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The First Morning

Luca’s sleepy fluttering eyelids had Darcy on the brink of a heart attack. The stress of watching his soul-mate sleep, waiting solely for the moment that he would look upon him for the first time, it was almost too much to bear. If he didn’t respect Luca’s wishes so much, he would have scarpered when he first woke up.

The room was filled with natural light, but he couldn’t gauge just how early or late in the morning it was. Luca hadn’t laid out the schedule for him the day before, so if anyone was expecting them to be dressed and ready soon… he may have to rely on some birthday boy good spirit if the party were to get delayed.

How he was managing to sleep through the ruckus coming from the rest of the house was a mystery. It was clear, at the very least, that they were the last ones to rise. And that everyone else had been recruited into party preparation. No one had come to rouse them, though. Luca’s mother would be running a tight ship, it’s not like she needed her son’s help to get things in order. No, better to let him rest.

His golden curls were particularly fluffy and angelic in bed-head form. Darcy had scraped back his own hair a few times with his fingers in the hopes to look more presentable when his eyes opened. He didn’t dare leave Luca’s side for a bathroom mirror check.

Finally, a flutter turned into a flicker that turned into unfurling of his light brown lashes.

A pair of gold coins were pointed at him. Deadly still like every other feature of his handsome face. Darcy smiled at him. Luca exhaled slowly and a grin broke free.

Before he could even draw the breath to greet him, he was flipped to his back. Luca had rolled onto him, pressing him into the bed with only his presence. Darcy squeaked and flinched back instinctively. Luca’s cheek grazed his, rubbing his scent over him deliberately and comfortingly.

Darcy breathed him in deeply.

Luca nuzzled his neck with the edge of his nose, coating him even further in his unique stamp of ownership. Darcy’s thighs quivered under him. He parted them slightly to allow him even closer access.

Luca pulled up a little, aligning their faces for just a moment. Hovering above him. Their eyes locked and Darcy shivered.

Luca dove down and pushed their lips together roughly. A rush of endorphins hit him with his taste. Darcy grappled with his pyjama top, his fingers scrabbling at his back to pull him closer. He needed to be caged by him, overwhelmed with his scent, crushed beneath his weight. Luca’s tongue explored his mouth as though it were new territory. Claiming every inch. Darcy let his legs and lips fall open submissively. He offered all of himself to his soul-mate.

Their mouths peeled apart, but Luca’s breath continued to pant into his.

“Mine,” he growled. The single word reverberated through Darcy’s body.

“Yes,” he gasped back. Darcy had always been his, even when he didn’t want to be. He had known it inside.

His back arched under him, pressing every piece of them together. Luca laid his weight down onto him, sandwiching him between his body and the bed. The heavy security of it satisfied something inside of Darcy that he hadn’t known existed.

“Mine.” Luca dragged his canines along the side of his throat. “Mine. Mine.” Luca bit the edge of his ear and Darcy was shocked by a jolt of pleasure between his legs. He curled them over Luca’s hips and his mate ground down against him. “Mine.” Luca kissed his way to the base of his neck.

“Yours,” he whined.

With a long grown into his collarbone, Luca stilled.

“Shit,” he choked. His arms were trembling when he pushed himself up to lean over him. Darcy writhed against the sheets in a cloud of arousal. “I need to…” Luca exhaled deeply. “I need to rein myself in or we’ll be here all day.”

That sounded absolutely fine to Darcy, and he told him as much.

Luca laughed.

“We made a deal. And I promised I wouldn’t break any more of our deals.”

“Fuck the deal!” Darcy huffed.

“Hearing you swear is still so cute,” Luca said with another laugh. “And you know I would love to fuck the deal, and fuck you.” His eyelids dropped a little and Darcy couldn’t keep from swallowing nervously. His whole body felt so hot. “But, we have a party to attend. And I’m not one for broken promises. Sorry, my love.” Luca pecked his forehead and dragged himself back stiffly to sit at the foot of the bed. He was taking slow breaths with his head dipped.

Darcy remained on his back in the centre of the bed. He kicked his feet into the air indignantly. His soul-mate was so mean! Darcy wanted him, and he wanted Darcy. He could feel it. As though overnight he had gained a sixth sense for his soul-mate’s desires. It pulsed through him. Hot and desperate.

Luca hopped across the room gingerly and threw the windows open, allowing even more light in. And a lot of fresh air. The crisp, unscented air smacked Darcy in the face. The fog of horny energy dissipated as quickly as it arrived when his mate’s hormones were no longer surrounding him. Darcy was stunned still for a few moments as he realised just how easily he had been manipulated simply by Luca’s smell.

He rolled onto his front and hid his face in the sheets with his hands over the back of his head. He had been practically begging his mate for sex. He had clung to Luca and almost flat-out asked him to fuck him. Luca. His ex-bully.

“You okay, Darce?”

Darcy groaned in response.

“What’s wrong?”

Darcy peeked out from the sheets to answer, “I just want to die of shame. Nothing major.”

Luca slapped a hand to his mouth, but Darcy could see he was losing his fight against the humour he was finding in his embarrassment.

“Don’t laugh at me!” Darcy grumbled. He threw a pillow at him and he caught it with one hand. It wouldn’t have hit him even if he hadn’t snatched it out of the air.

“I’m sorry, my love. I just think you’re adorable.”

“Go and think that somewhere else!” he ordered grumpily.

“Yes, sir,” Luca replied with a grin. “I need a shower, anyway. Unless you need to go first?” He winked dirty insinuation at him and Darcy batted it away with another pillow. He was only half-hard. It would go away in a bit. Especially once Luca was out of the room.

“Go away,” he groaned.

Luca took himself into the bathroom obediently and Darcy slumped face-down into the bed again.

When Luca returned, the room was filled with soapy mist and a hint of his natural scent. It was heaven that he wanted to bathe in. Darcy pulled his head up and turned to glance at his approach over his shoulder.

In nothing but a towel, he stood at the foot of the bed with his cocky grin, and damp hair, and abs that needed licking.

Darcy shook his head and scrambled off the bed. He took the bathroom and washed up quickly while Luca dressed in the bedroom. He gave himself a burst of cold water to clear his thoughts before scrubbing himself properly under the steamy spray.

Once they were both clean and respectable-looking in their party outfits, Luca lead Darcy out into the titled members house to join the party. It was starting in minutes and according to the frantic text from his mother, guests were already arriving. Luca was nonplussed by the news and took Darcy’s hand as they walked away from his bedroom.

Darcy trotted along at his side, taking two steps for each of his soul-mate’s. His loose white shirt hung beautifully on him, he had left the ties undone so he wouldn’t be stifled in the heat. He felt pretty. And airy. Luca had matched the colour of Darcy’s shorts with his own navy blue cotton shirt. A non-identical couples’ outfit. It suited him, like all colours did. Darcy had yet to see Luca in anything that managed to unflatter. His skin looked gorgeous as always, and smelled even better. Darcy was in awe of his mate this morning.

Luca gave him a running commentary as they walked through the house of what the rooms were for and who stayed where. When they reached the Eastern entrance, the double doors were thrown open with streamers adorning the frame and balloons rising from the steps. Through them, the party had begun.



I'm super sorry for the delay, I have really not been well these last few days and I passed out after posting the FF and FM versions. I hope you enjoy the chapter 💗