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“I didn’t mean what I said earlier," said Slate. He stood at the opposite end of her office, as though she were venomous.

Bonnie couldn't catch a moment's peace, even in her own office. First Ellie, now Slate. At least in between she’d had a chance to wipe her face and turn the lights on. She missed her plush reclining armchair and plethora of fluffy throw blankets back home. The privilege of being able to genuinely clock out.

“Which part?” Bonnie grunted. She refused to turn to him, busying herself with re-arranging the same pieces of paperwork over and over. Initially, she had actually been organising her office, fuelled by the small win of Ellie's successful rehabilitation. Now she was stuck in a loop, anything so she didn't have to stop and look at him.

“All of it.”

“How vague and disappointing-”

“I’m sorry, Bonnie.”

“That’s Doctor Callon to you, Commander.” The audacity to call her ‘doctor’ when he was angry, but now revert back to a first name basis to earn forgiveness. Bonnie threw the papers into her top desk drawer and slammed it shut.

“I’m so sorry, Doctor Callon.”

“For what, Commander? Must I drag out every piece of information from you?” He appeared lost; it was a strange expression to see on him after months of scowling. “If so, I’d rather you just left. You are not my patient; I do not owe you patience or interest in what you have to say.”

"I acted like a..." He searched the air around him for the right word. "A cock?"

"A bird that displays ridiculous behaviour to gain attention?” Bonnie laughed bitterly. “Yes. I can see the resemblance, I suppose."

"Oh, no I thought that was another word for penis."

"It is."

"There are so many," he mumbled to himself.

Bonnie sighed loudly, flaring her eyes at him. A warning. Get on with it or get out.

"I should never have spoken to you like that, in any situation.” Slate snuck closer, inching his way towards her desk in minute steps. “I'm so sorry that I let my pride get in the way of my sense,” he said, tender in tone.

The word pride prickled along Bonnie's neck. She had been thinking the same thing about herself since returning from the ship-wide meeting. Her own pride had made her believe she could single-handedly counsel an entire army.

She brushed his words off with a solemn shake of her head. "It's all well and good apologising now; that doesn't make it right."

"I will send out a written apology to the entire ship,” he offered, now only a foot from her desk. Not much further from her, Bonnie noted despite herself. “First thing in the morning, for my poor public behaviour."

She raised a brow and looked him up and down scathingly. "And then?"

"And then I will treat you with the respect you deserve at all times. I promise."

"What respect?" she asked with a humourless laugh.

"I do respect you.” His posture stiffened, a soldier who had just been called to attention. But his expression remained pained. “I'm sorry that it didn't... show that way. It is normal practice in my role to question and push back with those who advise me to ensure the right decision is made, but I have realised that this is not appropriate with you. Mental health is not something I should be... debating. This is new to me. And I am sorry it has taken me this long to understand... the situation."

Bonnie stared at him, forcing neutrality over her face. There was a question she needed to ask, but really didn't want to. She rounded her desk, removing the last barrier between them.

"How much of your regret comes from a place of professionalism, and how much... affection?"

Do you really respect me? Or are you worried you’ve lost out on a chance to fuck me?

"I respect you professionally and regret making it seem otherwise to you or anyone else. Affection... is like?" Bonnie nodded slowly. "For that, I love you." He shrugged, his expression flat and his words direct.

Bonnie flushed. There was a rushing sensation in her ears. She fumbled for a response.

"Oh, really?" she croaked.


"Right. Okay."

"I am sorry if this is also inappropriate." His rigid stance, with hands pinned to his sides, made the statement almost comical.

"No, it's okay. I'm just... processing."

"I understand. Should I... leave?"

"No,” Bonnie blurted before she could consider her answer. With a slow and calming breath, she released a hundred insecure comments that had been swirling inside of her mouth. “Come closer.”

The soldier stance released, and every step of his approach sent a thrum of warmth through her. He pressed his wide palms to the top of her desk and leant forward, curling over her. Bonnie pulled up onto her toes, the gap closing slowly. Breath mingled in the small space left between them.

"I hope you know that my acceptance of your apology is solely dependent on that public notice." Their lips almost touched with the movement of her words.

"I will be typing it at dawn,” he promised on a desperate groan.

"No," she whispered. "At dawn you will be with me."

The tiny, pulsing gap was finally closed. Their mouths met hungrily, and their hands wound into each other’s clothes, twisting their bodies closer and closer together. Bonnie’s behind was barely touching the desk anymore. She was pressed to him so securely she could release every muscle in one breathy sigh against his lips.

Bonnie pulled back from the kiss with a gasp. “Not in here; I’ve already been disturbed twice.”

“My private quarters. They’re nearer.”

“Our quarters are barely a corridor apart,” she reminded him with a laugh.

“My bed is bigger,” he admitted with a sheepish smile.

Bonnie let out a scandalised gasp. “Do commanders get doubles?”

“I didn’t think it was a secret.”

“Who else has one?”

“Only the other trial commanders, I believe. No one else on this ship that I know of.”

Bonnie started as though coming out of a trance.


“Yes, Doctor?”

“Why are we talking about this instead of having sex?”

“Because you never stop asking questions.”

“Excellent point. Let’s go.”

They hurried from her office, Slate slapping off the lights on their way out.

Without a single disruption to their journey, they made it to Slate’s quarters in under a minute. He opted for the manual keypad instead of faffing with his ID card. The door slid shut behind them, and Bonnie gave the immaculately-made double bed in the centre of the room a longing look.

A hand on her hip spun her, and their lips were connected again. Step-by-backwards-step Slate pressed her towards the bed, running his hands over her sides and squeezing at every curve he found along the way. Before her legs could bump the edge, he snatched her up by the waist, lifting her at arm’s length and placing her onto the bedding like another one of his pillows. Bonnie fought off a girlish giggle. She was a grown woman, being manhandled shouldn’t make her want to hide her face. Before she could, he had taken it between his palms again anyway.

The kiss hastened, hungry lips smashing together while curious hands scrabbled to undo buttons and zippers.

A moment of hesitation passed over her. She knew from working in the Human-Ailu't Alliance medical sector that all Ailu't were what humans would call ‘intersex,’ but would Slate be aware that only a small percentage of humans were too? Bonnie was not one of them.

Slate noticed her moment of stillness instantly and mimicked her, his dark eyes searching her face with concern. He broke the kiss with a slow, wet sound.

Bonnie sucked in a much-needed breath before stammering, “I- I don’t mean to kill the mood…”

“What’s wrong? We don’t have to- If I have misunderstood, I’m sorry.”

“No! No, I want to. I just wanted to ask if you were familiar with… human anatomy.” She felt her face heat and wanted the floor to swallow her. She was an adult and a medical professional. She could talk about sexual organs without getting embarrassed with humans. She didn’t know why this felt very different. “Sexual anatomy, I mean.”

“Oh, yes. Humans have half the sexual organs.”

Bonnie released a relieved breath.

“Sorry, I thought it would be less awkward to check and explain with clothes on than… later.”

He chuckled. “I agree. Am I allowed to know which you have now or is it a surprise for when the clothes are off?”

“Do you have a preference?”

“What would you do if I did?” he asked with a soft laugh.

Bonnie shrugged with an uncertain smile.

“My role is… giver,” he began carefully, watching for her reaction. She nodded her understanding; she knew of the Ailu’t and their sexual roles. She assumed they would call her a receiver, since she only had a vagina, so they were compatible. “But in terms of physicality, whatever you have is my preference,” he said. Far too smoothly.

“Since when did you become so diplomatic?”

“I can turn it on when I need to.”

“I can’t help but feel like you needed to turn it on when you almost got shot by half your crew.”

“Enough of that,” he huffed, humour lacing his faux-grumpiness. He connected their mouths again and Bonnie sunk back into their dance for a few seconds before pushing him back again.

“I’m serious, though. About what happened in the meeting… I know Ellie has the human officers under her control again, but please… be careful.”

There could be any amount of resentment still bubbling under the surface, and although the officers may not be actively threatening Slate’s life… Bonnie didn’t like to weigh up the odds of them leaving him to rot if anything were to happen while investigating The Cornucopia. The thought brought on a wave of physical pain, constricting around her chest for a beat.

“I’m fine,” he said, shrugging off her concern. “And I trust Major Ellie with my life.”

“Do you remember how upset you got when Mihai threatened me?”

“I wasn’t upset… I was angry,” he growled.

“Yes, and I feel the same way about you almost getting shot. So please, think of my feelings before you do anything else that might bring about mutiny.”

“... Okay.”

Bonnie smiled, at least slightly assured. Enough to continue. She wrapped an arm around his neck and drew him in close.

“Then I suppose it’s time for the grand reveal,” she murmured against his stubble.

She took his hand in hers and pressed it beneath the material of her unbuttoned trousers. His fingers were hesitant as they explored further and further down until the tips brushed the crotch of her panties. He smiled, almost hiding his relief.

The tip of his middle finger flicked just beneath her mons. Her clit pulsed and she gasped.

“It is not that different,” he mused. He slipped his hand further down for a sudden slide between her lips, then pulled back out just as quickly and licked his finger.

Bonnie had no words, so she continued with actions. She yanked the last of his shirt buttons open, revealing the muscled torso that she had been missing since their early hours encounter by the water cooler. Pewter skin was pulled taut over his abs. They flexed when he shrugged off the garment from his shoulders and onto the floor, and Bonnie licked her lips before she could catch herself.

He pulled apart her own shirt in one ravenous motion and she heard buttons bouncing across the floor. The thought immediately followed that she shouldn’t have given in to the temptation of wearing her comfy bra today.

“I hope this is not offensive to say,” Slate began, and Bonnie was already bracing herself to feel offended regardless. Was her comfy bra that bad? “But Ailu’t breasts never reach this size.” His pupils had blown up, still just about visible despite his dark irises. Bonnie scoffed and looked away, embarrassingly flattered. He reached his hands out and she pressed her own into the bedding, pushing her chest up to meet him.

The cups of her bra were rolled down and replaced with his hands. Bonnie’s nipples pinched under the light graze of his palms. Such a tiny touch and her body was reacting as though she were under the influence of an aphrodisiac. She fought the urge to laugh at herself; she couldn’t bear to explain her feelings to Slate if he asked what was funny about having her tits touched.

He couldn’t contain one in each hand, but still he curled his fingers around them and massaged a soft groan out of Bonnie. Slate ducked his head and kissed between them, sucking on the thin skin for just a moment.

As Slate was making himself at home in his new happy place, Bonnie shimmied her underwear off underneath him. Wet kisses trailed from her chest to her navel, then from hip to hip, and finally Slate’s head sunk between her legs.

It seemed Slate could make himself at home in any crease of Bonnie’s body. Her lips were pried open with his tongue, two wet textures ground together until Bonnie shook against the sheets, mouth open in silent scream. There was a feral hunger in the laps of his tongue, and it wouldn’t be sated until a sob caught in Bonnie’s throat as she gasped, “Please.”

He canopied his body over her, blocking the glare of the harsh artificial lighting overhead. And then his lips were on hers again, and her taste on his tongue was the aphrodisiac she didn’t need. She was trapped to the mattress, unable to pull back from the kiss and demand he give her what she wanted. Needed. She’d write herself a prescription if he deemed it necessary.

The thick head of his cock was slid through her lips, resting against her opening with a mild pressure. If he were just to shift his weight from his elbows to his hips, he would sink into her. She felt the involuntary squeeze of her insides at the thought. Maybe… the slightest hint of nerves. Bonnie had never had sex without a condom. But there were none on board. Every crew member was required to be on alliance-issued contraception as part of their employment contracts, and also required to submit to a full health check. Sexual infections and diseases were covered as standard. Still, it felt like a step was being missed.

Slate finally broke the kiss. Bonnie gave him an assuring smile.

He cocked a brow but smiled in return and sunk into her with a badly restrained moan. Bonnie’s eyelids fluttered and she relaxed into the bedding as he took up more and more of her. There were some desires that couldn’t be sated by any other means. If you craved sweet food, you could swap fruit for candy, but the sensation of being filled was completely unique. And she hadn’t realised how much she had missed it.

His hips rocked, steady as waves against an island, and Bonnie let his tempo lull her into a puddle of satisfaction. The drag of his cock, slow but deep, massaging her insides into bliss.

The brush of lips against her temple peeled her eyes open to meet those staring down at her.

“Are you okay?” Slate whispered. The unnatural softness of his voice warmed her to her core.

Bonnie stretched her thighs as wide as she could without grabbing them. “Mm.”

His voice remained hushed. “I’m not used to you being so quiet.” He was watching her as though she were the most fascinating being in the universe. As though he couldn’t bear to miss a moment of her strange human-ness. His hips slowed and his head leant to one side. “I worry I am hurting you.”

Bonnie shook her head back and forth against the sheet. She had no questions, no comments and no thoughts. Only that she wanted more. More of this.

A sudden thrust forced a groan from her, and she could feel the smile stretching her face. “Don’t stop,” she moaned quietly.

“Doctor’s orders?” Slate teased.


He let his restrained gentlemanly rhythm go, and the fiery beast below the surface was let loose. She gasped his name into his thickly muscled shoulder over and over until it was just a sound that her body made instinctively. He murmured hers into her hair in reply, combined with all manner of endearments he had no business learning in his English classes. A senseless exchange as they unravelled in each other’s embrace.

Bonnie woke late. Slate was gone when she did. It wasn't surprising; the whole ship was ordered to be up at the sunless break of day in preparation for their approach of The Cornucopia.

When Bonnie dragged up the cover from the small port window in his sleeping quarters, she could see a pair of spaceships in the distance. One hovering without any outward signs of life or movement. The other in ruins, laid against a small, pocked moon.


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