another day of letting down her alpha. With a flurry of kicks into her duvet she attempted to release her frustration. It didn’t work, and now her toes were cold. She squeezed her fists into her eyes for a moment. If she cried again Alpha Quinn might notice, and she didn’t like it when Remi cried. Instead, she sniffed deep and hard and blinked up at the ceiling a few times until her eyes cleared.

Alpha Quinn had been so patient with her already. She needed to pull herself together and do better.

A deep breath, and she dragged herself over the edge of the enormous bed. It was the bed of an alpha, but Remi would never complain. She’d never had a bed that wasn’t originally built for a child, now she rested in her own plush palace. Once the pack grew, she would be moved somewhere else, of course. Maybe the sofa, so she could be near the kitchen. Maybe on the floor of Alpha Quinn’s room to be nearby for any needs she may have. Remi mused over her possible placements as she brushed her teeth and washed her face.

The toiletries donated to her private bathroom on her first night had the same elegant scents that followed Alpha Quinn. The brand names were foreign to Remi, but she got the impression they were expensive. Everything in Alpha Quinn’s home looked and smelled expensive.

In her old pack, the shampoo and conditioner came from the same bottle. Shower gel only purchased it it proudly boasted ‘£1!’ stickers. Lotion was white, generic, and unperfumed. The all-white bathroom that attached to her new bedroom was a spa in comparison. Well, Remi had only seen a spa in an old movie once, but when the tiled room filled with steam it was totally the same.


It was colder and colder every morning. Autumn from inside Alpha Quinn’s home was very different to her old pack house. Her new alpha left the thermostat bare of threatening notes and hiked up the temperature when she was home. Despite the encouragement Remi had been given to alter the heating as she pleased, she knew better than that. Fool me once. After pulling on one of her super-stretched-out sweaters, she toed her way out of her room and down the stairs.

The all-white furniture added to the morning chill, as though the cold air bounced off the crisp clean surfaces. Different textures, all the same white. Walls, floors, windows and doors. Money doesn’t grow on trees, her alpha’s voice growled in her mind, who needs matching chairs anyway? Lazy animals should be glad they get a seat at the table.

Old alpha. Remi shook her head, feeling her topknot bobbing against her scalp. Her new alpha liked expensive matching furniture. She continued on to the kitchen.

A plastic-wrapped bowl was waiting in the fridge for her, as it had every day since she had arrived. Having food prepared for her by her alpha was a kind gesture that she was allowing to go too far. She couldn’t even remember how many times it had happened, how many meals she owed back. It was her role to cook all the meals anyway, so how did she absolve the debt? The rules were different here, and Remi couldn’t completely work them out.

An alpha should not have to explain themselves. It was up to their omega to understand them. Remi recited what she had deduced so far as she ate.

- Alpha Quinn doesn’t like it when I cry

- Alpha Quinn wants the pack to rise early and be productive

- Alpha Quinn wants the other humans to think she is one of them, I must not let them find out we are not

And then there were the tests: encouraging her to do things that Remi knew she shouldn’t. But she would not falter. She was good. If she was good, she could stay.


Although there was a dishwasher tucked into one of the cupboards, it was empty, so Remi couldn’t put it on. If she put her empty bowl in without turning it on, she was making mess. If she put it on with only one item, she was wasting money. She pouted into the leftover fruit juices. That wouldn’t do at all. She hand washed it briskly and placed it back in the cupboard with the help of one of the bar stools, which she carefully pushed back against the island when it was done.

An omega’s presence should not be known unless it was asked for. They should leave every space cleaner than they arrived…


Unfortunately for Remi, Alpha Quinn’s home was immaculate.

Every day she wiped down perfectly clean furniture with the apple-scented disposables she found under the sink, but even the desperate dragging out of the only chore she could assign herself was over too quickly.


Remi tossed the still-white wipes into the bin and returned to the living room. Standing aimlessly in the centre of the carpet was practically part of her daily routine now. A little cold shiver ran up the back of her neck as she thought to the Assistant - watching her, listening to her, recording her.

An omega doing nothing with her time. Too stupid to think of any way to make herself helpful. What was Alpha Quinn thinking of her lack of productivity? Was she tracking her uselessness? At what point would her alpha snap?

She had already made it perfectly clear she was only allowing Remi in her home under sufferance. The tests were how Remi would prove herself worthy of joining the pack. The spotless house was another test, but she had no solution to it.

Her old pack house was permanently being put into disarray by all the pack mem-

Remi clapped her hands over her forehead. She needed to stop the comparisons. If she couldn’t let go of her old pack, she deserved to still be within it. This was exa…


Remi blinked. How long had she been stood in the same spot? Tummy turning and brain melting? The clock by the TV scolded her with its answer.

She shuffled to the Assistant that guarded the ground floor.


The metal cylinder lit up in response. “Hello, how can I help?”

“Please send a message to… Q-Quinn’s phone.” She was failing that test, then.

“What is your message to Quinn’s phone?” The voice sounded like a real person, but one that was reading from a script.

“Please ask her what she would like for dinner? I will prepare it.”

“Message sent to Quinn’s phone.”

“Thank you, Assistant.”

“No problem, anything else I can help with?”

“No, thank you.”

The circular light faded, as though the Assistant were going to sleep. But Remi knew it was always awake, always listening and watching.

“Message from Quinn’s phone: Make whatever you like, Remi.”

Remi frowned.

It may be cheating to simply choose the recipe with the longest process, but Remi couldn’t do another day sat on the sofa twiddling her thumbs. From the enormous, double-doored, fridge, she pulled free a variety of vegetables and laid them out over the central kitchen island. Alpha Quinn’s chopping board was wider than Remi’s torso, but she managed to heave it onto the island’s top as well. With a range of shiny knives, she got to work peeling and slicing and chopping.

If she had a day of chores at her back, waiting for her to finish, Remi could have prepped the soup in twenty minutes. Instead, she spent well over an hour on her ingredients. Hopefully it would at least make the end product taste better. They had made soup once before, together. Now Alpha Quinn would see she could be trusted to do things herself. And Alpha Quinn could have more time for… alpha things.


Once the pots were bubbling and boiling, Remi finally had a dirty space to clean!


The vegetables softened enough to add the stock and begin blending, although the hand blender in Alpha Quinn’s kitchen had a lot more kick to it than the one Remi was used to. She braced her feet around the legs of the stool that raised her enough to reach into the pot.


Smooth, creamy soup sat warm on the stove. Remi threw in a few extra sprinkles of seasonings before returning the pot lid.

Finally, she had something to show for her day.


Remi sat on the sofa and twiddled her thumbs.


Low headlights lit the front window of the house and switched off in the driveway. Remi’s heart pounded, her alpha was approaching.

Alpha Quinn entered quietly, everything she did was methodical and intentional and… quiet. Remi hadn’t known the alpha long enough to ascertain if this was the calm before the storm. Her body was waiting for the thunder though, always. Shock was the scariest part, better to be expecting the outburst at any moment. Alphas were not built to be silent. Occasionally, however, Alpha Quinn’s peaceful personality lulled Remi into tranquillity, too.

The top of her head leant into the room first as she tilted to pull her shoes off. Almost-white hair was combed down neatly to her head. Remi had never seen a head of hair so blonde as Alpha Quinn’s. But then, none of the wolves she had met before Alpha Quinn had the alpha’s standards of personal hygiene… so maybe they weren’t all dirty blondes after all…

Remi hopped up when Alpha Quinn entered the room fully. Her large frame seemed to fill the space immediately, despite not having the loud aura of a typical alpha. Her white shirt was crisp, her trousers dark grey and snug-fitting. Everything about her alpha showed quiet self-assurance.

“It’s cold in here,” Alpha Quinn grumbled.

Hot, burning shame filled Remi’s blood. That was exactly the kind of thing she should have thought of while her alpha was at work. Warming the house for her. “Sorry, Alpha, I should have turned on the heating in time for when you came in.” Test failed.

“Only turn it on if you want it on, Remi,” Alpha Quinn said, distracted as she sorted through the bag she had taken to work with her. A longing for her attention pulled at Remi’s insides. “It smells like soup, is that what you ended up making?”

“Yes, Alpha!”

“That’s nice.” Remi keened at the praise, although Alpha Quinn couldn’t see her. The bag still had her interest. “When will it be ready to eat?”

“It’s ready now, Alpha!”

Alpha Quinn turned to look over her shoulder. She had a strange look on her face. Possibly another test failure. “Do you want to eat now?” she asked.

“When would you like to eat, Alpha?”

Alpha Quinn folded her arms and leant her butt back against the dining table like she always did when she was going to try and out-wit the rules. Another type of test, a more subtle and clever one, as Remi had to play the game that Alpha Quinn really didn’t know why she was the superior member of the pack.

“Are you hungry, Remi?”

Yes. Ravenous. The fruit hadn’t filled her and the two chunks of carrot she’d stolen from the chopping board while cooking had somehow made things worse instead of soothing her squeezing stomach.

“Are you hungry, Alpha?” she asked politely, tucking her hands behind her back.

Alpha Quinn scrunched her mouth and her bright eyes narrowed. “What have you eaten today, Remi?”

Oh. Remi let herself smile with relief. That was a factual question, so the truth would make her answer correct.

“The fruit bowl you made for me, Alpha.”


She knew about the carrot. Assistant had told her.

“And some carrot pieces.”

“Is that it?”

“Yes, Alpha.”

Not angry, but frustrated. Alpha Quinn’s features remained pinched. She should have mentioned the carrot originally. Failure after failure, but how many retakes would Alpha Quinn allow her?

“Let’s have dinner now, then.” Alpha Quinn sounded weary.

“I will dish up!” If Remi didn’t jump in first, her alpha tried to do things for herself… and even sometimes for Remi. To avoid unacceptable actions, Remi simply had to get there first.


Dinner was served.

Alpha Quinn ate slowly, so Remi did, too. Even though her stomach was screaming to hoover up every last drop of soup and then stuff herself with the bread that Alpha Quinn had sliced and put in the centre of the table.

Spoonful after painfully slow spoonful, her bowl eventually emptied.


Alpha Quinn excused herself to do yoga, so Remi took the time to get the dishes cleared and the table wiped down. Always be ahead.


Too quickly, she ran out of things to do again. Remi returned to the sofa to twiddle her thumbs, wishing Alpha Quinn would return to her soon.


Alpha Quinn returned. Remi jumped up to her feet. Alpha Quinn dropped onto the sofa. Remi sat back down beside her.

“Are you copying me?”

“N-no, Alpha!”

The alpha’s weight drew the couch cushions down into a deep dip around her, pulling Remi in like a sink hole. It gave her a reason to get close to Alpha Quinn’s warmth. Her sophisticated scent creating a sweet bubble around them.

“Do you want to watch TV?”

“Not if there’s anything you’d like me to do, Alpha.”

“I’d like you to do what would make you happy.”

“Obeying my alpha makes me happy.”

“Then I order you to be completely self-serving.” There was tired teasing in her alpha’s tone.

Remi laughed lightly. “To obey that order, I still have to obey you, Alpha.”

“Okay, TV makes my head hurt less than this.” Alpha Quinn snatched up the remote and sparked the screen to life with it.

Remi waited until the room had darkened to night, and the superhero show had lulled them into a comfortable silence, to wedge herself into Alpha Quinn’s side and close her eyes.


Thick, muscular arms pulled Remi up into the air, rousing her half from sleep, only to cuddle her nose into Alpha Quinn’s shirt. The arms gave her a gentle squeeze, and then the even bumps of stair-climbing followed. A door thudded open, and she was laid back in her gigantic bed. The duvet coated her, and the door clicked shut.

Tomorrow, she would wake up earlier, she promised herself, and th…



ahhhhhh 🥺 She's trying so hard. You're such a good bean Remiii. Quinn love HERRRR and give her big strong daddy orders. 😤😔


She's doing her best, why isn't it working?? It makes no sense! It's almost like this alpha DOESN'T want Remi to worry herself sick all day about making herself useful... No, that can't be it...

Veronica M

Ahh, my heart.