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The Last Night

“Welcome to my room, Darce.”

Darcy stepped through the door first and Luna closed it behind them. She listened out for the lock, the words of her dad flickering in the back of her mind. If Luna broke their agreement, she could call him. She could leave any time she wanted. The door didn’t lock, and Luna stepped round her to plop her backpack onto the desk.

“What do you think?”

It was huge, like the bedrooms of teenagers in movies. A double bed took up the centre of the room and it had been made surprisingly well. Built-in wardrobes were tucked into one corner and a desk in the other. The shelves above the desk were filled with old tattered textbooks and notebooks. Luna lounged in a beanbag in front of the long windows. The curtains were drawn back to fill the room with natural light. It gave her a fluffy halo where the sun shone on the back of her head.

“It’s way bigger than my room,” Darcy admitted. “You have so much stuff!”

Luna laughed. “We’ll get a bigger one once you move in.”

Darcy felt her heart flutter. They would be living together after graduation. Once she was officially an adult, moving in with her soul-mate was expected. It made her so deeply happy she wanted to spin around on the carpet like a kid on a sugar high. She ran towards her soul-mate, ready to take a flying leap into her lap, when she noticed a half-open door.

“Is that an en suite bathroom?” she cried. “I’m so jealous!”

She skidded to a halt and threw the door open, inside was a toilet, basin and shower. Luna cackled behind her and she pulled a face at her over her shoulder.

“Don’t laugh at me for being excited!”

“I’m not! It’s really cute.”

Darcy shook her head and jumped on her, doing her best to squash the beta under her much smaller body. Luna howled with more laughter. Her arms squeezed her in close and she rolled them back and forth on the bean bag. When she stopped, they were both breathlessly laughing.

Darcy’s tummy gurgled loud enough for them both to hear over their panting, and they laughed harder.

“We’re not allowed to eat anything from the kitchen because it’s for the party tomorrow, and my mother will murder us,” Luna advised gravely. “But I bought us our own snacks and I’ll order pizzas for dinner.”

Darcy beamed. “And where can I find those snacks?”

Luna opened the doors of her wardrobe and pulled free a plastic bag, filled with delights.

“You crack into those and I’ll get the pizza menus,” Luna called over her shoulder as she pulled the door open.

Darcy stuffed her hand inside the bag and helped herself to some peanut butter cups. She used her other hand to wave goodbye to Luna.

While her mate was out of the room, Darcy couldn’t help but snoop around a bit. With her mouth filled with chocolatey goodness at the same time, of course.

It was fairly neat and tidy. Especially for a member of the dominant gender. She had been expecting underpants on the floor and a distinct smell of gym sweat. She was super jealous of the tv, she wasn’t allowed one in her room. The bed was tempting her, she wanted to throw herself on it and see how much it bounced. She had almost convinced herself when Luna burst back into the room. She waved a brochure in the air triumphantly. Darcy grinned and took it from her.

She scanned the menu quickly and picked a small pizza, Luna read over her shoulder and picked a large. Luna put in orders for a few others in the pack who had messaged her asking to get in on the delivery. Apparently, no one could ever be bothered to walk all the way down the drive to collect the food off pack grounds. If one person was going, everyone wanted to add to the order.

Ten minutes after ordering, she was off to collect. The walk was long, so she told Darcy to stay put.

Darcy jumped on her bed for twenty minutes before she got too tired and flopped onto the bean bag. After another twenty minutes, Luna returned.

The heavenly smell of pizza had Darcy cheering her entrance. Luna grinned and laid two boxes on her desk. Darcy followed her like a puppy, hungry and excited. But first, she needed to get something off her chest. Something that could cause her soul-mate to choke on her cheese if she waited another minute.

“About that thing I needed to tell you-”

“Sorry, babe, bear with me just a minute,” Luna said distractedly. She had popped the lids open and was inspecting both pizzas. “I think I got given the wrong box - you said extra cheese and green peppers, right?”


Luna sighed. “Sorry, let me go sort this out. I’ll be right back and then you can tell me, okay?”


She hurried off with her pizza and Darcy perched on the edge of the bed awkwardly until she returned.

“Sorted!” Luna yelled from the door and kicked it closed behind her. She handed her the box and took her own from the desk. They sat on the floor to eat and Luna filled the conversation with tales of her fellow beta, Oli, and her many feasting feats. Apparently, the gentle giant of the Pearl Claw could devour more food in one sitting that Darcy did in a week. Tomorrow she would be getting introduced to her, and the alpha. She asked, in a chewing pause, what he was like.

“Nico? She’s tough as nails, but I think she’s fair overall,” Luna answered carefully.

“Your alpha is a woman?”

Luna tilted her head cutely. “Yeah, you didn’t know?”

“I guess I should have done my homework beforehand,” she said with a shrug. If Luna didn’t think that a female alpha was a rarity, Darcy didn’t want to act like she was ignorant, but she had never met one before.

Luna laughed and stuffed her face with more cheese and pepperoni.

Once Darcy had cleared all but one piece of her pizza, she pushed the box away and stood up to stretch. She felt uncomfortably full. With a sigh, she sunk into the centre of the bean bag. Her eyes were half-lidded as she watched Luna polish off every last bite of what had been left on the cardboard.

Luna licked the tips of her fingers and Darcy’s lower tummy clenched. She looked over Darcy once she had finished. It did not help with the unwanted arousal.

“Shouldn’t I be the one getting sleepy?” Luna teased.

“Too much food,” she groaned.

“Let’s watch a movie while your stomach settles.”

Darcy nodded happily and put her hands out. Luna pulled her out of the bean bag gently and pushed her towards the bed. She climbed on and bum-shuffled to the side. Luna hopped in next to her with a tiny remote in her hand.

“What do you want to watch?”

She cuddled into her and shrugged. She didn’t care, she just wanted to be close to her soul-mate. And if a movie was playing, it would be bad manners to interrupt it with her confession. She had just earned herself two hours of peace.

By the time the credits rolled, the room had gone dark. Luna flicked on her bedside lamp.

“PJ time?” she asked.

Darcy flushed, but nodded.

Luna gave her full use of the bathroom first and she took her sweet time, nervous to go to bed. Face washed, cream applied, clip removed, hair brushed, clothes off, pjs on, teeth brushed. They traded and Luna was done in five minutes. Darcy would need to get her onto a skin care routine as soon as she moved in to preserve that perfect face of hers.

Luna bounded out and caught her around the waist, forcing giggles from her. She spun her, hugged close to her body, and dove back onto the bed. They tumbled across it together and her minty laughter brushed Darcy’s forehead. She threw up the blankets and they wriggled underneath.

Luna rolled onto her side, her wide shoulders blocked out half the light of the lamp. Darcy mimicked her, pressing the side of her face into the cool pillow.

Luna stared into her eyes for a few moments. Her excitement was palpable. It healed and hurt Darcy in equal measure.

“We should do this for your birthday, too!” she said. “Like our special ritual or something. We can move all your stuff in the day before, and it will be our first night living together because we’ll both have graduated by then!”

Darcy opened and closed her mouth a few times before replying, “maybe.”

Luna deflated. “We don’t have to do that,” she offered quietly. “I didn’t mean to come on too strong.”

“It’s not that,” she murmured awkwardly.

“What is it?” Luna sat up against the headboard. “Are you not having fun?”

“I am!” She followed her upright. “We just can’t…”

Luna was quick to bounce back. “We can do something different for your birthday, babe. Anything you want.” She was getting herself over-excited again. Darcy’s heart began pounding in her ears. “A big party or a small celebration. It’s less than two months away so we can start planning-”

“My birthday isn’t in August.”


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