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Walkies II - Luna POV

Puppy. Luna’s soul-mate was a puppy.

She hadn’t been able to hold back from peering around the tree trunk at her. She couldn’t believe she even had to walk around the tree to find her. The urban myth was true then: omega actually got smaller in wolf form than their human form.

A tiny, fluffy puppy had been cowering behind the bark. Black eyes watched her warily amongst the softest brown fur Luna had ever laid eyes on. This was not the fur of a wolf that ran wild. Darcy looked domesticated compared to every other wolf Luna had known. The kind of dog you’d carry in your handbag.

And now she was laid out on her side on the one puny patch of grass amongst all the dirt, leaves and tree roots. Sunning herself with her eyes closed and feet extended out, presenting her delicate toe beans to the air. Her soft belly was an ever so slightly lighter shade of brown than the rest of her fur and it beckoned Luna over. Darcy wouldn’t take well to her nuzzling into it, she could already sense it. She still approached, though.

Stood over her, Darcy somehow shrank even further within her shadow. She puffed a breath out, pulled in her sweet little feet and rolled out from under Luna, back into the sunshine. Despite the huffing, Luna wasn’t reading any actual annoyance from her body language, so she followed her across. Darcy jumped up, ears pricked and her butt wiggling just a little, but she could tell she was having fun. She ran through her back legs and Luna gave chase, slowly and gently. Pretending to take a nip at her feather of a tail and following her round and round the green.

Darcy toddled to the shaded section of the grass, panting. Luna followed, watching her tiny tail bounce ahead of her. When she stopped, Luna stopped right behind her. When she sat, Luna did too. When she growled at her, Luna jolted with surprise. It was quiet, but had a defined rumble to the tone. A real omega growl. She wondered how many people in the Pearl Claw had ever heard one. She wiggled backwards, giving her some space, and Darcy spun on her tail and dove straight back into Luna’s fur as though the growl had come from someone else. It was precious.

She was hiding in her stomach and nervously pawing the ground, so Luna nuzzled the top of her head comfortingly. Hoping she would take it the way she intended.

After a few moments, it seemed to have worked. Darcy turned away from her again, but kept herself sat almost in her lap. And then she stayed there. Luna looked between her and the forest a few times, wriggled her hips to keep from cramping up, and tried to enjoy whatever it was Darcy seemed to like about doing nothing. Her body was itching to run wild.

Dark eyes glanced back at her and she took her chance to suggest they get moving again. Luna bumped the back of her head with her nose and Darcy reluctantly raised her back legs.

After a few timid steps forwards, the shivers of restrained energy burst out and Luna couldn’t hold back at Darcy’s pace anymore. She leapt over her and into the undergrowth ahead, ripping bushes and branches with her body.

The best part of running in her wolf form was pushing herself faster and faster until the wind was whipping through her fur and cooling her as quickly as she could sweat. It was the only way to truly clear her brain. That, and kissing Darcy.

A collection of scents halted her in a skid of dirt. A patrol squad were ahead. She recognised the scents enough to know they were guards, but not enough to name the group members. Either way, she didn’t want them running into Darcy without her.

Luna hesitated for a moment, sniffing experimentally to check they were definitely heading in her and Darcy’s direction. Confirmed. Luna turned back on herself and rushed back to the tiny wolf picking her way through her trail.

She looped Darcy, giving her a once-over with eyes and nose, before taking her place at her side. Darcy moved in line with her and it brought a prideful gait to her walk. Her soul-mate was matching her step, walking at her side like a natural.

The patrol squad burst into view, making enough noise to scare away every bird in a mile’s radius. Luna frowned disapprovingly. They all put the brakes on at the sight of her. Behind them, a much larger wolf followed leisurely. Beta Oli entered the area and pushed them aside to take the helm. Her eyes were on Darcy in an instant, and the rest of the group were all staring without shame. Beta Oli sniffed in her direction and Luna felt her shift backwards in response.

Beta Oli closed the gap between herself and Luna and tilted her nose in an awkward greeting. In wolf form, communication was made through small movements and sounds. It wasn’t all that eloquent, but it got the job done.

Hello. Darcy? Interesting. You?

Beta Oli was asking if they were okay, and showing surprise at Darcy’s presence.

Hello. Yes. Fine. Darcy? Stay away.

Luna didn’t care if she was read as being rude, they were all showing too much interest in her soul-mate and in her opinion, Beta Oli should be setting an example for the others.

Understand. Sorry. This area?

Yes. Luna confirmed they were walking the area. You? This Area?

Me. Fine. This area? Yes.


Beta Oli rolled her eyes at Luna asking how Alpha Nico was. Apparently she was in one of her ‘I’m so busy that I’m going to take it out on anyone who dares to approach me’ moods. If she would allow Beta Oli to assist her more, maybe she wouldn’t be so busy. Not that it was Luna’s place to suggest, but Beta Oli clearly wanted to help her alpha and dear friend.

Patrol. Okay?

Yes. No danger.

Luna allowed her eyes to drift from Beta Oli for a moment, and a flare of anger heated her sweaty fur. The whole patrol squad were openly and gormlessly eyeing up Darcy. Their stares were intense, and she could suddenly feel Darcy burrowing into her side. Hiding from their shameless gawking.

Luna’s lips trembled, battling between baring her teeth and running the risk of spooking Darcy, or settling on a simple glare, which might not radiate the level of aggression she felt towards every single bonehead milling around behind Beta Oli. She looked back to Beta Oli, who tilted her head in question.

Them. Stay away. Omega.

Before Beta Oli could take any action, Luna turned her furious gaze on the idiots lined up behind her.


A flutter of nervous energy ran through the group at her command.

Omega. Mine. Stay away.

All of them looked away immediately, but they continued to steal quick glances at her when they thought Luna wasn’t looking. Tomorrow, when Luna was back to work, she would be having words with all the guards about keeping their eyes and noses to themselves.

To see an omega in wolf form was a rarity, but her soul-mate was not a carnival attraction. She deserved to be respected out in the wild. Otherwise she might never settle into her wolf form. And that thought was crushing to her.

Darcy lowered herself to the dirt as though begging, and it snapped her heart into two sharp shards. She moved her paw over her to cover Darcy completely with her body, and lowered until she was pressed to her back. Hiding her in her golden fur.

Beta Oli smiled. Luna didn’t return it, she was furious. The stupid guards had made Darcy upset and probably set back any progress they had made on their walk.

Sorry. Beta Oli repeated. Patrol. Goodbye.


That’s right, she thought, go back to your silly little patrol and away from me and my mate.

Once they were out of sight, she lifted herself from Darcy and paced around her, shaking her fur violently in an attempt to calm down. She puffed out a long and slow breath, then heard a different rumble.

This time, it wasn’t a growl from Darcy’s mouth, but her stomach. She sniffed at her, checking she was hungry and not unwell. Darcy huffed back at her and she knew she was fine. They took off back to their clothes, dressed themselves, and headed into the pack centre to pick up lunch.

The silence that followed them on the errand was comfortable, but Luna was burning with curiosity about Darcy’s thoughts on the walk.

“Did you enjoy it?” she asked as she spread the lunch they’d bought over the coffee table.

Darcy hesitated. “The scenery was nice,” she answered slowly.

“What about the run itself?” she pushed.

“I’m sure the exercise did me good.”

She stopped faffing with the sandwiches. “But did you like it?”

“I don’t know if that’s the word I would use.”

Luna sighed.

“It’s not your fault, Luna. I’ve never had that connection that you have with your wolf form. I’ve always known I was odd for not having the built-in instincts. It makes my wolf form almost… exhausting. Because I have to think so much to make up for the lack in natural cues.”

She forced a smile. “Well, thank you for giving it a shot. I had a really good time.” And she meant it, she’d had a blast playing in their most natural form. “Movie?” she suggested. It was supposed to be a self care day and she had wasted half of it with her own selfish wishes. At least they couldn’t go wrong with tv and food.

“Sure. You pick, I just want to cuddle on the sofa with background noise.”

Luna almost sighed with relief. “Perfect.”


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