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Dull grey sheets of metal passed Ellie by slower than a snail. For once, she wasn’t aggravated by the crawling speed of the wheelchair she was ordered into. Not when the force pushing her along was Effie. Her berry-blue carer could dawdle as much as she liked.

They had been permitted a lap of the ship, an excursion for Ellie to get some ‘fresh air’. The recycled oxygen tasted no different depending on the vent it came out of, but Ellie had breathed deeply with a wide grin as they pulled away from the ward. It was almost freedom.

With a lull in Effie’s ramblings about having poor sense of direction and hoping they didn’t get lost (Ellie silently, strongly disagreed), Ellie mustered the courage to draw them back to their last private conversation. It had been on her mind since she had been tucked into her cot by Effie’s gentle hands.

“When I was looking for you yesterday, it wasn’t to talk about Legacy,” she said quietly.

Effie leant forward over her shoulder to give her a curious look. “I thought you were seeing sightings?”

Ellie felt her brows almost touching each other. “I didn’t find you by accident, Effie. That was a joke.”

“Oh.” A pause filled with wheel creaks. “This is about liking ways, isn’t it?”

Ellie nodded. “I wanted to ask you out.”

“Ask you out?” Effie repeated, as though testing the word combination in her mouth.

“Like dating- but we can’t go on dates, of course.” They were trapped inside a big metal can of recycled farts. There were no candlelit dinners available in the canteen. “Just… trying it out.”

“Oh! Trial of mating, yes?”

“I guess.” The translation couldn’t be that far off. “Sounds about right.”

“I would like that.” Her cheeks pinched into purple dimples.

Ellie grinned, knowing she looked too eager and horny for public approval.

Effie drew her head back like a frightened turtle and pushed the wheelchair with renewed vigour.

A barely used maintenance walkway splintered off from the main one they were meandering down. Ellie must have walked past it a hundred times without thought.

“Take this left,” she ordered.

The chair slowed. “I don’t think that’s the right way…”

“It’s not. Let’s go.” She attempted to roll herself, pushing at the wheels with her bare hands. It was far more difficult than she had been expecting.

Not a full metre passed in messy spurts of forward motion before Effie gave in and helped her head in the direction she wanted. To a dead-end corridor with low lighting. Apparently, the stuttering, weak bulbs were to save energy in the areas of the ship with less traffic. Ellie wondered if the design crew had been aware of what those areas would subsequently be used for.

Once they were deep enough into their dark corner, she drew her feet back from the stirrup-like rests and stood, pulling Effie around the chair and hauling her against the wall with one hand in her shirt. Effie squeaked and grappled at her forearms.

Ellie allowed her weight to press Effie flat beneath her, head naturally rocking down, lips magnetising together.

She kissed her slow and deep, dipping her tongue into Effie’s mouth from her taller stature. Her little lover’s eyes almost crossed trying to look up at her. Their teeth bumped and Effie whimpered. Ellie rewarded the sound with a bite to her fleshy bottom lip, bringing out a violet tint to the skin.

When their mouths broke apart, Effie's expression slipped quickly from dazed to scolding.

“You should not be removing yourself from the chair!” she hissed, as though anyone were around to see that she was not taking proper care of her charge. The pressure she put on Ellie’s arms wasn’t enough to bend them, but her frustrated face lowered Ellie back into the seat.

“I guess I’m restricted to only the parts I can reach from here, then?”

Effie cocked her head to the side questioningly.

Ellie grinned up at her innocently. The chair put her face in line with Effie’s crotch. Impeccable placement. She reached out both hands, one steadying Effie’s hip and the other tracing the seam that ran between her legs. The legs shivered, but Effie said nothing. As the hand on her hip slid under to grope her ass, Ellie let the one between her legs trail back and forth, a pendulum motion that only pressed hard enough to tickle and tease.

“Ellie!” Effie whispered, clutching her mouth with her hands to extinguish the sound even further.

Ellie grabbed her belt in response, tugging it out of its buckle. She curled her fingers over the lip of Effie’s trousers, and the underwear beneath, and tugged them to her knees as a pair. Effie made a choked sound and gasped her name again. Ellie barely heard her.

There was a dick in her face. At half-mast it was pointed at her like the barrel of a gun.

Ellie hoped Effie didn’t see her nervous swallow. Her plans to dine on the rare delicacy of an Ailu’t pussy were extinguished instantly. And now she was just a little lost.

Despite having known, loved and fucked a woman with a penis previously in her not-so-long life, Ellie had never had one in her mouth, and was not ready to try something new today. Newer than an alien species, that was. It always felt as though the tips of penises were looking right at her, like a painting that followed you around a room.

Hand job it would be. That, she could manage. It would be more fun with a cock ring and a flat-headed vibrator, but Ellie was a Marine major. Resourceful and adaptive and all that.

As experienced as she viewed herself with all kinds of women, clearly she still had a way to go with gender assumptions. Her sweet and naive Effie had managed to give her a shock that had almost stilled her. The young woman was watching her with wide eyes. Ellie forced a confident smile and winked. From forehead to throat, Effie flushed.

Ellie curled her thumb and forefinger into an ‘ok’ symbol and popped it slowly over the head. Before she had made it halfway down the shaft, it had lifted almost to the bottom of Effie’s shirt in short, sharp jumps. If they had been together more than five minutes, she would have teased that it had obviously been a while since Effie had last gotten off. Instead, she flicked her wrist and pulled in smooth drags until it was pulsing against the bared skin of Effie’s lower stomach.

With a deliberately slow stroke of her fingertips, she curled her other hand under the base. Slick ridges met her fingers where she had been expecting balls. Ellie felt her brows shoot up before she could stop them. There was nothing hanging behind Effie’s penis.

She glanced up and took a few moments to watch Effie pant lightly against the metal wall. Her hips were twitching left to right and her hands clutched at her shirt, wrinkling the stiff material. Her eyes were squeezed shut as though she couldn’t bear to witness what was happening. She wouldn’t get in trouble if she hadn’t seen it.

Ellie lowered her eyes and kept her other hand bobbing at the base of her shaft in shallow pumps. It would be rude to get caught exploring like an overly enthusiastic medical student at a gynae appointment. However, she needed to know what else was under the hood, so to speak.

Where the cock finished, a slit began. It flowered open like a vulva without a clitoris, with two layers of lips that were dripping like the tip of her dick. Starting with a delicate dip of her two middle fingers, Ellie tested the depth between them. They gave and Effie shuddered, tightly pressed mouth emitting a tuneful squeak.

There was a tight tiny hole. It didn’t seem far enough back to be a butt hole. Ellie kept one finger lightly guarding it and slid another back further to check. When she brushed scrunched skin, Effie jolted back against the wall with a dull thud. Her eyes had flashed open with a scandalised look.

“Sorry, just checking,” Ellie laughed awkwardly.

Effie seemed to relax when there were no longer any fingers in the vicinity of her bum.

Ellie was still trying to come to grips with her lover having so many… parts. The toy combinations were endless and exciting. The things she could do to her back on Earth; it sent a tingle down Ellie’s spine. But for now, the dish she had initially ordered was back on the menu.

Ellie stretched her neck, tilted her chin up, and slid her tongue through Effie’s slick lips. Thighs quaked either side of her cheeks and a muffled moan told her that Effie had a mouthful of her shirt. At first, she lapped lazily, a connoisseur tasting for fun. Then, once she had warmed and wormed her way into Effie’s deepest crease, she struck with precision. With the tip of her tongue, she carved into her, lathering the wet muscle in the dripping slick that oozed for her.

Hips stuttered forward and down, almost rocking into Ellie's mouth but not quite. Unable to decide which part of her she wanted more attention directed to. Ellie upped the intensity for both, squeezing her fingers and wringing them over Effie’s cock as though she were milking her, and grinding her tongue as deep as her labia would allow.

When she came, only a sob rang out as warning before she shot clean over Ellie’s shoulder. One white streak caught the backrest of the wheelchair.

Ellie wiped it up with the underside of her top once Effie had righted all her own clothes.

She also took on the brunt of the wheel pushing on their way back. Her lover held the handles loosely and trailed behind on wobbly legs.


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